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As power costs continue to rise, alternative power sources, like wind, become not only environmentally viable but economically feasible. Rife with large, windswept rural areas, communities in EPA Region 8 are uniquely situated to take advantage of this. |
Turbine Studies, RFP Scheduled for
Release: September 1, 2001 (7/7/01)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), through its National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL), announces its intent to conduct a competitive
procurement with industry to perform Low Wind Speed Turbine (LWT) Concept
Studies. Approx. $600K
expected to be available for 4 to 6 awards of a 3 to 6 months duration. For more info, contact Neil
Wikstrom, NREL, at 303/384-6960. Refer to Sol# RAM-1-31235.
Green-e Renewable Energy Website (6/18/01)
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Wind Energy Association: |
Wind Projects: more/Bcc.htm |
Energy Information Association: cneaf/solar. renewables/page/pubs.html |
Sustainable Energy News, lists alternative energy projects on
Regional Reservations |
showing wind projects by state, (AWEA) |
Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE): A hub of Wind Power info |
Winds Project, ND |
Energy Resource Information: |
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Power Becoming Worldwide Choice (5/18/01)
Worldwide installations of wind energy generating capacity outstripped
those of nuclear for the second year in a row in 2000, an indication that
wind is becoming a competitive player in today's power markets. The steady
growth of investment in wind farms makes it clear that deployment of wind
power can be part of the solution to America's energy crisis, according to
AWEA. For more information contact: Tom Gray at 802/649-2112, or Christine
Real de Azua at 202/383-2508/ or visit
to Extend Federal Wind Energy Production Credit
Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Jim Jeffords (R-Vt.), and Kent
Conrad (D-N.D.) helped set the stage for what is expected to be a strong
effort to extend the federal wind energy production tax credit (PTC),
introducing legislation (S. 530) March 14 to extend the credit for five
years. S. 530 joins a
companion bill (H.R. 876) introduced in the House of Representatives a
week earlier. For more info contact: Tom Gray at 802/649-2112 or Christine
Real de Azua at 202/383-2508.
Wind Power as
Rural “Crop”(3/22/01)
Capturing energy from wind blowing over the land is emerging as one
of the most lucrative "crops" around. An article in Tidepool Magazine,
“Harvesting The Wind: A New Economic Opportunity for Rural
Communities,” reports that farmers
and ranchers typically earn $2,000 annually for each wind turbine sited on
their land. Since a turbine only requires around one-half acre, harvesting
the wind has a profitability per acre many times that of most other crops.
Additionally, the Seattle Post-Intelligencier reports: “As the
Northwest faces the prospect of skyrocketing wholesale electricity rates
in coming years, experts say rural communities could become a major source
of clean power for the region's energy-hungry cities. Rural landowners
could generate energy not only for their own needs but even produce
marketable excess power to sell.” To view these articles see:
Wind Power on Blackfeet
Reservation, Montana
September 6th, the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council signed a
joint development agreement with SeaWest Windpower, Inc., to build a 22
megawatt wind installation on the reservation. Called the Blackfeet I Wind
Power Project, it is the first commercial utility-scale wind facility ever
planned for tribal lands and is the largest in Montana to date. "The
Blackfeet have tremendous land and wind resources," said Dave Roberts,
assistant vice-president at SeaWest. "We are helping them develop their
export market — to the state and to other places. Our role is to work
directly with the tribe to see this happens." Says Earl Old Person,
chairman of the Blackfeet council, "Gaining electricity from the winds
here on the reservation has been talked about for many years. We are
gratified that this idea has finally become a reality." For more information see "Blackfeet
Wind Projects" at
For related news articles see or
Low Costs Position Wind as Clean Solution to Energy
The American Wind Energy Association reports: "Electricity from large new wind farms proposed in the Western United States will be
generated at record-low costs, establishing wind energy as a source of electricity that
can play a significant role in stabilizing electricity prices while offsetting pollution
associated with conventional electricity generation." To view the
article see:
View the AWEA comparative energy cost fact sheet, at:
Wind Power Project Proposals
Bonneville Power Administration requests proposals for new large-scale
wind power projects, with a minimum of 15 average megawatts (about 40 to 60
megawatts of nameplate capacity) per project.
The agency is soliciting for a total of roughly 1,000 megawatts of
wind power, which would supply the needs of about 150,000 households. For more info, call George Darr, BPA,
at 503/230-4386 or see
Largest Wind Farm In the World
January, plans for construction of 450 windmills along the Oregon-Washington
line, to generate 300 megawatts or enough electricity for 70,000 homes in 11
Western states, was announced. Factoring in the savings from the federal
wind energy production tax credit, the “Stateline” wind farm will
achieve record-low costs of only 2.5 cents per kilowatt-hour,
according to the American Wind Energy Association. Construction could be
completed by the end of the year. With this winter's elevated natural gas
prices, wind energy is now shaping up as one of the lowest-cost
options for electricity production. For more information view
What is the Value of Energy? (2/27/01)
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