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U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Pollution Prevention Program
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) logo

Address Information

999 - 18th Street, Suite 300 (8P-P3T)
Denver, CO 80202-2466
Fax. 303-312-6044
Hotline 800-227-8917


John Brink  brink.john@epa.gov - Primary
Kim Bartels  bartels.kim@epa.gov
Patty Crow  crow.patty@epa.gov
Carl Heskett  heskett.carl@epa.gov
Dianne Thiel  thiel.dianne.whitney@epa.gov
Linda Walters  walters.linda@epa.gov
Marie Zanowick  zanowick.marie@epa.gov


The Region 8 Pollution Prevention (P2) program serves a variety of customers to make pollution prevention the environmental strategy of choice. P2 staff work through voluntary programs and partnerships with business and industry, state and local governments, citizens groups and other federal agencies to prevent pollution in the Region 8 states. They also provide technical assistance and administer grant funding for P2 demonstration projects.

Areas of Expertise

Pollution Prevention

Types of Programs

Federal Government

Clients Serviced

Administrative Agencies
Educational Institutions
Industrial Organizations
Non-profit Organizations
Small Business

Resources Offered

Grants in Aid
Information Services