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The Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste
WASTE MANAGEMENT: Factual information on why and how to reduce solid waste, divided into six subject...

Your search returned 14 resource(s) from the Youth Education Topic Hub collection of links.

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Art and Ecology: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Curriculum
Abstract: Focus on using discipline based art in the classroom, includes a set of resources for teachers and an online exhibition of contemporary ecological art.
Source: Getty ArtsEdNet
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist

A-Way With Waste
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Upper Elementary & Middle School Age: AIR QUALITY, WASTE MANAGEMENT: Presents integrated waste management concepts affecting land, air and water in the ecosystem. Designed to promote awareness, attitude, and actions to solve waste management problems at home, in school and in the community.
Source: Department of Ecology: Air Quality Program
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

Bountiful Kid's Garden
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Video and curricula combination that includes recruiting volunteers, developing the garden site, starting seeds indoors, transplanting, controlling pests, and making curriculum connectionsin both urban and rural settings.
Source: National Gardening Association
Resource Type: Audio/video

Elementary Urban Integrated Pest Management Curriculum
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Elementary: A curriculum on integrated pest management to reduce pests while also reducing pesticide use. PDF format that can be downloaded by section.
Source: MSU Extension
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

Energy and Society
Abstract: CURRICULUM: All Ages: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Provides activities to help youth learn about their relationship with energy and investigate the environmental issues related to energy's role in society.
Source: Project Learning Tree
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

Energy and Society
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary/Middle School: ENERGY: Provides activities to help youth learn about their relationship with energy and investigate the environmental issues related to energy's role in society.
Source: Project Learning Tree
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

Energy for Keeps: Electricity from Renewable Energy
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Upper Elementary/Middle School/ENERGY: A comprehensive and even-handed study of renewable energy sources. The guide covers the history, availability, impacts, technologies and management of energy sources used to produce electricity.
Source: Educators for the Environment
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

Environmental Awareness
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: A listing of curricula divided by age group on environmental awareness and pollution prevention with the goal of increasing environmental awareness at an early age.
Source: TNRCC
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

Environmental Education Topics
Abstract: Definition of environmental education with further links, and listing of teacher resources.
Source: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist

Getting Around Clean and Green
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary and Middle School: TRANSPORTATION: Interdisciplinary science/social studies curriculum allows students to explore transportation and environmental issues in their own lives, including systems, histories, and impacts.
Source: NESEA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

Renewables are Ready: A Guide to Teaching Renewable Energy [PDF]
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Middle School Age: ENERGY: A guide to help introduce students to renewable energy technologies and the political and economic conditions necessary for their implementation. It contains a set of classroom activities with detailed instructions and an expanded list of project suggestions.
Source: Union of Concerned Scientists
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

Abstract: CURRICULUM: Middle School: AGRICULTURE: A project that enables students, grades 7-12, to plant trees of more than 30 kinds and then choose the environmental factors that affect their growth, such as rainfall, temperature, and soil conditions. The software is intended for biology and ecology classes. Teacher and professional development materials are included.
Source: National Science Foundation
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum

The Jason Project
Abstract: CURRICULA: All Ages: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Annual expedition on-line and broadcast daily with associated curriculum related to science, math and technology.
Source: Jason
Resource Type: Web site

Trash Conflicts: A Science and Social Studies Curriculum on the Ethics of Disposal
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Middle School: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Through science-based experiments, research and analysis, role-plays, and discussions, students learn about the nature of garbage, disposal methods, consumer behavior, toxic waste, and the political process surrounding trash disposal.
Source: Educators for Social Responsibility
Resource Type: Article/report

Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (northeast), WRRC (southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (southwest), P2RIC (plains), Peaks to Prairies (mountain), WRPPN (Pacific southwest), PPRC (northwest).