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Keyword: Alternative technologies, 24 Links
Houses that Work II
Abstract: the Building America Building Science Consortium developed the Web-based Houses That Work (HTW) as a climate-specific technical resource for designing and building homes that are 30% or more energy efficient than the 1993 Model Energy Code (MEC). The resource reflected the experience gained from five years of Building America teamwork, including insights gained during the construction of more than 8,000 production homes from across the country. Houses That Work was and is a freely-accessible learning resource and reference for builders, building product manufacturers, building researchers, and the general public.
Source: Building America Building Science Consortium
URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/housesthatwork/default.htm
Green Tree decisions for environmental buildings
Abstract: An excellent introduction to the considerations that go into selecting resource efficient building products for a particular project. Applying these considerations is a process that the designer, builder or client can use over and over again to arrive at sound decisions for environmental buildings. The site also offers some examples of materials and technologies that were selected and used on actual building projects, just to demonstrate how the ideal product meets the real world.
Source: National Center for Appropriate Technology
URL: http://www.ncat.org/greentree/welcome.html
Intro to Hydro Power [PDF]
Abstract: Hydropower is based on simple concepts. Moving water turns a turbine, the turbine spins a generator, and electricity is produced. Many other components may be in a system,
but it all begins with the energy already within the moving water. This introduction suggests these and other things to consider to get the most bang for your flow.
Source: Canyon Industries
URL: http://www.homepower.com/files/HP103_14.pdf
Building Alternatives
Abstract: A varied of alternatives to lumber are discussed as building materials. They include adobe, bamboo, cob, strawbale, rammed earth and concrete.
Source: Campus Center for Appropriate Technology
URL: http://www.humboldt.edu/~ccat/alternativebuilding/frames.html
Stormwater Best Management Practices
Abstract: This site features technical documents, software and an extensive database developed over the past decade. The overall purpose of the project is to provide scientifically sound information to improve the design, selection and performance of BMPs. To accomplish this goal, the Project Team has developed tools to promote scientifically-based collection and management of the data needed to evaluate the effectiveness of stormwater runoff BMPs.
Source: International Stormwater Best Management Practices
URL: http://www.bmpdatabase.org/index.htm
Continuing Adult Education and Training in Energy
Abstract: This site features resources on continuing adult education and vocational training opportunities in energy, including classes for homeowners interested in renewable energy systems and in building energy-efficient homes.
Source: US Department of Energy
URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/education/adult_education.html
Miscellaneous Building Resources
Abstract: Links to publications and papers on a variety of topics including green building, domestic hot water, photovoltaics, black stains, wood efficiency & durability and more.
Source: Building Science
URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/resources/misc/default.htm
Wood for Building Green Project Guide [PDF]
Abstract: The Wood for Building Green Project Guide introduces salvaged wood, recycled-content, and certified wood products. It provides strategies for specifying these wood products, and offers resources for achieving wood related green building program credits. This guide also provides information and opportunities for specifying and sourcing wood products in innovative ways that support healthy communities and forest ecosystems throughout the world. By specifying environmentally responsible wood products, architects, designers, developers and building owners can take full advantage of wood’s exceptional appearance and performance properties, while allowing building projects to earn wood-related credits under many green building programs.
Source: Metafore
URL: http://www.getf.org/file/toolmanager/CustomO16C45F60586.pdf
Environmental Impact Estimator [PDF]
Abstract: This is a link to the ATHENA Sustainable Materials Institute acclaimed Environmental Impact Estimator. The site also offers answers to questions about the environmental impact of buildings and building products.
Source: Athena Sustainable Materials Institute
URL: http://www.athenasmi.ca/news/promo/Athena_EIE_description.pdf
Sustainable Housing at Pine Ridge Reservation
Abstract: The Pine Ridge Reservation, located in rural South Dakota is plagued with deteriorating infrastructure, poverty, lack of local employment, and high utility bills. Many of the residents, the Oglala Lakota Nation, live in mobile homes or substandard housing and spend nearly 25% of their income on utilities. Few people on the reservation have the resources or construction knowledge to improve their current residences or building energy-efficient, culturally appropriate houses.
Ina Maka O Tipi (Living with Mother Earth), a new alliance of organizations, universities, and reservation residents, is committed to improving the living conditions on the Pine Ridge Reservation. As part of a long-term commitment toward a more sustainable reservation, Ina Maka O Tipi and a multidisciplinary group of students will collaborate on a design project focused on sustainable housing. Students and faculty at Colorado State University (CSU) have formed a special 2004-2005 course that will involve interaction with Oglala Lakota College students and other residents from Pine Ridge.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncer_abstracts/index.cfm/fuseaction/display.abstractDetail/abstract/7336/report/0
Partnership for Achieving Construction Excellence
Abstract: An outreach program of Penn State University and industry, the site promotes integrating teaching, research, and service to the Building Industry
Source: Penn State University, faculty, and the building industry
URL: http://www.engr.psu.edu/pace/
Life Cycle Assessment
Abstract: An 18 slide slide show on Life Cycle Assessment and how and why it can fit in to your construction planning process.
