All Youth Education Links This is a complete list of the on-line resources referenced in this topic hub. (Listed in alphabetical order by title.) Total Number of Links: 190
NOTE: [PDF] links require the Acrobat Reader from Adobe.
Action Research: Community Problem Solving
Abstract: Description of the Action Research environmental education model developed by William B. Stapp, including 13 suggested steps for the development of community projects.
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Adventures of the Garbage Gremlin
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: On-line storybook about recycling.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Animal Waste
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WATER QUALITY: On-line U.S. map links by state to animal waste information and to additional information about animal waste and non-point source pollution.
Source: Environmental Defense
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Art and Ecology: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Curriculum
Abstract: Focus on using discipline based art in the classroom, includes a set of resources for teachers and an online exhibition of contemporary
ecological art.
Source: Getty ArtsEdNet
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Ask your own science-related question or read the answers to questions others have asked.
Source: Mad Science Network
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Ask a Scientist
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Ask your own question on environmental or earth science topics or read the answers to questions others have asked.
Source: DOE
Resource Type: Web site
Ask an Energy Expert
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Receive responses to questions on renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Source: EERE
Resource Type: Web site
Ask Dr. Universe
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Ask your own science-related question or read the answers to questions others have asked.
Source: Washington State University
Resource Type: Web site
Ask Jeeves for Schools
Abstract: ASK AN EXPERT: Ask your own question.
Source: AJ Schools
Resource Type: Web site
A-Way With Waste
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Upper Elementary & Middle School Age: AIR QUALITY, WASTE MANAGEMENT: Presents integrated waste management concepts affecting land, air and water in the ecosystem. Designed to promote awareness, attitude, and actions to solve waste management problems at home, in school and in the community.
Source: Department of Ecology: Air Quality Program
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Backyard Magic
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: On-line composting handbook.
Source: New Brunswick Dept. of the Environment
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Base Camp Earth
Abstract: Participate in science as a Base Camp Earth or journalist explorer, includes virtual expeditions of emerging science issues to acquaint your students with both a contemporary science topic and inquiry-based learning.
Source: Base Camp Earth
Resource Type: Web site
BioDiesel for Kids [PDF]
Abstract: ENERGY CONSUMPTION: Definition and description of what biodiesel is and how it is beneficial.
Source: BioDiesel
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Bountiful Kid's Garden
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Video and curricula combination that includes recruiting volunteers, developing the garden site, starting seeds indoors, transplanting, controlling pests, and making curriculum connectionsin both urban and rural settings.
Source: National Gardening Association
Resource Type: Audio/video
Case of the Broken Loop [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Learn more about reducing waste and conserving resources by following the detective through this on-line comic book.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Compost Critters
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Learn about the wide variety of organisms found naturally in organic matter that also break it down into compost.
Source: Reduce.org
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT:Describes the what, how and why of composting, including benefits and descriptions of various methods as well as linking to more info.
Source: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Composting In Schools
Abstract: CURRICULA: All Age Groups: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Composting as a waste management technique with ways to incorporate into schools.
Source: Cornell Composting
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Conserving Water in the Kitchen [PDF]
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Tips and suggestions for utilizing water more efficiently for cooking, washing and drinking.
Source: CSU
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Consumer Choices
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION: How and why to shop for products and services that protect northern rockies landscapes and rural communitites. See the "Some Questions to Ask While You're Shopping" section near the bottom of the page.
Source: Corporation for the Northern Rockies
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Deep Subjects: Wells and Ground Water [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: Groundwater, how it moves through soil, interacts with surface water, and is extracted for human usage.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Don't Spoil It Activity Book [PDF]
Abstract: ACITIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Booklet on pollution prevention, with information, directed discussion topics, and activities, in PDF format.
Source: KDHE
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Dos and Don’ts Around the Home
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT/WATER QUALITY: Ways to prevent nonpoint source pollution and water pollution in the home relating to household chemicals, landscaping and gardening, septic systems and water conservation.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Dr. Art's Guide to Planet Earth
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION: A book that provides a simple yet powerful way to understand how our planet works. Promotes individual empowerment related to environmental issues. Includes some on-line chapters.
