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Community Growth - Table of Contents LinksThese resources give more detailed information about the concepts presented in this section. There are 116 links in this section.
Sorted by Resource Type Sort Alphabetically by Title Instead NOTE: [PDF] links require the Acrobat Reader from Adobe. Article/report Abstract: A framework to utilize policy design in the development of sustainable agriculture within the general context of sustainable development. Source: International Institute for Sustainable Development URL: Ahwahnee Principles Abstract: How to make communities more livable and environmentally sensitive. Links to an article reprinted from Western Cities Magazine describing implementation of these principles. Source: Local Government Commission URL: Albuquerque 2000 Progress Report Abstract: Information on preliminary sustainable growth measures as well as goals for a city, including future indicators. Source: The City of Albuquerque URL: An Investigation of Sprawl Development and Its Effect on Transportation Planning: The Lower Savannah Region of Government [PDF] Abstract: Research focused on local government official responses to growth questionnaires. Specific implications for controlled development standards are identified as significant factors for land-use decisions. Source: South Carolina State Universtiy URL: t.pdf Back to Prosperity: A Competitive Agenda for Renewing Pennsylvania Abstract: This report contends that the economic future of a major rust belt state depends on revitalizing its demographic mix and curbing some of the nation's most radical patterns of sprawl and abandonment. Above all, the study reveals that Pennsylvania's highly decentralized growth patterns are weakening the state's established communities, undercutting the very places whose assets the state needs to compete in the knowledge economy. Source: The Brookings Institution URL: Best Practices in Natural Hazards Planning and Mitigation [PDF] Abstract: Addresses challenges facing local elected officials and staff in Colorado to reconcile new growth and development in areas that are subject to a variety of natural hazard threats. Source: Smart Growth Colorado URL: Beyond Sprawl - Growth Planning for California Abstract: This widely acclaimed report suggests new ideas about how California can continue to grow while still fostering the economic vitality and quality of life that makes it such a vibrant place to live and work. It is sponsored by a diverse coalition-the California Resources Agency, a government conservation agency; Bank of America, California's largest bank; Greenbelt Alliance, the Bay Area's citizen conservation and planning organization; and the Low Income Housing Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to low-income housing. Source: Bank of America, et al URL: Building Better Places to Live, Work and Play [PDF] Abstract: Homebuilders perspective on smart growth issues, and solutions. Case studies included. Source: National Association of Home Builders URL: Building Quality Communities: Making Local Land Use Decisions by Choice and Not by Chance [PDF] Abstract: Identifies key issues for municipal officials to consider when making land use and infrastructure investment decisions. Explores how to clarify local context and causes, apply a communities vision and values, and use tools and targets in strategic ways. Source: The National League of Cities URL: Can Business be Sustained? Abstract: Reviews past and current business practices in regards to sustainability. Offers case studies for sustainable aspects. Source: Department of Energy URL: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development: Case Studies Abstract: Sustainable development success stories from communities across the United States Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development URL: Community Character Assessment Abstract: Provides 16 different assessment categories communities will find useful in determining what qualities they want to keep and development. Source: Utah Department of Community and Economic Development URL: Competition for the Land Project Abstract: Public policies - from property taxation to development fees to zoning - skew the economics of land development in favor of sprawl and against smart growth. This example talks about California's Central Valley. The full report is available from this link. Source: American Farmland Trust URL: Creating a Healthy Environment: The Impact of the Built Environment on Public Health [PDF] Abstract: How land use decisions effect public health. Source: Sprawl Watch URL: Dalton Quality Growth Resource Team Report (Georgia) Abstract: Report organized into sections on: downtown and surroundings, infill development, transportation, housing, economic development and tourism, gateways and corridors, arts and culture, historic preservation, greenways and open space, and development regulations. Source: Georgia Quality Growth Partnership URL: Desired Development Zone Incentives in Austin, Texas Abstract: Smart Growth in Austin includes many different programs and policies. This report explains how one of the most effective programs to date is the Smart Growth Incentives. These incentives are designed to promote the three major goals of the Smart Growth Initiative. Source: City of Austin, Texas URL: Development at the Urban Fringe