Youth Education - P2 Instructional Materials LinksThese resources give more detailed information about the concepts presented in this section.
There are 69 links in this section.
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Essential Links
Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence
Abstract: Provides a set of recommendations for evaluating and selecting environmental education materials. Guidelines can also help educators develop activity guides, lesson plans, and other instructional materials.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Best of the Rest Links
Adventures of the Garbage Gremlin
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: On-line storybook about recycling.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Aggregate Stability Demonstration
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AGRICULTURE: Learn about the role that clumps of dirt play in healthy soil.
Source: Conservation Technology Information Center
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Agricultural Experiments
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary/Middle School: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES: A few basic ideas of agricultural science projects you can do.
Source: USDA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Air Quality Lesson Plans and Data
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AIR QUALITY: The information contained on these pages is designed to provide educators who teach kindergarten through 12th grade with the background, activities and resources to teach the subject of air quality in the classroom. The information is presented in three levels: lesson plans, information and activities, and data files.
Source: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
A-Way With Waste
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Upper Elementary & Middle School Age: AIR QUALITY, WASTE MANAGEMENT: Presents integrated waste management concepts affecting land, air and water in the ecosystem. Designed to promote awareness, attitude, and actions to solve waste management problems at home, in school and in the community.
Source: Department of Ecology: Air Quality Program
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Backyard Conservation
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School Ages: AGRICULTURE/WATER/WASTE: Teaches citizens how to improve water quality and provide habitat for wildlife in their yards using conservation techniques developed for farms. Modules encourage students to explore and investigate and also to utilize nearby natural areas as outdoor classrooms.
Source: Wildlife Habitat Council
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Building Better Soil
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AGRICULTURE: Recipe for making an edible parfait that compares to the makeup of real soil (including gummy worms). Includes explanation of soil profile.
Source: Conservation Technology Information Center
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Case of the Broken Loop [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Learn more about reducing waste and conserving resources by following the detective through this on-line comic book.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Deep Subjects: Wells and Ground Water [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: Groundwater, how it moves through soil, interacts with surface water, and is extracted for human usage.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Don't Spoil It Activity Book [PDF]
Abstract: ACITIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Booklet on pollution prevention, with information, directed discussion topics, and activities, in PDF format.
Source: KDHE
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Drinking Water
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: WATER QUALITY: A list of activities divided by grade levels K-12 and related to drinking water, including where water and water pollution come from and go, and purification methods.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
EcoHealth 101
Abstract: Rooted in serious science, this site taps the latest global environmental research to keep the content up-to-date and accurate. It was developed as a tool for teachers and students, and offers photos, diagrams, maps, video clips, lesson plans, in coverage of complex, environmental topics.
Source: John Hopkins University
Resource Type: Web site
Edible Earth Parfaits
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All ages: WATER QUALITY: Demonstrates the geology of an aquifer. Build an edible aquifer, learn about confining layers, contamination, recharge and water tables.
Source: The Groundwater Foundation
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Edible Soil Compaction Demonstration
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AGRICULTURE: Using cereal to illustrate particles/aggregates of soil and milk to imitate rainwater, the experiment shows how compaction affects the infiltration, storage and rate of water movement through soils.
Source: Conservation Technology Information Center
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Elementary Urban Integrated Pest Management Curriculum
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Elementary: A curriculum on integrated pest management to reduce pests while also reducing pesticide use. PDF format that can be downloaded by section.
Source: MSU Extension
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Energetic Experiments [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Three hands-on experiments that demonstrate the importance of energy efficiency.
Source: Energy Star
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Energy and Society
Abstract: CURRICULUM: All Ages: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Provides activities to help youth learn about their relationship with energy and investigate the environmental issues related to energy's role in society.
Source: Project Learning Tree
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Energy and Society
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary/Middle School: ENERGY: Provides activities to help youth learn about their relationship with energy and investigate the environmental issues related to energy's role in society.
Source: Project Learning Tree
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Energy for Keeps: Electricity from Renewable Energy
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Upper Elementary/Middle School/ENERGY: A comprehensive and even-handed study of renewable energy sources. The guide covers the history, availability, impacts, technologies and management of energy sources used to produce electricity.
Source: Educators for the Environment
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Energy Hog Scavenger Hunt [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Middle School: ENERGY CONSUMPTION: A questionnaire and check-list to check your home for energy savings or waste.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Resource Type: Article/report
Energy Quest
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Learn about energy and how to save it. This fun site features large text, lots of illustrations, coloring pages, games, puzzles, and more.