Source: Dr. Art
Resource Type: Web site
Drinking Water
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: WATER QUALITY: A list of activities divided by grade levels K-12 and related to drinking water, including where water and water pollution come from and go, and purification methods.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Earth Café
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: A television series converted into sixteen 30-minute videos on development topics that include water, energy conservation, recycling, wastewater treatment, pesticides, household hazardous waste, underground storage tanks, and pollution prevention.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Earth Force Catalog
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Offers GREEN guides and equipment to help youth assess the health of their watershed and take action on their findings. You can also order Earth Force After School kits.
Source: Earth Force
Resource Type: Web site
Easy Ways to Conserve Water
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Brief list of common leaks to check in order to use water more efficiently in the home.
Source: The Groundwater Foundation
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Eco Friendly Alternatives to Commercial Cleaners and Other Household Products
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Why alternative cleaners are a good choice and sample recipes for various chores.
Source: EMS
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Edible Earth Parfaits
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All ages: WATER QUALITY: Demonstrates the geology of an aquifer. Build an edible aquifer, learn about confining layers, contamination, recharge and water tables.
Source: The Groundwater Foundation
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
EE Link
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Links to Environmental Education Resources on the Internet, with sections for EE professionals, classrooms, students and grants.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Web site
Elementary Urban Integrated Pest Management Curriculum
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Elementary: A curriculum on integrated pest management to reduce pests while also reducing pesticide use. PDF format that can be downloaded by section.
Source: MSU Extension
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Energetic Experiments [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Three hands-on experiments that demonstrate the importance of energy efficiency.
Source: Energy Star
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION:Definition of energy with links to different types of energy production and conservation.
Source: Environmental Literacy Council
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Energy and How We Use It
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Describes what energy is, where it comes from and how is it used.
Source: Rocky Mountain Inst.
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Energy and Society
Abstract: Provides activities to help youth learn about their relationship with energy and investigate the environmental issues related to energy's role in society.
Source: Project Learning Tree
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Energy and Society
Abstract: CURRICULUM: All Ages: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Provides activities to help youth learn about their relationship with energy and investigate the environmental issues related to energy's role in society.
Source: Project Learning Tree
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Energy Conservation [PDF]
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION: What is energy, where does it come from, how is it used and why it is important to conserve it.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Energy Quest
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Learn about energy and how to save it. This fun site features large text, lots of illustrations, coloring pages, games, puzzles, and more.
Source: California Energy Commission
Resource Type: Web site
Energy Smart Schools: Teacher Links
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Lesson plans, science projects, resource materials, energy-saving programs and novel events based on energy saving.
Source: DOE
Resource Type: Web site
Environmental Awareness
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: A listing of curricula divided by age group on environmental awareness and pollution prevention with the goal of increasing environmental awareness at an early age.
Source: TNRCC
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Environmental Education and Training Partnership
Abstract: Offers educators information, resources, and links for promoting academic achievement and environmental literacy. A national leader in the delivery of environmental education training for education professionals.
Source: EETAP
Resource Type: Web site
Environmental Education Grant Program
Abstract: GRANTS: How to apply for EPA Environmental Education grants.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Environmental Education Grants Program
Abstract: Encourages and supports educators and conservation groups with innovative ideas for educating young people about our environment offering grants to help sponsor programs that promote a greater understanding of challenges facing our environment with an emphasis on solutions improving local environmental quality.
Source: PG&E National Energy Group
Resource Type: Web site
Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence
Abstract: Work book offering guidance for the process of activity and program creation utilizing environmental issues.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Environmental Education Perspectives
Abstract: Developed to assist educators, associations, researchers, and others in understanding the evolution of environmental education (EE), the diversity of perspectives that encompass and impact the field, and the context in which recent issues concerning EE have emerged.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Environmental Education Specific Resources
Abstract: GRANTS: Links to grants for environmental education.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Web site
Environmental Education Topics
Abstract: Definition of environmental education with further links, and listing of teacher resources.
