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Address Information

227 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 200
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 543-1147
Fax. (202) 543-4466


Julia Burgess  
Betsy Marzahn  
Ralph Scott  


CEHRC offers local groups a spectrum of tools and services related to identifying housing-related and community-wide environmental health hazards, including centralized information, technical support, strategy assistance, training, and subgrants. CEHRC also provides opportunities and mechanisms for groups to cooperatively develop and sharpen local strategies and share information, skills and experiences, in support of each other’s work. CEHRC is a resource to local advocacy groups and individuals interested in using environmental sampling as an advocacy tool consistent with its established principles of primary prevention, right-to-know, community organizing and empowerment, environmental justice, responsibility, accountability, and respect.

Areas of Expertise

Community Development
Environmental Policy
Risk Management

Types of Programs


Clients Serviced

Non-profit Organizations

Resources Offered

Grants in Aid
Information Services