P2Rx Topic Hubs - Guides to Community-Reviewed Resources on the Web
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All Residential Construction Links

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Green Grow the Buildings In Atlanta

URL: http://builderonline.com/pages/builderonline/Story.nsp?story_id=26209404&ID=builderonline&scategory=Computers&type=construction
Description: Businesses and organizations in the Metro Atlanta area form alliances and develop a resource efficient home building program. Partnerships were initially geared toward reducing the 2 million tons of construction debris going into landfills, much of which could be recycled. EarthCraft is considered one of the most progressive home building programs in the country. It serves as a blueprint for healthy, comfortable homes that reduce utility bills and protect the environment through savings in energy, water, air, and on-site recycling and reuse.
Source: In Business
Resource Type: Article/report

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The Residential Construction Topic Hub was developed by:
Peaks to Prairies
Contact Laura Estes at Peaks with questions or comments:
406-994-3451 or laurae@montana.edu