Source: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Environmental Education: Background and History
Abstract: Describes components of environmental education and links to additional information.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Environmental Studies in the K-12 Classroom: A Teacher's View [PDF]
Abstract: Results of a survey of teachers on environmental education.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
EnviroRangers P2 Web Club
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All age groups: WASTE MANAGEMENT: On-line pollution prevention web club with news, facts, and individual and group activities. Also includes teacher/leader section.
Source: MSU Extension
Resource Type: Web site
Fostering Sustainable Behavior
Abstract: An online guide to designing and evaluating programs to foster sustainable behaviors. Registration is required to view the site.
Source: CBSM
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
From the Ground Up
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary and Middle School: AGRICULTURE: Food, agriculture, and sustainable development curricula divided into five areas. Includes a teacher's guide with downloadable materials, lessons, and background essays.
Source: Green and Growing
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Fuel Economy
Abstract: Find and compare cars for their fuel economy. Also gas mileage tips, fuel economy guide, and information on fuel cell, alternative fuel, and hybrid vehicles.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Web site
Fun Energy Facts
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Facts related to energy production and consumption.
Source: Energy Information Administration
Resource Type: Article/report
G.W. Gecko Recycling Maze
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Learn about recycling while doing this on-line printout maze.
Source: The Groundwater Foundation
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Getting Around Clean and Green
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary and Middle School: TRANSPORTATION: Interdisciplinary science/social studies curriculum allows students to explore transportation and environmental issues in their own lives, including systems, histories, and impacts.
Source: NESEA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Give Water a Hand
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary, Middle School: WATER QUALITY: National watershed education program designed to involve young people in local environmental service projects.
Source: University of Wisconsin
Resource Type: Web site
Green Dream Jobs
Abstract: INDUSTRY & TRADE: Listing of environmental jobs with environmentally responsible employers.
Source: SustainableBusiness.com
Resource Type: Web site
GreenBiz Jobs
Abstract: INDUSTRY & TRADE: Listing of jobs that help keep our world "green."
Source: GreenBiz.com
Resource Type: Web site
Abstract: TRANSPORTATION: Listing of greenest and meanest cars of 2003 with information on how to select a vehicle that does the least harm to the planet while meeting transportation needs.
Source: GreenCar.com
Resource Type: Web site
Greenhouse Effect
Abstract: AIR QUALITY: Definition of greenhouse effect including information on planet warming and greenhouse gases and great visuals.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Take the tour to investigate your water saving opportunities in each area of your home. Click on each location to show you both the facts and specific advice.
Source: California Urban Water Conservation Council
Resource Type: Web site
Hazardous Substances and Hazardous Waste
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: All about hazardous waste including what it is, where it goes and how it can affect us.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
High School Environmental Center
Abstract: AIR QUALITY/WASTE MANAGEMENT/WATER QUALITY: Connects to resources on Air, Waste/Recycling, and Water issues.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Web site
Home Energy Checkup
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: An interactive guide to saving money and increasing comfort in your home while reducing energy use and pollution at the same time.
Source: Alliance to Save Energy
Resource Type: Software/electronic tool
Home Energy Saver
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Middle school: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Figure out how much energy you use in your home and how you can save some, interactive site.
Source: Environmental Energy Technologies Division
Resource Type: Software/electronic tool
Household Hazardous Waste
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Description of household hazardous waste (HHW) and options for products, such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides, that contain potentially hazardous ingredients and require special care when you dispose of them.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
How Batteries Work
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Describes parts of batteries and how they work.
Source: Batteries Plus
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
How Do We Measure the Quality of Our Waters
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: How scientists measure water quality, including the physical and chemical conditions of the water and the health of it's aquatic living organisms.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
How Hydropower Works
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION: How hydropower plants work to create energy including advantages and disadvantages.
Source: Department of Energy
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
How to Buy Sustainable Products
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION: A list of questions to keep in mind and ask yourself when choosing products.
