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Keyword: Cleaning, 13 Links
Alternative to Solvents [PDF]
Abstract: Discusses alternatives to organic and chlorinated solvents.
Source: Waste Management and Resource Center at UIUC
URL: http://www.wmrc.uiuc.edu/main_sections/info_services/library_docs/TN/98-043.pdf
Aqueous Cleaning Technologies
Abstract: Definition and comparison of the performance of aqueous-cleaners and solvent-cleaning systems including economics, technology gaps, etc.
Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center
URL: http://www.pprc.org/pprc/p2tech/aqueous/aqintro.html
Environmental Compliance Checklist for Auto Body Repair Shops [PDF]
Abstract: Lists hazardous waste, air, and water regulations in Montana. BMP's and general recommendations are helpful anywhere and include: parts and gun washing; common shop wastes like rags, batteries, used oil, etc.; prep and painting processes and wastes; floor sumps and more.
Source: Montana Extension Pollution Prevention Program
URL: http://www.p2pays.org/ref/06/05082.pdf
Auto Body Solvent Wipe Process [PDF]
Abstract: Student interns conducted an evaluation of the solvent body wipe process at four assembly plants. Their goals were to determine current practices, quantify data regarding waste generation, and to recommend opportunities for reducing wastes and costs.
Source: National Pollution Prevention Center; University of Michigan, Ferns, J., Valentine, M., and Vander Eyk, B.
URL: http://www.p2pays.org/ref/03/02541.pdf
Controlling VOCs with Spray Guns and Cleaning Equipment [PDF]
Abstract: To help reduce VOC emissions, collision repair shops should use spray guns with high transfer efficiencies and gun cleaning apparatus. Here are ideas to consider before making long-term investments.
Source: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
URL: http://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/pubs/sbap-1097.pdf
Collision Repair: Reducing Waste and Costs
Abstract: Description and links to reducing several common waste streams in a collision repair shop including spills, wastewater, solvents, paint, packaging, gun washing, floor trenches and traps, and aerosols.
Source: Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP)
URL: http://www.mntap.umn.edu/vehicle/28-CollRepair.htm
Improved Paint Gun Cleaning
Abstract: Results of an auto body shop changing to a two-stage gun washing system (including purchase of new equipment), training employees and monitoring waste generation.
Source: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
URL: http://www.p2pays.org/ref/01/00297.htm
Auto Refinish Project Best Practices Kit
Abstract: A list of checklists and fact sheets on painting topics including: sanding, solvent wipe down, paint mixing, spray painting, spray gun cleaning, health and safety management and working with isocyanates
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
URL: http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/dfe/pubs/auto/trainers/index.htm
Solvent Distillation Cost Calculator
Abstract: Online cost calculator to help auto body repair shops determine if it is cost effective to purchase an on site solvent distillation unit. A list of vendors is provided. Data needed to use the calclulator is thinner used in gallons per year.
Source: Iowa Waste Reduction Center's Small Business Pollution Prevention Center
URL: http://www.iwrc.org/programs/solvent.cfm
Gun Wash Unit Cost Calculator
Abstract: Online cost calculator to help auto body repair shops determine if it is beneficial to invest in automatic gun washing equipment. A list of gun washing vendors is also provided. The only information needed is amount of thinner used in gallons per year.
Source: Iowa Waste Reduction Center
URL: http://www.iwrc.org/programs/gunwash.cfm
Auto Body Surface Coating: A Practical Guide to Reducing Air Emissions [PDF]
Abstract: Gives an overview of the auto refinishing process and recommends approaches to air emission reduction. It includes a review of the spray equipment currently used for auto refinishing operations, spray equipment cleaning processes, surface prep cleaners, undercoats, topcoats and a look at what to expect in the future.
Source: Iowa Waste Reduction Center
URL: http://www.iwrc.org/pubs/absc.pdf
Aqueous Parts Cleaning [PDF]
Abstract: Information on equipment and solvents used in aqueous parts cleaning, and how to best utilize them to prevent pollution.
Source: EPA Region 9
URL: http://www.epa.gov/region09/cross_pr/p2/autofleet/fleetclean.pdf
Alternative Cleaning Solvents and Processes [PDF]
Abstract: Fact sheet on how to select alternative cleaning solvents and cleaning processes.
Source: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
URL: http://www.deq.state.or.us/pubs/general/AlternativeCleaning.pdf
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