Source: California Energy Commission
Resource Type: Web site
Environmental Awareness
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: A listing of curricula divided by age group on environmental awareness and pollution prevention with the goal of increasing environmental awareness at an early age.
Source: TNRCC
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
EnviroRangers P2 Web Club
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All age groups: WASTE MANAGEMENT: On-line pollution prevention web club with news, facts, and individual and group activities. Also includes teacher/leader section.
Source: MSU Extension
Resource Type: Web site
G.W. Gecko Recycling Maze
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Learn about recycling while doing this on-line printout maze.
Source: The Groundwater Foundation
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Getting Around Clean and Green
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary and Middle School: TRANSPORTATION: Interdisciplinary science/social studies curriculum allows students to explore transportation and environmental issues in their own lives, including systems, histories, and impacts.
Source: NESEA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Give Water a Hand
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary, Middle School: WATER QUALITY: National watershed education program designed to involve young people in local environmental service projects.
Source: University of Wisconsin
Resource Type: Web site
Happy Earth Day Coloring and Activities Book
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower Elementary: Printable booklet for Earth Day activities.
Source: U.S. EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Home Energy Checkup
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: An interactive guide to saving money and increasing comfort in your home while reducing energy use and pollution at the same time.
Source: Alliance to Save Energy
Resource Type: Software/electronic tool
Home Energy Saver
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Middle school: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Figure out how much energy you use in your home and how you can save some, interactive site.
Source: Environmental Energy Technologies Division
Resource Type: Software/electronic tool
How to Make a Pizza Box Solar Oven
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Tells what you need and how to make a pizza box into a solar oven.
Source: Solar Now Inc.
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
IPM Super Sleuth
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: AGRICULTURE: On-line activities related to and that teach about integrated pest management to reduce pests and pesticide usage, divided by age groups.
Source: IPM Institute
Resource Type: Web site
Is this the Way to the Drainpipe? [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: Where water and water pollution comes from and where it ends up, and how human water usage fits into the water cycle. A story format with guided questions, answers, and related activities.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Jimmy Skunk Looks for Beetles
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Learn about how habitats are impacted through this lovely Thornton Burgess story.
Source: Thornton Burgess Society
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
John Muir Study Guide and Science Lesson Plans
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: Learning about John Muir's life can serve as a launching pad to science-based environmental studies through plant and animal habitats, ecosytems, earthquakes, avalanches, glaciers, geology, weather, biodiversity, and forests.
Source: Sierra Club
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Journey to Planet Earth
Abstract: ACTIVITY: The seven programs in the series Journey to Planet Earth explore the fragile relationship between people and the world they inhabit.
Source: PBS
Resource Type: Audio/video
Learn About Chemicals Around Your House
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Read the information, definitions, and facts on household chemicals, then integrate the learning by completing online and printable puzzlers.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Lesson Plans
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary & Middle School: AGRICULTURE/WATER: Learning experiences in earth system science related to water and agriculture.
Source: University of Wyoming Ed-Parc
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Lessons in Soild Waste Management [PDF]
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Enrichment program on Solid Waste Management (SWM) and Houshold Hazardous Waste (HHW) including definitions, storage, health, disposal, reduction and ecological issues. PDF format.
Source: KDHE
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Lessons in Soild Waste Management [PDF]
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Enrichment program on Solid Waste Management (SWM) and Houshold Hazardous Waste (HHW) including definitions, storage, health, disposal, reduction and ecological issues. PDF format.
Source: KDHE
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
MathMania [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary & Middle School Age: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Students will work together to solve challenging math problems based on real-life situations while learning the value of energy efficiency.
Source: Energy Star
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Multidisciplinary Lesson Plans
Abstract: CURRICULA: elementary, middle and high school. ENERGY CONSERVATION: Topics include: Acid Rain, Cost Effective Buying, Converting Fuels to Obtain Energy, Energy Efficiency and more. Free for classroom use, each plan can be downloaded as a PDF file and printed out. A number of them are used in ASE's Green Schools Program.
Source: Alliance to Save Energy (ASE)
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
National Junior Solar Sprint
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Student teams apply math, science and creativity to construct and race solar powered cars.
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Non-Point Source Pollution [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: Build a storm drain and river system in an aquarium to learn what storm drains collect following rainstorms, and to see the impacts of water from storm drains on downstream water quality.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Non-Point Source Pollution Word Search
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: Read the information on nonpoint source pollution (NPS) then print out and complete the related word search.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
NREL Education Programs
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Energy related activities divided by age group, including information on alternative and renewable energy sources and daily choices.