Source: World Wise
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
How to Grow a Healthy, No-Waste Garden
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANGEMENT: How to utilize your garden to lower your household waste plus greener alternatives for yard maintenance.
Source: Reduce.org
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
How to Make a Pizza Box Solar Oven
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Tells what you need and how to make a pizza box into a solar oven.
Source: Solar Now Inc.
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Abstract: A list of online EE resources, standards and terms, resources, and electronic field trips.
Source: Fish and Wildlife Service
Resource Type: Web site
Indoor Air Hazards
Abstract: AIR QUALITY: Listing of common indoor air pollutants including lead, radon, asbestos, particulates, CO2, smoke, formaldehyde, remodeling hazards, moisture and biologicals, with links to more information on each one.
Source: Healthy Indoor Air America's Homes
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
IPM Super Sleuth
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: AGRICULTURE: On-line activities related to and that teach about integrated pest management to reduce pests and pesticide usage, divided by age groups.
Source: IPM Institute
Resource Type: Web site
Is this the Way to the Drainpipe? [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: Where water and water pollution comes from and where it ends up, and how human water usage fits into the water cycle. A story format with guided questions, answers, and related activities.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Its Electric
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Teaches about energy and how it relates to sustainable development and decision making in five lessons with background materials and optional video.
Source: Green and Growing
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Jimmy Skunk Looks for Beetles
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Learn about how habitats are impacted through this lovely Thornton Burgess story.
Source: Thornton Burgess Society
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Journey to Planet Earth
Abstract: The seven programs in the series Journey to Planet Earth explore the fragile relationship between people and the world they inhabit.
Source: PBS
Resource Type: Audio/video
Just About the Sun and Solar Energy
Abstract: ENERGY CONSUMPTION: A listing of links to information on the sun and solar energy, and to related activites.
Source: Sue Lebeau
Resource Type: List
Kids Gardening
Abstract: The National Gardening Association links to classroom stories, articles, web sites, and other resources to help students investigate garden ecosystems and sustainable growing practices. This includes exploring the living and nonliving parts of soil, decomposers' abilities to turn once-living materials into a rich nutrient source, and "benign" pest- and weed-control strategies.
Source: National Gardening Association
Resource Type: Web site
Learn About Chemicals Around Your House
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Read the information, definitions, and facts on household chemicals, then integrate the learning by completing online and printable puzzlers.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Lesson Plans
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary & Middle School: AGRICULTURE/WATER: Learning experiences in earth system science related to water and agriculture.
Source: University of Wyoming Ed-Parc
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Lessons in Soild Waste Management [PDF]
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Enrichment program on Solid Waste Management (SWM) and Houshold Hazardous Waste (HHW) including definitions, storage, health, disposal, reduction and ecological issues. PDF format.
Source: KDHE
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Lessons in Soild Waste Management [PDF]
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Enrichment program on Solid Waste Management (SWM) and Houshold Hazardous Waste (HHW) including definitions, storage, health, disposal, reduction and ecological issues. PDF format.
Source: KDHE
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Lets Learn to Precycle
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION: Definition of precycling and list of ways to prevent the creation of waste.
Source: PlanetPals.com
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Managing Non-Point Source Pollution from Agriculture
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WATER QUALITY: Describes water quality impacts from agricultural sources.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Managing Non-Point Source Pollution from Households
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT/WATER QUALITY: Describes water quality impacts and water pollution from household sources.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
MathMania [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary & Middle School Age: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Students will work together to solve challenging math problems based on real-life situations while learning the value of energy efficiency.
Source: Energy Star
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Montana Nature Discovery Trunks
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Traveling interdisciplinary and scientifically-accurate educational kits with hands-on materials, age-appropriate lesson plans, posters, videos, audio cassettes, games, and puppets. Includes P2 related kits on air care and watersheds (Montana only).
Source: Montana Natural History Center
Resource Type: Web site
Moving Into the Mainstream
Abstract: Description of factors propelling environmental education out of the fringes and into the educational mainstream.
