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Address Information

254 South 600 East, Suite 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84102
Fax. 801-983-0040


Stephen Holbrook - Primary
Kristen Thompson


The Envision Utah Public/Private Partnership was formed to guide the development of a publicly supported Quality Growth Strategy to protect Utah's environment, economic strength, and quality of life. Five years of analysis, research and public involvement have helped bring the topic of planning and preparing for growth to the forefront. With the help of thousands of Utah residents, Envision Utah has developed a strategy to help preserve critical lands, promote water conservation and clean air, improve region-wide transportation systems, and provide housing options for all residents.

Areas of Expertise

Community Development

Types of Programs


Clients Serviced

Administrative Agencies
Educational Institutions
Industrial Organizations
Non-profit Organizations
Small Business

Resources Offered

Computer Modeling
Information Services