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Youth Education - Where to go for Help Links

These resources give more detailed information about the concepts presented in this section. There are 26 links in this section.

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Audio/video: 1
Fact sheet/checklist: 8
Web site: 17

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Bountiful Kid's Garden
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Video and curricula combination that includes recruiting volunteers, developing the garden site, starting seeds indoors, transplanting, controlling pests, and making curriculum connectionsin both urban and rural settings.
Source: National Gardening Association
URL: http://store.yahoo.com/nationalgardening/11-1010.html

Fact sheet/checklist

Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Ask your own science-related question or read the answers to questions others have asked.
Source: Mad Science Network
URL: http://www.madsci.org/submit.html

Earth Café
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: A television series converted into sixteen 30-minute videos on development topics that include water, energy conservation, recycling, wastewater treatment, pesticides, household hazardous waste, underground storage tanks, and pollution prevention.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/Region8/env_ed/earthcafe.html

Environmental Education Grant Program
Abstract: GRANTS: How to apply for EPA Environmental Education grants.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/enviroed/grants.html

Native Waters
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Links to publications about water.
Source: Native Waters
URL: http://nativewaters.org/publications.html

New from Green Teacher
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Books that can be ordered to promote hands-on, interdisciplinary learning through projects that benefit schools and increase green space and biodiversity in communities.
Source: Green Teacher
URL: http://www.greenteacher.com/books.html

Presidents Environmental Youth Awards
Abstract: GRANTS: Recognizes young people across America for projects which demonstrate their commitment to the environment.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/enviroed/awards.html

The Garbage Game
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Fast-paced environmental board game designed to raise awareness of pollution prevention, waste minimization, and common solid waste disposal practices.
Source: The Garbage Game
URL: http://www.garbagethegame.ca/

WormWoman Catalog
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Source for books and videos on vermicomposting and how to do it in your classroom.
Source: Worm Woman
URL: http://www.wormwoman.com/acatalog/Wormwoman_catalog_Resources_

Web site

Ask a Scientist
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Ask your own question on environmental or earth science topics or read the answers to questions others have asked.
Source: DOE
URL: http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/env98.htm

Ask an Energy Expert
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Receive responses to questions on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Source: EERE
URL: http://www.eren.doe.gov/askanenergyexpert/

Ask Doctor Global Change
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: A reference service that assists in finding information and data relevant to global environmental change. Provides students with a searchable collection of answers to questions about issues related to climate change and students can submit questions of their own and explore related links.
Source: Global Change Research Information
URL: http://gcrio.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/gcrio.cfg/php/enduser/home.p

Ask Dr. Universe
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Ask your own science-related question or read the answers to questions others have asked.
Source: Washington State University
URL: http://www.wsu.edu/druniverse/

Ask Jeeves for Schools
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Ask your own question.
Source: AJ Schools
URL: http://www.ajschools.com/

Earth Force Catalog
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Offers GREEN guides and equipment to help youth assess the health of their watershed and take action on their findings. You can also order Earth Force After School kits.
Source: Earth Force
URL: http://www.earthforce.org/catalog/

EE Link
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Links to Environmental Education Resources on the Internet, with sections for EE professionals, classrooms, students and grants.
Source: NAAEE
URL: http://eelink.net/ee-linkintroduction.html

Energy Smart Schools: Teacher Links
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Lesson plans, science projects, resource materials, energy-saving programs and novel events based on energy saving.
Source: DOE
URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/energysmartschools/teaching.html

Environmental Education and Training Partnership
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Offers educators information, resources, and links for promoting academic achievement and environmental literacy. A national leader in the delivery of environmental education training for education professionals.
Source: EETAP
URL: http://www.eetap.org/index.php

Environmental Education Grants Program
Abstract: GRANTS: Encourages and supports educators and conservation groups with innovative ideas for educating young people about our environment offering grants to help sponsor programs that promote a greater understanding of challenges facing our environment with an emphasis on solutions improving local environmental quality.
Source: PG&E National Energy Group
URL: http://www.neg.pge.com/grantProgram.html

Environmental Education Specific Resources
Abstract: GRANTS: Links to grants for environmental education.
Source: NAAEE
URL: http://eelink.net/grants-eespecificresources.html

Montana Nature Discovery Trunks
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Traveling interdisciplinary and scientifically-accurate educational kits with hands-on materials, age-appropriate lesson plans, posters, videos, audio cassettes, games, and puppets. Includes P2 related kits on air care and watersheds (Montana only).
Source: Montana Natural History Center
URL: http://www.thenaturecenter.org/trunks.htm

National Junior Solar Sprint (JSS)
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: A classroom-based, hands-on educational program for middle school students. JSS student teams construct model solar-powered cars and race them in interscholastic competitions hosted within their schools, states or regions. This site gives information on how to start or join a JSS competition.
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE-NREL)
URL: http://www.nrel.gov/education/student/natjss.html

Office of Environmental Education Materials and Resources
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Electronic catalog for environmental educational materials developed by EPA.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/enviroed/facts.html

Schoolyard Habitats Starter Kit
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Information on program to transform schoolyards and community spaces into hands-on, outdoor classrooms.
Source: National Wildlife Foundation
URL: http://www.nwf.org/schoolyardhabitats/create_orderakit.cfm

Terms of Environment
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: On-line thesaurus: Defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications, news releases, and other Agency documents.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/OCEPAterms/

The Burns Technology Center
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Web site with programs, materials and information for teachers.
Source: BTC
URL: http://btc.montana.edu/

Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (northeast), WRRC (southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (southwest), P2RIC (plains), Peaks to Prairies (mountain), WRPPN (Pacific southwest), PPRC (northwest).