Source: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
MSW Disposal: Landfills
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Offers information on the design and operation of landfills and offers alternatives to using landfills for waste.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Multiple Intelligences Theory
Abstract: Description of and information on multiple intelligences theory which defines intelligence as an ability to solve problems or create products that are valued in at least one culture. Defines and includes eight different learning processes.
Source: Project Summit
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Municipal Solid Waste
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Description of preferred order for waste disposal and information on its implementation, including alternatives and alternative combinations for disposing of community waste.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
NAAEE Conference
Abstract: Pre-workshop discussion on Total Environmental Education including reference to Dr. Bora Simmons.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
National Junior Solar Sprint
Abstract: CURRICULA: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Student teams apply math, science and creativity to construct and race solar powered cars.
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
National Junior Solar Sprint (JSS)
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: A classroom-based, hands-on educational program for middle school students. JSS student teams construct model solar-powered cars and race them in interscholastic competitions hosted within their schools, states or regions. This site gives information on how to start or join a JSS competition.
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE-NREL)
Resource Type: Web site
National Park Services Resource for Teachers [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY/CURRICULA: A listing of links to information, curriculua, and activities online.
Source: National Park Service
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education
Abstract: Describes environmental literacy and gives resources for additional information.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Native Waters
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Links to publications about water.
Source: Native Waters
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Natives are Nice
Abstract: AGRICULTURE: Definition of and information on native plants and how they help the environment. Also links to activities.
Source: Montana Education Telecommunications Network
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
New from Green Teacher
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Books that can be ordered to promote hands-on, interdisciplinary learning through projects that benefit schools and increase green space and biodiversity in communities.
Source: Green Teacher
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Non-Point Source Pollution
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT/WATER QUALITY: Describes what nonpoint source pollution (NPS) is and why it is the nation's largest water quality problem.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Non-Point Source Pollution [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: Build a storm drain and river system in an aquarium to learn what storm drains collect following rainstorms, and to see the impacts of water from storm drains on downstream water quality.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Non-Point Source Pollution Word Search
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: Read the information on nonpoint source pollution (NPS) then print out and complete the related word search.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
NREL Education Programs
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Energy related activities divided by age group, including information on alternative and renewable energy sources and daily choices.
Source: NREL
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Office of Environmental Education Materials and Resources
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Electronic catalog for environmental educational materials developed by EPA.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Web site
P2 Project Environment Curriculum
Abstract: CURRICULA: All Age Groups: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Curricula on pollution prevention explaining how pollution can be harmful and what impacts individuals can make, divided by age groups.
Source: MT DEQ
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Pack a No-Waste Lunch
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION: Ways to reduce waste by how you pack your lunch, what you pack it with, and what you purchase to eat.
Source: Reduce.org
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Pesticides Reduction [PDF]
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Common pesticides, their uses, and why reducing our usage of them is important, including alternatives.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Plastics Quizzes
Abstract: INDIVIDUAL: Upper Elementary/Middle School: Household & Community/Waste Management: Two interactive quizzes on what plastics are and innovations related to plastic use and industry,
Source: American Plastics Council
Resource Type: Software/electronic tool
Pollutants and Programs
Abstract: AIR QUALITY/TRANSPORTATION: Provides links to information on air pollutants and greenhouse gases from transportation and other mobile sources.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Web site
Pollution Prevention [PDF]
Abstract: Defines and describes P2.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Pollution-Free Electricity [PDF]
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Description of how a renewable hydrogen-powered fuel cell works.
Source: Minnesota Office for Environmental Assistance
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Presidents Environmental Youth Awards
Abstract: GRANTS: Recognizes young people across America for projects which demonstrate their commitment to the environment.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Principles of Environmental Education
Abstract: Definition and components of Environmental Education.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Project WET
Abstract: Web site with programs, materials and information for teachers to facilitate and promote the awareness, appreciation,
knowledge, and stewardship of water resources through the development and dissemination of classroom ready teaching aids.
