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Advanced Buldings Technologies & Practices
This site contains ninety technologies and practices that improve the energy and resource efficiency...

Building Info Central: EEBA Criteria
Goals, objectives and criteria for energy-efficient and resource-efficient buildings.

Building on a Green Budget
Low-cost green design and construction practices for commercial and residential construction.

Homes Across America
This site profiles resource efficient homes throughout the country, highlighting techniques and tech...

Houses That Work: House Design Recommendations By ...
Design recommendations are provided as a starting point for designing a specific house in a specific...

NAHB Model Green Home Building
This publication contains guidance for builders engaged in or interested in green building products ...

PATH Technology Inventory Toolbase
PATH’s Technology Inventory is a unique source of information on technological innovations in the ho...

Whole-House and Building Process Redesign
This roadmap was developed to strategically overcome the slow adoption of new technologies into home...

Residential Construction - Green Design Links

These resources give more detailed information about the concepts presented in this section. There are 36 links in this section.

Sorted by Resource Type

Article/report: 5
Calendar: 1
Case study/success story: 4
Chapter: 2
Fact sheet/checklist: 6
List: 2
Manual/handbook/curriculum: 9
Periodical: 1
Software/electronic tool: 3
Web site: 3

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NOTE: [PDF] links require the Acrobat Reader from Adobe.


Advanced Buldings Technologies & Practices
Abstract: This site contains ninety technologies and practices that improve the energy and resource efficiency of commercial and multi-unit residential buildings.
Source: Advancedbuildings.org
URL: http://www.advancedbuildings.org/index.htm

Building on a Green Budget
Abstract: Low-cost green design and construction practices for commercial and residential construction.
Source: Environmental Building News prepared by Building Green, Inc.
URL: http://www.buildinggreen.com/features/lc/low_cost.cfm

Green Roofs for Homes
Abstract: Provides examples and things to consider for landscaping a living roof on your home. Links to other resources.
Source: Northwest EcoBuilding Guild
URL: http://www.hadj.net/green-roofs/index.html

Northwest Regional Sustainable Building Action Plan [PDF]
Abstract: The action plan is intended to serve as a road map for the region - to identify the most critical and practical steps needed to make sustainable building the standard practice in the Pacific Northwest.
Source: Seattle City Lights et al.
URL: http://www.cityofseattle.net/light/conserve/sustainability/NWB

The State of Green Building 2003
Abstract: This report includes some of the most recent information on green building in America, what drives it and where it is going. The page requires a free registration sign-in.
Source: Cahners Residential Group
URL: http://www.housingzone.com/forums/green/index.asp


Greenbuild International Conference and Expo
Abstract: Learn about the leading edge of the building and construction industry, including the latest updates and expansions of the LEED Green Building Rating System. Sponsored by the U.S. Green Building Council, Greenbuild is the nation’s largest green-building conference. The conference is in Portland, Oregoon, November 10-12, 2004.
Source: US Green Building Council
URL: http://www.greenbuildexpo.org/

Case study/success story

Building Greener Building Better: The Quiet Revolution
Abstract: An overview of strategies to build "green homes". Case studies and builder interviews touch on the concepts of 'Smart Growth', building community, site design, use of infill and brownfields, stormwater controls and design, and energy efficiency.
Source: National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and NAHB Research Center
URL: http://www.nahb.org/publication_details.aspx?publicationID=17

Designing for Sustainability
Abstract: Sustainable re-design of historic structure; includes links to team partners and sustainable design criteria (principles, building materials, building system, ergonomics and recycling).
Source: Thoreau Center for Sustainability
URL: http://www.thoreau.org/design.html

Homes Across America
Abstract: This site profiles resource efficient homes throughout the country, highlighting techniques and technologies appropriate for specific sites, climatic conditions, and affordability ranges.
Source: Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center
URL: http://www.homes-across-america.org

PATH Home of the Future
Abstract: The PATH Concept Home is a vibrant reflection of the people who live in it, whoever they may be. It recognizes our common need for a healthy and flexible living environment. It promises stronger communities, sustainable development, and a better quality of life for all homeowners.
Source: Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing
URL: http://www.pathnet.org/sp.asp?id=11984


Design Considerations
Abstract: Guide to identifying sustainable issues and best practices for addressing these issues during design phase.
Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program
URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide

Abstract: Design issues, commercial status and guidelines for implementation; extensive contacts.
Source: Sustainable Building Sourcebook published by Sustainable Sources
URL: http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/Xeriscape.html

Fact sheet/checklist

Advanced Framing Details
Abstract: Provides a brief overview of Advanced Framing, which incorporates Optimal Value Engineering (OVE), to make the optimum use of wood in terms of cost and building science. Text is highlighted by a series of schematic diagrams with key details.
Source: Building Science Corporation
URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/housesthatwork/advancedframing/

Building Info Central: EEBA Criteria
Abstract: Goals, objectives and criteria for energy-efficient and resource-efficient buildings.
Source: Energy and Environmental Building Association (EEBA)
URL: http://www.eeba.org/technology/criteria.htm

Built Green of Colorado: Checklist
Abstract: Checklist of Built Green standards. Designed for Colorado, the list is a good example for other programs interested in Green Design.
Source: Home Builders Association of Metro Denver
URL: http://www.builtgreen.org/checklist/checklist.htm

Ceiling and Attic Insulation and Ventilation
Abstract: Discussion of design considerations to consider for energy efficient insulation and ventilation. Includes recommended R-values and diagrams.
Source: Southface Energy Institute
URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f

PATH Technology Inventory Toolbase
Abstract: PATH’s Technology Inventory is a unique source of information on technological innovations in the housing industry. The inventory focuses on technologies currently considered to be "emerging" (i.e. with a market share of 5% or less) in a wide range of categories; from new materials, components and systems to complete houses. The comprehensive discussion of the technology includes overview, benefits/costs, limitations and field evaluations.
Source: National Association of Home Builders Research Center (NAHBRC)
URL: http://www.toolbase.org/secondaryT.asp?TrackID=&CategoryID=138

Straw bale Homes
Abstract: Introductory discussion of strawbale construction; additional resources.
Source: Environ Design Collaborative
URL: http://www.environdc.com/edc/strawcom.htm


Solar Radiation Data for Buildings
Abstract: For use by architects and engineers, this provides solar resources information for common window orientations for the United States and its territories. Scroll down for link to 30-year normals and solar radiation maps.
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Analytic Studies Division / Home Power Magazine
URL: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb/bluebook/state.html

Solar Radiation Data Manual for Flat-Plate and Concentrating Collectors
Abstract: Solar radiation and illuminance values for a horizontal window and four vertical windows (facing north, east, south, and west) for 239 stations in the United States and its territories. Scroll down for 30-year normals and resource maps.
Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Analytic Studies Division / Home Power Magazine
URL: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/pubs/redbook/


Built Smart Program Binder
Abstract: Guidelines and standards for participation in the program. The program mission is to bring resource efficiency to all new construction multifamily buildings in Seattle to sustain the environment for future generations.
Source: Seattle City Lights
URL: http://www.ci.seattle.wa.us/light/conserve/resident/bsbinder/c

Earthcraft House Project
Abstract: The EarthCraft House is a blueprint for healthy, comfortable, affordable homes that cut energy and water bills and protect the environment. Through training, EarthCraft Houses provide builders a sign of quality and a sustainable commitment to home buyers and their surrounding community.
Source: Southface
URL: http://www.southface.org/web/southface_community/professional/

Greening Portlands' Affordable Housing: A Resource Guide [PDF]
Abstract: Aiming to improve environmental performance, tenant health and long-term durability this comprehensive guide (100 pages) provides information about local products, building materials, construction practices, vendors and services needed to successfully complete a green building project. Guidelines help to set measurable goals and performance specifications that can be achieved with limited funds.
Source: City of Portland Office of Sustainable Development and Portland Development Commission
URL: http://www.sustainableportland.org/Affordable%20Housing%20Guid

Healthy and Affordable Housing: Read This Before You Design, Build or Renovate [PDF]
Abstract: Practical recommendations for building and renovating a home. This manual discusses the seven steps to a healthy home with step by step recommendations.
Source: by Joseph Lstiburek and Terry Brennan/Dept. of Energy / Building Science Corporation
URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/resources/mold/Design_Build.pdf

Houses That Work: House Design Recommendations By Climate
Abstract: Design recommendations are provided as a starting point for designing a specific house in a specific location and climate. Explanations for envelope assemblies and moisture-related risks are discussed for each climate. Includes case studies.
Source: Building Science Corporation
URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/housesthatwork/default.htm#Hygr

