The purpose of this report is two-fold. First, it makes the case that advocates of both pollution prevention (P2) and sustainable growth have largely overlapping agendas and thus should be encouraged to cooperate to maximize the impact of both movements. …

Environmentally preferred purchasing (EPP) means practicing pollution prevention when making new purchases. Several EPP strategies are:

  • buying only what you intend to use
  • buying in bulk
  • avoiding extensive packaging
  • buying locally
  • buying least hazardous products (cleaners, paints, etc.)
  • looking

Mercury and other heavy metals, improperly managed, pose danger to human and environmental health. Common sources of mercury include, thermometers, light bulbs, and thermostats. Used mercury thermostats have no place in our landfills and should be properly recycled. Replacing mercury …

Energy: Efficiency

Regulatory issues and best management practices for contractors and designers

Original Publication by:

Kevin McMindes and Michael P. Vogel
Montana State University Extension Service
Pollution Prevention Program
Taylor Hall Bozeman, Montana 59717
(406) 994-3451

Funded by:

The United States Environmental …


Environmental Health in and Around the Home

This Native American perspective on the Home*A*Syst program is a do-it-yourself risk assessment tool for homeowners to evaluate environmental and health risks in and around their homes. From keeping drinking water safe to …

What is Green Parks?

GreenParksEPA Region 8 pollution prevention programs and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality have been engaged in ongoing efforts to promote pollution prevention and sustainability issues to public land managers. Both groups have benefitted from sharing …


What if your school could reduce environmental impacts, improve learning conditions and lower operating costs, all at the same time? The MSU Extension Housing and Environmental Health Program has developed the Healthy and Safe Schools Kit to help schools create …


This Toolkit was created by Montana State University’s Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Center thru funding by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. Assistance was provided by Sonja Wallace at Utah DEQ and Gregg Smith with Salt Lake City School …