
Teaching Laboratory and Workshop Self-Audit

Using this guide will help educators and managers of teaching laboratories and workshops examine how they currently prevent pollution and manage waste and make decisions on how to improve.

A hard copy version of this resource is also available. You can request a copy by emailing us and asking for Run a Clean Outfit: Pollution Prevention for Agricultural and Vocational Educators.

The audit is divided into sections by teaching area; some areas have overlapping issues. General concepts apply to all teaching areas and preferred practices are included in each section. A team approach is recommended to implement any pollution prevention plan. To help find and build your team, an introductory slide show is also included here. (Note: Move through the show by using the scroll bar. Use your “back button” to return to this page.)

If you suspect a hazardous waste problem, contact local assistance or authorities to promptly address the issue and protect personal and environmental health and safety.

The guidelines are broad-based to cover all programs, if you have special needs or require further technical support, please contact the Peaks to Prairies Center for further assistance or referral. Good luck!

Pollution prevention or waste management questions?

Who to call locally:

  • County Extension Agent
  • Local Health Department
  • Local Sanitarian
  • Local Environmental Health Office
  • Water/Sewer Authority
  • Landfill Operator
  • Solid Waste Office

The Teaching Laboratory & Workshop Self-Audit was created by the Montana State University Extension Service with funding from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Authors are:

Thomas Bass, MSU Extension
Dr. Martin Frick, MSU Agricultural Education
Dr. Michael P. Vogel, MSU Extension
June, 2001

The Guide is for educational and informational purposes and is meant to provide a quick reference to pollution prevention options and waste management issues of concern to agricultural and vocational educators. It is your responsibility to be aware of regulations that related to activities you are engaged in or wastes you may produce. It should be noted that laws and regulations often change. This Guide is a public document. As such, it may not be copyrighted in any form. The material may be reproduced for educational purposes as long as this notice is included and credit given to the Montana State University Extension Service Pollution Prevention Program.

General Materials