NAHB Model Green Home Building
Abstract: This publication contains guidance for builders engaged in or interested in green building products and practices for residential design, development and construction. This publication is not intended to be exhaustive and all-inclusive and the enclosed guidelines are not to be considered the only method of green building. These guidelines for green building originate from the collective experience of leading personnel in the green building movement (marketplace), but must, due to the nature of the responsibilities involved, be presented only as a guide for the use of a qualified developer, builder, remodeler, or design professional.
Source: National Association of Home Builders
URL: http://www.nahb.org/fileUpload_details.aspx?contentTypeID=7&co

Sustainable Building Technical Manual [PDF]
Abstract: Comprehensive manual, 300 pages. Covers a large area of green building considerations, practices and recommendations. (Public Technology, Inc. DOE, EPA, USGBC).
Source: Public Technology Incorporated/U.S. Green Building Council/U.S. Department of Energy
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/pdf/sbt.pdf

Whole Building Design Guide
Abstract: The guide provides an Internet resource to a wide range of building-related design guidance, criteria, and technology, including sustainable energy design. The guide is a public/private-sector collaboration and is maintained by the National Institute of Building Sciences with support from GSA, DOE, the Navy and other public and private agencies.
Source: National Institute of Building Sciences
URL: http://www.wbdg.org/

Whole-House and Building Process Redesign
Abstract: This roadmap was developed to strategically overcome the slow adoption of new technologies into homebuilding, and the lack of systems science and engineering standards in the manufacturing of products and the construction of houses. The roadmap details five strategies to overcome chronic barriers and outlines the benefits of taking proactive steps. The recommendations of this roadmap have the potential to make home construction more affordable, higher quality, customizable, and receptive to new innovations.
Source: Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing
URL: http://www.pathnet.org/sp.asp?id=1711


Housing Zone.com's Green Building headlines, news, and current events.
Abstract: Hot news for the Green Building industry on the home page. Topics include materials, design, land, economics, management, and more
Source: Housing Zone.Com
URL: http://www.housingzone.com

Software/electronic tool

High Performance Buildings
Abstract: The High Performance Buildings Database is research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy that seeks to improve building performance measuring methods by collecting data on various factors that affect a building's performance, such as energy, materials, and land use. The database collects information from buildings around the world, ranging from homes and commercial interiors to large buildings and even whole campuses and neighborhoods. These may be certified green projects, or simply projects that have one or more notable environmental features.
Source: US Department of Energy
URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/highperformance/

Overhang Design
Abstract: Select 'Overhang' in the Tools box. This tool shows to what extent a window is shaded and aids in the proper sizing and positioning of windows and shading devices. Instructions and user interface provide for a friendly experience.
Source: by Christopher Gronbeck, Sustainable By Design
URL: http://www.susdesign.com/

Whole-Wall Thermal Performance Calculator
Abstract: This whole-wall thermal performance calculator helps design teams evaluate the effect that different types and levels of insulation can have on a building's energy performance. In addition, the designers can predict how different structural assemblies will affect thermal performance. Calculators show how advanced framing techniques, for exmaple, reduce wood use, but also improve whole-wall R-values.
Source: Oak Ridge National Labs
URL: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/whole_wall/wallsys.html

Web site

Green Home Building
Abstract: At Greenhomebuilding.com you can find a wide range of information about sustainable architecture and natural building. The site provides a way to communicate with, and learn from, a variety of experts in the many fields associated with the site. This is a very thorough and credible green home building source, especially for people who like to do things for themselves.
Source: Greenhomebuilding.com
URL: http://www.greenhomebuilding.com/

Montana Green Power
Abstract: Offers solid facts on how, where, and why to use solar power in Montana - or any place with abundant sunshine. Shines light on solar projects throughout Montana homes, businesses, and schools. Reviews national green power legislation.
Source: National Center for Appropriate Technology
URL: http://www.montanagreenpower.com/solar/index.html

The Green Built Home
Abstract: This site is one of the most comprehensive sites for information about issues related to business and the environment, land use, and green building. Oriented to Wisconsin, it provides a tremendous amount of guidance for any green home builder.
Source: Wisconsin Environmental Initiative
URL: http://www.greenbuilthome.org/

Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange™, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (Northeast), WRRC (Southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (Southwest), P2RIC (Plains), Peaks to Prairies (Mountain), WRPPN (Pacific Southwest), PPRC (Northwest).