and Beyond: Impacts on Agricultural and Rural Land Abstract: Federal information on building capacity to plan and control growth, providing financial incentives for channeling growth in desirable directions, or coordinating local, regional, and State efforts. Source: USDA: Economic Research Service URL: Discovering Common Ground [PDF] Abstract: Summarizes steps that state and local governmental agencies can implement to decelerate sprawl and damaging development in western states. Source: Tellus Instutite URL: Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benefits of Green Development Abstract: Information on and profiles of well-executed and profitable green development projects. Source: Rocky Mountain Institute URL: Economic Benefits of Parks and Open Space Abstract: How land conservation helps communities grow smart and protect the bottom line as an investment that produces important economic benefits. Source: The Trust for Public Land URL: d=727 Energy Waste and Conservation in Buildings Abstract: Energy consumption and waste in buildings is a large drain on communities. In fact, buildings consume some 40 percent of the world’s total energy. Measures to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, therefore, hold tremendous potential. Source: Department of Energy URL: Enlibra Abstract: A set of principles for protecting air, land and water. The Governors believe adoption and use of the principles by state and federal agencies, local governments, businesses, and individuals can help the West successfully deal with increasingly complex environmental problems. Source: Western Governor's Association URL: Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits Abstract: Soil erosion is a major environmental threat to the sustainability and productive capacity of agriculture. During the last 40 years, nearly one-third of the worlds arable land has been lost by erosion and continues to be lost at a rate of more than 10 million hectares per year. Source: Science Magazine URL: Environmental Tax Shifting in Massachussetts [PDF] Abstract: Describes how to shift taxation to things we wish to discourage, like pollution. Source: Tellus Instutite URL: Envision Utah Quality Growth Strategy and Technical Review [PDF] Abstract: Through extensive research and exhaustive involvement of the public, local and state elected officials, the business, civic, and religious communities, and other stakeholders, Envision Utah has gathered information about what Greater Wasatch Area residents value and how they think growth should be accommodated. This report presents those findings. Source: Envision Utah URL: EPA's description and analysis of "smart growth." Abstract: EPA's description and analysis of smart growth. Source: Environmental Protection Agency URL: Evaluating the Impacts of Proposed Land Conversion: A Tool for Local Decision Making [PDF] Abstract: Designed to help local decision-makes by: summarizing state, national, and local land use trends, providing a tool for identifying the impacts of proposed land conversions, and applying the tool in two cases. Source: Center for Sustainable Systems URL: Farming on the Edge: Sprawling Development Threatens America's Best Farmland Abstract: Details the loss to sprawl of agricultural land in the United States. The study includes national and state maps of farmland in the path of development as well as a ranking of the top 20 states by acreage of prime farmland lost to development. Source: American Farmland Trust URL: Federal Barriers to Smart Growth Abstract: Smart growth development trends and federal barrier to smart growth. Source: Northeast Midwest Institute URL: Getting to Smart Growth: 100 Policies for Implementation [PDF] Abstract: To address the gap between recognizing the benefits of Smart Growth and developing and implementing policies to achieve it. Source: Smart Growth Network URL: Greenprint for Growth Abstract: Haphazard land protection won't create habitat corridors, protect drinking water, allow for trails and greenways, or substantially impact patterns of growth. Greenprinting provides a strategic framework for making land conservation more productive. Source: The Trust for Public Land URL: d=830 Health costs of air pollution Abstract: Nearly half of all Americans are breathing unhealthy air, and air quality in dozens of metropolitan areas has actually gotten worse over the last decade according to a new report from the Surface Transportation Policy Project. The study names transportation as a major contributor to air pollution nationwide, and calls on Congress to protect and strengthen clean air laws and funding. Source: Surface Transportation Policy Project URL: Industrial Ecology and the Guest-service Sector Abstract: Industrial ecology (IE) has historically focused on manufacturing but could be applied more broadly, particularly to sectors of the economy not typically considered "dirty." The guest-service sector, for example, has a significant ecological footprint, often in environmentally sensitive areas, and would benefit from an IE perspective. This report summarizes some of those findings. Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology URL: D627-447A-AFA7-ADB1A44B57B1&ttype=6&tid=10713 International Experiences on Sustainability Abstract: Volume 12 of the Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability series is a compendium of international experiences on sustainability. The papers in this volume provide concrete examples of successful or promising governmental, inter governmental, and non-governmental sustainability implementation efforts and initiatives, showing that sustainability as both a process and a goal may be pursued in multiple ways. Source: URL: Linking Brownfields Redevelopment and Greenfields Protection for Sustainable Devleopment [PDF] Abstract: Includes: an overview of development trends; an overview of brownfields redevelopment issues (describes Great Lakes area brownfields policies); discussion of community involvement in brownfields decisionmaking; overview of greenfields issues with a focus on agricultural lands; an analysis of gaps and weaknesses in existing policies; and 32 "strategic actions" to promote and link brownfields redevelopment and greenfields protection. Source: Great Lakes Commission URL: Measuring Change in Rural Communities: A Workbook for Determining Demographic, Economic and Fiscal Trends Abstract: Rural communities are in constant flux—people move in and out of town, industries rise and fall, and job markets shift.This workbook helps rural residents make sense of these changes and plan for the future. Exercises in the workbook are designed to help communities gather and interpret social, demographic, and economic data. Scroll down this publications list to this book. Source: Sonoran Institute URL: Measuring Sprawl and its Impact Abstract: Represents the most comprehensive effort yet undertaken to define, measure and evaluate metropolitan sprawl and its impacts. This report is the first in a series of findings to be issued based on the ongoing analysis of that work. Source: Smart Growth America URL: Multi-jurisdictional cooperation [PDF] Abstract: Promoting smart growth, infill development and sustainable transportation systems through greater multi-jurisdictional cooperation are the cross-cutting and overarching goals of the Joint Center for Sustainable Communities. This report tells how this is accomplished. Source: Joint Center for Sustainable Communities URL: 0500.pdf National Coastal Condition Report Abstract: The National Coastal Condition Report describes the ecological and environmental conditions in U.S. coastal waters. This first-of-its-kind Report, presents a broad baseline picture of the overall condition of U.S. coastal waters as fair to poor, varying from region to region. Source: Environmental Protection Agency URL: National Survey on Growth and Land Development Abstract: Results of poll on how Americans feel about smart growth. Findings show strong public concern about land-wasting development. Source: Smart Growth America URL: New Community Design to the Rescue Abstract: A four part report explaining how states and communities can encourage New Community Design, i.e. mixed-use, mixed-income, walkable development by eliminating institutional barriers in the marketplace. Source: National Governor's Association URL:,1188,T-ENVIRONMENT_EMERG ENCY%5EC_ISSUE_BRIEF%5ED_2344,00.htm New Tools For Community Design and Decision Making: An Overview Abstract: A presentation about the planning tools of the next century: Unlike other aspects of daily life and work, the act of planning our communities requires an understanding of complex and sometimes counterintuitive processes that unfold over long periods of time. This may be one reason why, in our fast-paced world, the discipline of planning as it is widely practiced has not kept pace with progress in other areas, most notably, science and technology. Source: EPA URL: New Urban Form, New Urban Challenges Abstract: The evolution of America’s cities into urban regions with multiple economic and social hubs has created new challenges for the private and public sector that can best be addressed through more compact development that uses less land and is more closely linked to surrounding areas, according to participants in the recent ULI Larson Forum on Land Use Policy. This report details those views. Source: Urban Land Institute URL: Orienting Urban Planning to Sustainability in Curitiba, Brazil Abstract: Curitiba, perhaps the best planned city in Brazil and an international model for sustainable development, is more than simply the result of a few successful projects. The city's achievements are the result of strategic, integrated urban planning. This overarching strategy informs all aspects of urban planning, including social, economic and environmental programs. Source: The International Council for Local Environmental Issues URL: Our Built and Natural Environments [PDF] Abstract: A technical review of the interactions between land use, transportation, and environmental quality. Source: EPA URL: Paving our way to water shortages Abstract: Many blame erratic weather conditions for water shortages, while others point to population growth. But that's not the whole story. Another major contributor to our water problems is the way we develop land. As we pave over more and more wetlands and forests, this new report shows that we are depleting our water supplies. Source: American Rivers URL: play&cid=1010 Paying for Prosperity: Impact Fees and Job Growth Abstract: This report addresses the controversy around impact fees by reviewing the academic literature concerning the effect of impact fees on employment and the economy generally. In addition, the report presents a new analysis of the relationship between impact fees and job creation by assessing impact fee and economic data. Source: The Brookings Institution URL: m Paying the Costs of Sprawl Abstract: Using fair-share costing to control sprawl. Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development URL: Planning for Smart Growth: 2002 State of the States Abstract: Smart growth measures are most successful in states where planning statutes have been modernized. APA's new report, Planning for Smart Growth: 2002 State of the States, tracks each state's level of success. Source: APA URL: Policy Guide on Smart Growth Abstract: A step by step guide to help readers understand and implement smart growth policies. Source: American Planning Association URL: Preserving New York City's watersheds Abstract: In terms of human benefits, one would be hard-pressed to name a more critical natural habitat anywhere in the world. The catastrophic consequences of not protecting this prize-winning unfiltered water supply, is both economic and environmental. This report tells what is being done. Source: New York Public Interest Research Group URL: Protecting Water Resources [PDF] Abstract: Smart growth and "mixed-use" strategies relating to protecting water resources for local governments. Source: National Association of Counties (NACo) URL: Putting the Pieces Together [PDF] Abstract: Using growth situations in California, this report analyzes barriers to achieving objectives most people express as desirable. These include the need to preserve open space, quality of life, a clean environment, and a dynamic economy that works for people. Source: Urban Land Institute URL: df River Budget: National Priorities for Local River Conservation Abstract: Protecting and restoring the nation’s rivers requires an enormous range of activities, on a national, regional and local basis. And for all of these efforts, financial assistance from the federal government can mean the difference between living streams and degraded waterways. To guide the federal investment in river conservation, each year American Rivers comes together with 400 local and regional conservation groups and community leaders to develop River Budget: National Priorities for Local River Conservation. Source: American Rivers URL: play&cid=2715 Sample Indicators of Sustainability Abstract: Offers sample sustainability indicators planners and citizens can incorporate into their growth strategies, and how to choose indicators relevant to individual communities or jurisdictional entities. Source: Sustainability Measures URL: ml Smart Growth at the Frontier: Strategies and Resources for Rural Communities [PDF] Abstract: Smart growth tools are not currently widely adopted in rural areas. This publication identifies the need for it as well as stumbling blocks and ways to address them. Source: Northeast Midwest Institute URL: Smart Growth for Tennessee Towns and Counties: A Process Guide Abstract: Report on methods, tools and procedures of smart growth efforts in TN. Includes 6 models/case studies. Source: University of Tennessee, Knoxville URL: Suburban Sprawl and Community Design Abstract: Why community design is a good option. Source: Great Lakes Bulletin URL: Sustainability and the Bottom Line Abstract: A company’s ability to effectively manage, measure, and communicate its energy and environmental performance will be a major factor in its future success. Source: URL: Sustainable Technologies Industrial Park Abstract: This abstract describes the sustainable development action strategy of Northampton County, Virginia. Northhampton is home to a nationally recognized rural development model. It converted years of poverty into a winning combination of twenty-first-century industry and environmental stewardship Source: Department of Energy URL: Ten Principles for Reinventing America's Suburban Business Districts [PDF] Abstract: Social and market trends offer the potential to transform America’s more than 200 suburban business districts into more vibrant, pedestrian friendly live-work-shop places, making them the emerging focus of smart growth. Currently, such reinvented places are in short supply. This report suggests ways to increase suburband livability. Source: Urban Land Institute URL: df Ten Principles for Reinventing America's Suburban Strips [PDF] Abstract: During three days of intensive study of three strips in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, teams of planning and development experts from around the country toured and studied three very different suburban strips. The teams were made up of leading commercial developers, public planners, architects, economic consultants, transportation specialists, and property advisers. ULI teams were assigned to each strip and given the following tasks: identify the critical issues and challenges that strips face; determine the most effective ways to reinvent strips to ensure their long-term competitive position; and set strategic principles to guide suburban planners and developers in this effort. These principles were consolidated and refined by the three teams so they could be applied universally to all types of suburban strip development. Source: Urban Land Institute URL: df Ten Steps to Sustainability Abstract: Lists important criteria for launching successful sustainability programs, with links. Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development URL: The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan - Boulder, Colorado Abstract: Since 1970, the city of Boulder and Boulder County have jointly adopted a comprehensive plan that guides land use decisions in the Boulder Valley. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan is a tool designed to protect the natural environment of the Boulder Valley while fostering a livable, vibrant and sustainable community. Source: City and County of Boulder, Colorado URL: The Cost of Sprawl [PDF] Abstract: Discusses monetary and environmental costs related to sprawl development outside of centralized metropolitan areas in Maine. Source: Maine State Planning Office URL: The Crossings Transit-oriented Neighborhood [PDF] Abstract: This brief report describes how The Crossings Transit-Oriented neighborhood project transformed a 1960s auto-oriented strip mall into a vibrant pedestrian-oriented community. Source: City of Mountain View, California URL: The Historical Roots of Sprawl Abstract: Excerpted from "Sustainable Cities: Concepts and Strategies for Eco-City Development" and outlining history of current development trends. Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development URL: Town Meets Country: Farm-City Forums on Land and Community [PDF] Abstract: Information on sprawl and better ways to grow and develop land that benefits both rural and urban entities. Source: American Farmland Trust URL: Village Homes Development Abstract: Village Homes is a 68-acre development of single-family homes, apartments, a community center and an office building that features solar construction, natural cooling systems, communal agricultural areas, a natural drainage system and a pedestrian- and bike-friendly layout. Source: Department of Energy URL: Virginia's Coastal Zones Abstract: The Virginia Coastal Program is entrusted with preserving, protecting, and restoring the rare natural beauty of Virginia's Coastal Zone, while fostering appropriate economic growth and development. Source: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality URL: We Believe statement Abstract: 16 points the Council members share that underlie all of their agreements in creating their Sustainable Development report to the President. Source: President's Council on Sustainable Development URL: ieve.html Case study/success story Abstract: Over the years, as violence, gang activity, drugs and physical deterioration plagued Cabrini-Green, this site has become a national symbol for the problems associated with public housing. Today, Cabrini-Green is a high-density combination of high-rise buildings and row houses. Source: Chicago Housing Authority URL: Conservation Law Foundation Case Studies Abstract: A resource for people working to create more livable communities through sustainable measures. Source: Conservation Law Foundation URL: Creating Great Neighborhoods Abstract: Building great neighborhoods through planned density is a practical approach to growth that is being used in diverse places across the country. There is an increasing recognition nationwide that density is an integral component to creating neighborhoods that offer convenience, value and a high quality of life. Source: Environmental Protection Agency URL: Entrepreneurs Saving the Planet Abstract: These case studies shows how a leading designer and manufacturer of advanced water purification systems creates cost-effective high-quality water for industry and communities. Source: Watersolve International URL: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities Abstract: The mission of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities is to achieve the development of a multi-million dollar market for green roof products and services in cities throughout North America in order to take full advantage of the many benefits these technologies offer. A list of member contacts and demonstration projects is available on the site. Source: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities URL: LUTRAQ Reports Abstract: Eleven technical reports documenting creation of the Portland area Land Use, Transportation and Air Quality (LUTRAQ)plan. What started as a local effort to consider alternatives to a highway grew into a nationally recognized project. In 1996, LUTRAQ received national awards for transportation planning from the American Planning Association and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Source: 1000 Friends of Oregon URL: Resource Guide for Sustainable Development in an Urban Environment [PDF] Abstract: Case study from South Lake Union in Seattle, Washington, highlights expected economic and environmental paybacks if a Sustainable Growth Plan is adopted. Source: Urban Environmental Institute URL: Smart Growth Policy Database Abstract: This database highlights numerous policies and programs that states and localities nationwide have implemented to further smart growth. The policies in this database represent a variety of approaches ranging from formal legislative or regulatory efforts to informal approaches, plans, and programs. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: Chapter Abstract: From a report by the President's Council on Sustainable Development. It makes a case that future social progress requires that the United States broaden its commitment to environmental protection to embrace the essential components of sustainable development: environmental health, economic prosperity, and social equity and well-being. Includes how sustainable development can have market incentives. Source: President's Council on Sustainable Development URL: p2.html Fact sheet/checklist Abstract: Describes varies types of pollutants emitted from vehicles. Source: Environmental Protection Agency URL: EPA Science and Technology Center [PDF] Abstract: This is a checklist of how the Science and Technology Building in Kansas City was rated. Source: U.S. Green Building Council URL: Sustainable Transportation Links Abstract: A compilation of web resources directly related to walking, biking, and sustainable transportation. Source: Coalition for Sustainable Transportation URL: The Treasure Valley Partnership Agreement - 2000 Abstract: Formal document outlining community partnership goals in Idaho. Source: U.S. Conference of Mayors URL: What is the Triple Bottom Line? Abstract: The triple bottom line (TBL) focuses corporations not just on the economic value they add, but also on the environmental and social value they add – and destroy. The three lines represent society, the economy and the environment. Source: SustainAbility URL: ro.asp List Abstract: This is a list of all Building America projects in the country. Source: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy URL: ects_list.cfm?projsortkey=data_projects.state Building Community Abstract: Links to conferences and trainings that can show how to identify and bring together groups and people for the community planning process. Source: National Association of Counties URL: ional_Development1 Livable Tucson Goals: Highlighted Projects Abstract: Listing of highlighted projects toward attaining managed growth. Source: City of Tucson URL: Manual/handbook/curriculum Abstract: In depth review of how communities can develop a process for green building, why traditional buildings and communities consume so much, and case studies showing alternatives to sprawl and environmental degradation. Source: University of Wisconsin Extension Service URL: Green Communities Abstract: A step-by-step guide for planning and implementing sustainable actions. Source: U.S. EPA Region III URL: Linking Sustainable Community Activities to Pollution Prevention: Abstract: This highly respected source book documents how communities across the United States are taking a new approach to developing long-term healthy communities based on the concepts of sustainability. This report discusses the growing sustainable community "movement." Its purpose is to shed some light on this movement, to describe a range of efforts currently under way in U.S. communities, to explain the relationship of such efforts to pollution prevention (P2) activities, and to act as a reference source about sustainable communities for P2 practitioners and other individuals interested in these topics. Source: Rand Corporation URL: The Energy Yardstick: Using PLACE3S to Create Sustainable Communities Abstract: PLACES3S is an urban planning method designed to help communities discern an effective path toward sustainability, using energy as a yardstick to measure sustainability. Source: Center of Excellenct for Sustainable Development URL: Transportation, Land Use and Sustainability Abstract: Sample initiative including information on transportation, land use, and sustainability. Excellent examples of what communities should consider to exist within the local environmental carrying capacity. Source: Florida Center for Community Design and Research URL: Western by Design Abstract: "Western by Design" is a toolkit for use by citizen leaders and public officials in rapidly growing rural western communities. While its resources may be useful to address a broader range of land-use issues, they have been selected specifically for communities that have not yet reached populations of 50,000. Source: Utah State University Extension Service URL: Other resources Abstract: This site gives examples for livability and sustainability, and how to use bicycle and pedestrian friendly codes to help get there. Source: URL: Western Rural Development Center Abstract: To strengthen rural families, communities, and businesses by facilitating rural development research and extension (outreach) projects cooperatively with universities and communities throughout the West. Source: Western Rural Development Center URL: Periodical Abstract: Definition and explanation of smart growth including references to principles and issues. Also links to news on the topic. Source: Smart Growth Network URL: Great Lakes Bulletin Abstract: A citizen's education action tool publication that addresses regional land use issues. Source: Michigan Land Use Institute URL: Software/electronic tool Abstract: A manual for individuals and organizations from both the education and community sectors that addresses the an alliance between school systems and communities to reach local sustainability goals. Source: Energy, Environment and Resources Center , University of Tennessee URL: Measuring the impact of land use changes on water quality Abstract: In partnership with EPA Region 5 and Purdue University, the Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) launched an online tool to help local government planners measure the water quality impacts of land use changes. Based on community-specific climate data, the online tool