Source: NREL
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Plastics Quizzes
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary/Middle School: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Two interactive quizzes on what plastics are and innovations related to plastic use and industry,
Source: American Plastics Council
Resource Type: Software/electronic tool
Renewables are Ready: A Guide to Teaching Renewable Energy [PDF]
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Middle School Age: ENERGY: A guide to help introduce students to renewable energy technologies and the political and economic conditions necessary for their implementation. It contains a set of classroom activities with detailed instructions and an expanded list of project suggestions.
Source: Union of Concerned Scientists
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Science Fair Fun [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Provides ideas and resources for designing environmental science projects, in PDF format with clickable contents.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Middle School: AGRICULTURE: A project that enables students, grades 7-12, to plant trees of more than 30 kinds and then choose the environmental factors that affect their growth, such as rainfall, temperature, and soil conditions. The software is intended for biology and ecology classes. Teacher and professional development materials are included.
Source: National Science Foundation
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Soil is Alive
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AGRICULTURE: Build a Berlese Funnel to trap six types of organisms commonly found in soil.
Source: Conservation Technology Information Center
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
South Dakota Forest and Water Adventures
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WATER: Forest and watershed educational modules developed as an interactive touch screen exhibit.
Source: South Dakota Department of Environmental Resources
Resource Type: Article/report
Take the Family Home Energy Quiz
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Use this Home Energy Quiz with your child to find ways that your home could be more energy efficient, then calculate your home's energy-efficiency rating.
Source: US DOE
Resource Type: Article/report
Teaching About Energy:
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Links to an assortment of lesson plans on energy, energy efficiency, and renewable energy that are listed by age group.
Source: US DOE
Resource Type: Web site
Teaching Plastics
Abstract: CURRICULA: All ages: HOUSEHOLD & COMMUNITY/WASTE MANAGEMENT: online scientific invesitgation resource for teachers, parents and students includes the new Hands On Plastics Jr.™ site for elementary teachers, as well as the award-winning Hands On Plastics™ site for the middle school level.
Source: American Plastics Council
Resource Type: Web site
The Imagination Factory
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All ages: EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Visitors learn how to make art using common, household trash as a source of free materials. Some of the activities include drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, papier-mâché, marbling and crafts, and a special section for holiday art and crafts is featured. The site features a Trash Matcher that allows visitors to find appropriate art activities for the solid waste they have available.
Source: The Imagination Factory
Resource Type: Web site
The Jason Project
Abstract: CURRICULA: All Ages: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Annual expedition on-line and broadcast daily with associated curriculum related to science, math and technology.
Source: Jason
Resource Type: Web site
The Quest for Less
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Provides hands-on lessons and activities, enrichment ideas, journal writing assignments, and other educational tools related to preventing pollution and reducing trash, divided by age group.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
The Water Sourcebooks
Abstract: CURRICULA: All Age Groups: WATER QUALITY: A handbook of 324 activities divided by age group within five subject areas that explain the water management cycle and how it affects all aspects of the environment.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Trash and Climate Change [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: An on-line workbook that can also be ordered in hard copy to help students discover the hidden reasons to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Trash Conflicts: A Science and Social Studies Curriculum on the Ethics of Disposal
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Middle School: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Through science-based experiments, research and analysis, role-plays, and discussions, students learn about the nature of garbage, disposal methods, consumer behavior, toxic waste, and the political process surrounding trash disposal.
Source: Educators for Social Responsibility
Resource Type: Article/report
Tree Cology
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: AGRICULTURE: Plant a tree as a classroom project and learn how trees help prevent pollution and maintain ecology. Links to kits, related activities and poster contest.
Source: SLOC
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Trip Tally: Discovering Environmental Solutions
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: TRANSPORTATION: Nine pages include a simple air pollution experiment and transportation survey including data tabulation, graphing, and analysis, relating transportation choices and pollution.
Source: NESEA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Water Crossword Puzzle
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: On-line printable crossword puzzle based on water information.
Source: Groundwater Foundation
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Watershed Patch Project [PDF]
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary and Middle School: WATER: Information and activities related to watersheds and designed for several specific age groups to earn certificates.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Watt Watchers
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All age groups: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Free program designed to help school districts save money by conserving energy. Also provides projects and resources.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Web site
Watts on Your Mind: Teacher's Lounge
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Lesson plans designed to interest students in the environment and the science of how energy works.
Source: Watts New
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
What on Earth Can You Do With an Old Jelly Jar? [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Check out this site for a bunch of different ways to use a jelly jar! It is a coloring book too.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Youth Environmental News Desk
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: WASTE MANAGEMENT: News reports on successful environmental endeavors written by people up to the age of 19 that are published and distributed worldwide. Send yours.
Source: Horizon Solutions
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist