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Laboratory Self Audit
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Last updated:
June 26, 2001




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Pollution Prevention (P2) for
Agricultural and Vocational Educators

FFA Members Convention

(Montana High School FFA members awaiting
the Agricultural Mechanics competition
at State Convention)

This site provides a practical approach to preventing pollution in agricultural and vocational teaching laboraties. Guidelines in the form of a "self-audit" will help you examine laboratory operations and identify ways to prevent pollution. The self-audit includes the following sections:

  • Setting Up Your Audit
  • General Housekeeping and Resource Conservation
  • Agricultural and Power Mechanics Laboratory
  • Wood/Construction/Carpentry Laboratory
  • Green House/Farm Plot Laboratory Areas
  • Metals and Welding Laboratory
  • Animal Confinement Areas
The site was created and is maintained by the EPA Region 8 Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center. With input from teachers we will continue to add to and modify the information presented. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Directories for Agricultural Educators

AAAE Directory of University Faculty in Agricultural Education - This directory lists faculty members in Agricultural Education at every land grant university in the country with an Ag Ed program.

Agricultural Educator's Directory - this directory lists all secondary Agricultural Educators in the United States by state including name and address.  The directory is free.


Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center
Montana State University Extension Service
Taylor Hall, P.O. Box 173580
Bozeman, MT 59717
phone (406) 994-3541  fax (406) 994-5417

This project was made possible with funding from Region 8 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center.