Source: Project Wet
Resource Type: Web site
Project-Based Learning: Instructional Module
Abstract: The second in an ongoing series of free teaching modules developed by education faculty and professional developers, and sponsored by the George Lucas Educational Foundation (GLEF). Part One, Guided Process, is designed to give participants a brief introduction to project-based learning. PartTwo, Group Participation, assigns readings and activities for experiential, project-based learning. The modules draw from GLEF's archives of best practices and correlate with ISTE/NCATE NETS standards.
Source: The George Lucas Educational Foundation
Resource Type: Article/report
Questions and Answers About Septic Systems Additives
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Ways to maintain the operation of your septic system in a question and answer format related to septic system additives.
Source: Montana P2 Program
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: In-depth description of recycling and how to utilize it most efficiently.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Reduce the Hail of Unwanted Mail
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Steps to reduce the amount of junk mail you receive.
Source: Reduce.org
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Reduce Trash When You Shop
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION: What to think about when you are shopping so you create less waste.
Source: Reduce.org
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Reducing Waste at Home
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: How to reduce the amount of waste your household produces including paper, packaging, cleaning products, paints and pesticides.
Source: Reduce.org
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Schoolyard Habitats Starter Kit
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Information on program to transform schoolyards and community spaces into hands-on, outdoor classrooms.
Source: National Wildlife Foundation
Resource Type: Web site
Science Fair Fun [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Provides ideas and resources for designing environmental science projects, in PDF format with clickable contents.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Service Learning: Beyond the Classroom
Abstract: This booklet describes how students across the country are gaining hands-on awareness of waste reduction, recycling, and composting, through solid waste service-learning projects.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Silent Invaders [PDF]
Abstract: AGRICULTURE: Information on alien plant species or invasive weeds including why and how they create problems.
Source: BLM
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Sources of Groundwater Contamination
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Ways that groundwater can get contaminated, including how and with what. Includes excellent graphic.
Source: The Groundwater Foundation
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Sun 4 Schools
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Information on and how to get involved in a solar power project promoting use of photovoltaic systems in schools. Demonstrates the benefits of solar energy within a unique educational opportunity for students and their communities.
Source: Montana GreenPower
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Sustainable Development Toolkit
Abstract: Description of how sustainability relates to education. Links to Kit to help schools and communities develop a process for creating locally relevant and culturally appropriate education. This Toolkit is based on the idea that communities and educational systems need to dovetail their sustainability efforts.
Source: Education for Sustainable Development
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Take the Family Home Energy Quiz
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Use this Home Energy Quiz with your child to find ways that your home could be more energy efficient, then calculate your home's energy-efficiency rating.
Source: US DOE
Resource Type: Article/report
Taking Action for Climate Change [PDF]
Abstract: AIR QUALITY/CONSUMER EDUCATION: A listing of 31 actions and choices to prevent pollution and related climate changes.
Source: World Wildlife Federation
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Taking Action for Toxics [PDF]
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Options to reduce use of toxics, a listing of 22 actions and choices.
Source: World Wildlife Federation
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Tbilisi Declaration
Abstract: Declaration adopted at first intergovernmental conference on environmental education.
Source: GDRC
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Teaching About Energy:
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Age Groups: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Links to an assortment of lesson plans on energy, energy efficiency, and renewable energy that are listed by age group.
Source: US DOE
Resource Type: Web site
Teaching Plastics
Abstract: CURRICULA: All ages: HOUSEHOLD & COMMUNITY/WASTE MANAGEMENT: online scientific invesitgation resource for teachers, parents and students includes the new Hands On Plastics Jr.™ site for elementary teachers, as well as the award-winning Hands On Plastics™ site for the middle school level.
Source: American Plastics Council
Resource Type: Web site
Ten Simple Steps to Improving Air Quality
Abstract: AIR QUALITY/TRANSPORTATION: Ten things a person can do to prevent air pollution and/or help air quality.
Source: It All Adds Up
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Ten Things You Can Do to Stop Wasting Energy
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/ENERGY CONSERVATION: List of ways to save energy in the home.
