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Keyword: Golf courses, 6 Links
Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program
Abstract: Offers the Audubon Signature Cooperative Sanctuary Program (Signature Program). The Signature Program offers planning and educational services to help new golf courses protect natural resources on and off site during course development.
Source: Audubon International
URL: http://www.audubonintl.org/programs/acss/golf.htm
Best Management Practices to Protect Golf Course Watersheds
Abstract: Best management practices and integrated pest management for protection of natural resources on golf course watersheds
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
URL: http://www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/initiative/golfenv.html
Turfgrass Evaluation Program
Abstract: Designed to develop and coordinate uniform evaluation trials of turfgrass varieties and promising selections.
Source: National Turfgrass Evaluation Program Association
URL: http://www.ntep.org/
Water Management of Turfgrasses
Abstract: Discussion of factors that affect water conservation and techniques to effectively manage water use, particularly on golf courses. Includes a thorough discussion of what to consider when designing and using a watering system.
Source: Texas Agricultural Extension Service
URL: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/plantanswers/turf/publications/water.html
US Air Force Golf Course Environmental Management Program
Abstract: Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE), in concert with Air Force Services and their golf program, provides the U.S. Air Force Golf Course Environmental Management Program. Checklists for pollution prevention and conservation can be found at: http://www.hqafcee.brooks.af.mil/ec/golf/checklist.asp
Source: United States Air Force
URL: http://www.hqafcee.brooks.af.mil/ec/golf/default.asp
Greening Your Golf Course [PDF]
Abstract: A pollution prevention guide for Colorado golf courses.
Source: Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
URL: http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/el/documents/golfcourse/golfp2guide.pdf
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