An on-line input form (not yet available) will allow you to submit
information about a resource efficient home for inclusion in the
Homes Across America collection. This is a five-part application:
Part 1:
Home Overview* (1 page)
Part 2: Contact Information* (1 page)
Part 3: Resource Efficient Features Checklist
(8 pages)
Part 4: Resource Efficient Innovation
Details (if indicated in the Checklist, 1 page)
Part 5: Other Information (1 page)
*Only Part
1 & Part 2 are required. Homes Across America staff can contact
you to complete Parts 3 - 5 if you wish.
You may print
an application using the pdf links above and fax or mail it to
us. Climate information for the homes specific locale will
be added by Homes Across America staff. The information will come
from government weather sources.
Homes Across
America will consider homes completed during or after the year
2000 that showcase resource efficient technologies. The showcase
highlights the seven feature categories listed below:
Click on an icon above or
go to the Terms Defined page for
a description of these features.
be selected, homes must: |
- Have
at least one feature in both the "Site and Design" and
"Energy Efficiency" categories
- Describe
a minimum of 15 features in combination of categories
- Describe
at least one feature "Innovation" (a more
in-depth review of a particularly innovative feature)
addition to the above, Homes Across America will select
profiles based on the variety of features presented, how
features address unique climate and site considerations,
and evidence of how resources are being conserved. For
homes that are selected as Showcase Homes, a good contact
person must be available with whom HAA staff can finalize
the profile.
Across America will give the Integrated Design
Award when descriptions of resource efficiency
exemplify the following definition: |
and their surroundings operate as a system with all components
(products, location, orientation, equipment, etc.) functioning
as one. When each component interacts efficiently with the
others, the home has achieved an integrated design. An integrated
design brings together the client, the design team, and the
construction team to optimize resource efficiency and environmental
performance starting from design, during construction and
through to the end of the home’s useful life. |
Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center
Montana State University, PO Box 173580
Bozeman, MT 59717
FAX: 406-994-5417
- call 406-994-3451.
elevations or plans will make your home profile more interesting.
They may be submitted electronically (preferred) or in hard
copy. Hard copies will be returned upon request. Electronic
submissions must meet certain specifications. Call for details. |