Source: National Association of Home Builders and Athena
URL: http://www.nahbrc.org/Docs/NewHomeNav/GreenBuildingProgram/4350_lca.pdf?TrackID=&CategoryID=1891&DocumentID=4350
Building America Building Technologies Program
Abstract: Building America is a private/public partnership that develops energy solutions for new and existing homes. The Building America program combines the knowledge and resources of industry leaders with the U.S. Department of Energy's technical capabilities. Together, they act as a catalyst for change in the home-building industry.
The Building America Web site provides a portal to technical resources supporting the construction of energy- and resource-efficient homes.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/building_america/
National Institute of Building Sciences
Abstract: This site is the building community's connection to the authoritative national source of knowledge and advice on matters of building regulation, science and technology. One of its major programs - and there are many - is the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities.
Source: National Institute of Building Sciences
URL: http://www.nibs.org/
BEES - Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability
Abstract: BEES measures the environmental performance of building products by using the life-cycle assessment approach specified in ISO 14000 standards. All stages in the life of a product are analyzed: raw material acquisition, manufacture, transportation, installation, use, and recycling and waste management. Economic performance is measured using the ASTM standard life-cycle cost method, which covers the costs of initial investment, replacement, operation, maintenance and repair, and disposal. Environmental and economic performance are combined into an overall performance measure using the ASTM standard for Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis.
Source: Office of Applied Economics; National Institute of Standards and Technology
URL: http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/oae/software/bees.html
Energy Lesson Plans
Abstract: There are tremendous resources here for higher education, as well as K - 12.Here you'll find information for lesson plans, curriculum, and educational materials for teaching students about energy, particularly energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Source: Department of Energy
URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/education/lesson_plans.html
Residential Construction Topic Hub
Abstract: This topic hub introduces the importance of resource efficient construction or green building practices for builders, designers, architects and pollution prevention assistance providers. Nearly one hundred and fifty links direct users to some of the best information relating to green design, marketing, products, affordability, indoor air quality and related topics.
Source: Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Center
URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/topichub/toc.cfm?hub=31&subsec=7&nav=7
NAHB Model Green Home Building
Abstract: This publication contains guidance for builders engaged in or interested in green building products and practices for residential design, development and construction. This publication is not intended to be exhaustive and all-inclusive and the enclosed guidelines are not to be considered the only method of green building. These guidelines for green building originate from the collective experience of leading personnel in the green building movement (marketplace), but
must, due to the nature of the responsibilities involved, be presented only as a guide for the use of a qualified developer, builder, remodeler, or design professional.
Source: National Association of Home Builders
URL: http://www.nahb.org/fileUpload_details.aspx?contentTypeID=7&contentID=1994
Sustainable Design Certifificate Program
Abstract: Architects and interior designers are increasingly being challenged to design spaces in harmony with the environment. The Sustainable Design Certificate prepares practitioners to respond to this challenge. The Sustainable Design Certificate may be earned at either the undergraduate or graduate level. The Sustainable Design Certificate Program is now available entirely online, in partnership with BuildingGreen Inc.
Source: Boston Architectural Center and BuildingGreen Inc.
URL: http://www.the-bac.edu/index.cfm?pageid=122
Clean and renewable energy basics
Abstract: An extremely comprehensive portal to curriculum materials about the state of the art research being done by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Department of Energy. This portal covers virtually every type of renewable energy being researched. Appropriate materials for every level.
Source: National Renewable Energy Lab
URL: http://www.nrel.gov/clean_energy/student_teacher.html
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Buildings Technology Center
Abstract: The mission of the Buildings Technology Center (BTC) is to identify, develop, and deploy sustainable and energy-efficient building system technologies by forming partnerships between the public sector and private industry for analysis, well-characterized experiments, technology development, and market outreach.
Because the BTC is a "National User Facility," its facilities are available to manufacturers, universities, and other organizations for proprietary and nonproprietary research and development.
Source: Oak Ridge National laboratory
URL: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/btc/
National Laboratories and Technology Centers
Abstract: The Department of Energy's laboratories and technology centers house world-class facilities where more than 30,000 scientists and engineers perform cutting-edge research. Much of the work is done cooperatively with universities and industry, some of which impacts building science.
Source: Department of Energy
URL: http://www.energy.gov/engine/content.do?BT_CODE=OF_NLTC
American Solar Energy Society
Abstract: The American Solar Energy Society (ASES) is the United States section of the International Solar Energy Society. A nonprofit, ASES is dedicated to the development and adoption of renewable energy in all its forms. Its website includes resources for renewable energy, as well as links to Solar Energy Home Tours in each state.
Source: American Solar Energy Society
URL: http://www.ases.org/
National Renewable Energy Lab's Student Competitions
Abstract: NREL's Office of Education Programs seeks to develop a capable and diverse workforce for the Laboratory, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the nation through mentored research internships and fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students. Many opportunities are linked from this site.
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
URL: http://www.nrel.gov/education/undergrad.html
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