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Last updated:
May 03, 2001

 Holiday Plaza Cleaners

Address -2005 South Douglas Highway, Gillette, WY  82718
Phone: (307) 682-1975

Contact - Randy Sinclair

Product or Service - Full service dry cleaners

Number of Employees - 5 employees

Waste Streams Targeted

Waste Stream Targeted: Asbestos-wrapped boiler 


  • The asbestos-wrapped boiler which provides steam for the dry cleaning business at Holiday Plaza Dry Cleaners was inefficient, difficult to maintain and a potential hazard because of its age.  Whith the help of the MAMTC engineer, the owner was able to acquire a more efficient boiler capable of reducing his energy requirement, improving his operating efficiency and improving the safety of the business place.

Waste Reduction Activities 

  • Holiday Plaza Dry Cleaners was purchased by Randy Sinclair 18 months ago.  The current boiler and associated steam systems were in place when the business was purchased.  The boiler provides the steam required in the dry cleaning process and is an integral aspect of the business.  Due to the age, lagging efficiency, continued maintenance problems and environmental hazards because of the asbestos around the boiler, it was determined that a replacement boiler would be necessary.  By replacing the boiler, the efficiency would improve from 38% to 84%, reduce the amount of energy needed to run the boiler and reduce the waste water.

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Major Benefits 

  • Reduced environmental liability
  • Improved maintenance opportunities
  • Improved system efficiency
  • Positive business and environmental image

Cost Savings 

  • Not quantified as yet.  Payback is estimated to be at five years based solely on cost of new boiler, removal and disposal of asbestos-wrapped boiler compared to the fewer maintenance calls, improved waste water disposal.


  • Disposal of asbestos wrapped boiler

Key to Success in Implementing Pollution Prevention Modification 

  • Company's willingness to make changes in the equipment and the payback period for the improvement.

Choose Another Waste Stream

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Waste Stream Targeted: Wastewater discharge 


  • New dry cleaner owner improves waste water discharge system by purchasing a Clean Rite Mister.

Waste Reduction Activities 

  • Perchloroethylene (perc) is used in dry cleaning as a cleaning agent.  Perc is condisered a hazardous waste stream and must be treated as such.  Holiday Plaza Dry Cleaners has a dry-to- dry closed loop system in place but was having difficulty with the wastewater discharge.  Mr. Sinclair installed a Clean Rite Mister to reclaim and recycle the usable solvents which allowed him to reduce the amount of waste stream.

Major Benefits 

  • Reduced hazardous waste generation
  • Reduced disposal costs
  • Improved worker safety and liability associated with working with Perc
  • Reduced potential for exposure from accidents
  • Positive business and environmental image

Cost Savings 

  • Cost of system-$1980
  • Payback unkown at this time


  • Difficulty in finding space for the system
  • Requires effort to maintain

Key to Success in Implementing Pollution Prevention Modification 

  • Customer's willingness to make changes in his equipment

Choose Another Waste Stream

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