estimates changes in recharge, runoff, and nonpoint source pollution resulting from proposed development. Source: Local Government Environmental Assistance Network URL: River Basin Characterization Abstract: This CD-ROM contains a collection of GIS data produced in support of Ecology’s River Basin Characterization work done on the Snohomish River Basin from the fall of 1998 to the spring of 1999. It includes 30 data sets produced or used in conjunction with this project, as well as several ArcView files containing data views and maps. Source: Department of Ecology: Watershed Planning URL: Web site Abstract: Actions to protect and restore Puget Sound during the 2003-2005 Biennium Source: Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team URL: 3_final.htm Energy Star Program Abstract: ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. Source: Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy URL: Farmland Information Library Abstract: Farmland protection and urban development research resources. Also news, links, literature. It is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and American Farmland Trust. Source: American Farmland Trust URL: Healthy People 2010 & Environmental Health Abstract: This site is part of a national, public-private effort to provide easy access to information useful in the development of environmental health objectives and for other environmental health planning projects. It focuses on the six major topic areas within the Healthy People 2010 Environmental Health Focus Area: Outdoor Air Quality, Water Quality, Toxics and Wastes, Healthy Homes and Healthy Communities, Infrastructure and Surveillance, and Global Environmental Health. Source: Public Health Foundation URL: International City/County Management Association Abstract: ICMA is the professional and educational organization for chief appointed managers, administrators, and assistants in cities, towns, counties, and regional entities throughout the world. Since 1914, ICMA has provided technical and management assistance, training, and information resources to its members and the local government community. The management decisions made by ICMA's nearly 8,000 members affect more than 100 million individuals in thousands of communities--from small towns with populations of a few hundred to metropolitan areas serving several million. Source: International City/County Management Association URL: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Abstract: The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System™ is a voluntary, consensus-based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings. Source: U.S. Green Building Council URL: National Small Flows Clearinghouse (NSFC) Abstract: The NSFC is a non-profit organization helping small communities and individuals solve their wastewater problems to protect public health and the environment. They provide information about onsite wastewater collection and treatment systems for communities of less than 10,000 people through a technical assistance hotline, educational publications and materials, and wastewater issues databases. Source: National Small Flows Clearinghouse URL: National Transportation Library Abstract: The Library's mission is to increase timely access to the information that supports transportation policy, research, operations, and technology transfer activities. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation URL: Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution Abstract: This website leads the reader into the book titled Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. This is the first book to explore the lucrative opportunities for businesses in an era of approaching environmental limits. Source: Rocky Mountain Institute URL: Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment Abstract: UNDPs Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment (PPPUE) facility supports the development of innovative partnerships between public and private actors at the local level. Focusing on assisting small and medium-sized cities, PPPUE works with all potential stakeholders, including investors, providers, regulators, users, and experts to meet the challenge of providing basic urban environmental services. Source: United Nations Development Program URL: Sample Codes and Ordinances Abstract: Model codes and ordinances other communities have used to implement sustainable development. Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development URL: Smart Growth Funding Sources Abstract: Guide of funding resources to assist local and state governments, communities, and non-governmental organizations who are addressing the varied aspects of growth. Source: EPA URL: Smart Growth Resource Library Abstract: A searchable catalogue of reports, websites, tools and case studies dating from 1997 until today; on Smart Growth. Source: Smart Growth Network URL: Sustainable Development Solutions Abstract: Information for those working toward sustainable development. Promotes an understanding of the economic, environmental, and social consequences of development decisions. Source: Five E's Unlimited URL: Victoria Transport Policy Institute Abstract: Dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems. Provides a variety of free resources to help improve transportation planning and policy analysis. Source: Victoria Transport Policy Institute URL: |