Source: Watts New
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Terms of Environment
Abstract: On-line thesaurus: Defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications, news releases, and other Agency documents.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Web site
The Big Three Pollutants
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WATER QUALITY: Description of how dirt, bacteria and nutrients impact water quality.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
The Burns Technology Center
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Web site with programs, materials and information for teachers.
Source: BTC
Resource Type: Web site
The Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Describes how people can help solve the growing problem of garbage and outlines many practical steps to reduce the amount and toxicity of garbage.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
The Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Factual information on why and how to reduce solid waste, divided into six subject areas: the problem, what is source reduction and how it works, basic principles, tips, and conclusion.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Web site
The Garbage Game
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Fast-paced environmental board game designed to raise awareness of pollution prevention, waste minimization, and common solid waste disposal practices.
Source: The Garbage Game
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
The Global Green Deal
Abstract: A positive article on how to change the course of human impacts on planet earth.
Source: Buckminster Fuller Institute
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
The Imagination Factory
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All ages: EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Visitors learn how to make art using common, household trash as a source of free materials. Some of the activities include drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, papier-mâché, marbling and crafts, and a special section for holiday art and crafts is featured. The site features a Trash Matcher that allows visitors to find appropriate art activities for the solid waste they have available.
Source: The Imagination Factory
Resource Type: Web site
The Jason Project
Abstract: CURRICULA: All Ages: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Annual expedition on-line and broadcast daily with associated curriculum related to science, math and technology.
Source: Jason
Resource Type: Web site
The Killer in Your Yard
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Describes household usage of pesticides, gives information on specific ones, and offers alternatives to pesticides in your yard.
Source: Audubon
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
The Quest for Less
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Provides hands-on lessons and activities, enrichment ideas, journal writing assignments, and other educational tools related to preventing pollution and reducing trash, divided by age group.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
The Water Sourcebooks
Abstract: CURRICULA: All Age Groups: WATER QUALITY: A handbook of 324 activities divided by age group within five subject areas that explain the water management cycle and how it affects all aspects of the environment.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Tips for a Waste-Less School Year
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: List of different ideas to prevent the creation of waste related to school supplies, lunches, and transportation.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Article/report
Tox Town
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: An interactive guide to commonly encountered toxic substances.
Source: National Library of Medicine
Resource Type: Web site
Trash and Climate Change [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: An on-line workbook that can also be ordered in hard copy to help students discover the hidden reasons to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Trash Conflicts: A Science and Social Studies Curriculum on the Ethics of Disposal
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Middle School: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Through science-based experiments, research and analysis, role-plays, and discussions, students learn about the nature of garbage, disposal methods, consumer behavior, toxic waste, and the political process surrounding trash disposal.
Source: Educators for Social Responsibility
Resource Type: Article/report
Trash Talk for Kids
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Archive of newsletters written for fourth graders.
Source: KDHE
Resource Type: Periodical
Travel Matters
Abstract: TRANSPORTATION/AIR QUALITY: Describes how travel habits and transportation choices affect global climate change. Offers a trio of resources - interactive emissions calculators, on-line emissions maps, and a wealth of educational content - to emphasize the close relationship between more efficient transit systems and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology
Resource Type: Web site
Tree Cology
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: AGRICULTURE: Plant a tree as a classroom project and learn how trees help prevent pollution and maintain ecology. Links to kits, related activities and poster contest.
Source: SLOC
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Trip Tally: Discovering Environmental Solutions
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: TRANSPORTATION: Nine pages include a simple air pollution experiment and transportation survey including data tabulation, graphing, and analysis, relating transportation choices and pollution.
Source: NESEA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Using Environment-Based Education to Advance Learning Skills and Character Development [PDF]
Abstract: Describes the efficacy of environment-based education in helping young people become lifelong learners and leaders.
Source: National Environmental Education and Training Foundation
Resource Type: Article/report
Abstract: AGRICULGURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Links to information on worms and composting with worms (i.e. vermicomposting).
Source: The Compost Resource Page
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Waste Management
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Describes the science and systems of waste management, and how a landfill works.
Source: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Water Conservation Facts and Tips
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Facts on how we use water in the U.S. and tips on how to conserve it.
Source: Mojave Water Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Water Crossword Puzzle
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: On-line printable crossword puzzle based on water information.
Source: Groundwater Foundation
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Water Myths and Realities [PDF]
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Common myths about water dispelled with concrete factual information.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Water Pollution Prevention and Conservation [PDF]
Abstract: CONSUMER EDUCATION/WATER QUALITY: Ways and amounts of water used, and ways to prevent pollution.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Water Word Search
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: WATER QUALITY: On-line printable word search based on water conservation information.
Source: Mojave Water Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Water, Water, Everywhere But…
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION/WATER QUALITY: Listing of ways to save water and energy at the same time.
Source: Alliance to Save Energy
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Water: How is it Used?
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Ways we utilize water in both plant and animal systems, and in households and communities.
Source: Rocky Mountain Inst.
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Water: What is it?
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Description of what water is on earth including molecular structure, statistics of earth's water supply, and information on the water cycle.
Source: Rocky Mountain Inst.
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Watt Watchers
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All age groups: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Free program designed to help school districts save money by conserving energy. Also provides projects and resources.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Web site
Watts on Your Mind: Teacher's Lounge
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Lesson plans designed to interest students in the environment and the science of how energy works.
Source: Watts New
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
What is a Biopesticide?
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Definition and advantages of pesticides derived from natural materials.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What is a Pesticide?
Abstract: AGRICULTURE: Great definitions and examples of pesticides.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What is a Pesticide?
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Definition and description of pesticides with examples.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What is Energy?
Abstract: ENERGY CONSERVATION: Definitions of renewable and non-renewable energy, includes information on various and energy sources/types.
Source: Energy Information Administration
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What is Environmental Education
Abstract: Promotes awareness and understanding of environmental education and its role in the formal education system with description and goals of EE and additional resource links.
Source: NAAEE
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What is Ethanol
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/ENERGY CONSERVATION/TRANSPORTATION: Describes ethanol and its benefits as an alternative fuel.
Source: Alternative Fuels Data Center
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What is Groundwater
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Definition of groundwater and why it is important.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What is Vermicomposting
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Defines vermicomposting (using worms) and describes how to do it.
Source: Worm Woman
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What Kids Need to Know About Mercury [PDF]
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: The what, where and why's of mercury as a toxic substance.
Source: NIH
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
What on Earth Can You Do With an Old Jelly Jar? [PDF]
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower Elementary: WASTE MANAGEMENT: Check out this site for a bunch of different ways to use a jelly jar! It is a coloring book too.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
What You and Your Community Can do to Protect and Conserve Groundwater
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WATER QUALITY: Contains examples of things that you can do to safeguard our valuable ground water resources in the home, community, on the farm, and in businesses.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
What You Can Do to Prevent Non-Point Source Pollution
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT/WATER QUALITY: Listing of proactive choices to prevent water pollution in urban and agricultural areas.
Source: EPA
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Where are these Pollutants Coming From
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Where water pollution really comes from including description of polluted runoff and factors that affect it.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Why Should We Use Water Efficiently
Abstract: WATER QUALITY: Ways and reasons to save water.
Source: Rocky Mountain Inst.
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
WormWoman Catalog
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Source for books and videos on vermicomposting and how to do it in your classroom.
Source: Worm Woman
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
Your Guide To Composting
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: A handbook describing the what, why and how of composting.
Source: Saskatchewan Naturally
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
Youth Environmental News Desk
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School: WASTE MANAGEMENT: News reports on successful environmental endeavors written by people up to the age of 19 that are published and distributed worldwide. Send yours.
Source: Horizon Solutions
Resource Type: Fact sheet/checklist
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Peaks to Prairies
Contact Laura Estes (Peaks)
406-994-3451 or laurae@montana.edu