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Using Environment-Based Education to Advance Learn...
Describes the efficacy of environment-based education in helping young people become lifelong learne...

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Agricultural services (33) / Air quality (12) / Consumer education (37) / Education (1) / Energy consumption (35) / Grants in aid (4) / Materials (9) / Pollution control industry (3) / Transportation (10) / Waste management (3) / Water quality (38) /

Keyword: Agricultural services, 33 Links

Tree Cology
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary: AGRICULTURE: Plant a tree as a classroom project and learn how trees help prevent pollution and maintain ecology. Links to kits, related activities and poster contest.
Source: SLOC
URL: http://www.uen.org/treecology/html/class.html

What is a Pesticide?
Abstract: AGRICULTURE: Great definitions and examples of pesticides.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/kids/hometour/pest.htm

Silent Invaders [PDF]
Abstract: AGRICULTURE: Information on alien plant species or invasive weeds including why and how they create problems.
Source: BLM
URL: http://www.blm.gov/education/00_kids/wild12.pdf

What You and Your Community Can do to Protect and Conserve Groundwater
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WATER QUALITY: Contains examples of things that you can do to safeguard our valuable ground water resources in the home, community, on the farm, and in businesses.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/seahome/groundwater/src/you.htm

Natives are Nice
Abstract: AGRICULTURE: Definition of and information on native plants and how they help the environment. Also links to activities.
Source: Montana Education Telecommunications Network
URL: http://www.metnet.state.mt.us/Special/Natives%20Are%20Nice/HTM/index.html

Compost Critters
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Learn about the wide variety of organisms found naturally in organic matter that also break it down into compost.
Source: Reduce.org
URL: http://www.moea.state.mn.us/campaign/compost/index.html#biology

What is Vermicomposting
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Defines vermicomposting (using worms) and describes how to do it.
Source: Worm Woman
URL: http://www.wormwoman.com/acatalog/vermicomposting.html

How to Grow a Healthy, No-Waste Garden
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANGEMENT: How to utilize your garden to lower your household waste plus greener alternatives for yard maintenance.
Source: Reduce.org
URL: http://www.moea.state.mn.us/campaign/garden/index.html

What is an Alternative Fuel?
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/ENERGY CONSERVATION/TRANSPORTATION: Describes ethanol and its benefits as an alternative fuel.
Source: Alternative Fuels Data Center
URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/cleancities/afdc/altfuel/altfuels.html

Animal Waste
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WATER QUALITY: On-line U.S. map links by state to animal waste information and to additional information about animal waste and non-point source pollution.
Source: Environmental Defense
URL: http://www.scorecard.org/env-releases/aw/

The Big Three Pollutants
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WATER QUALITY: Description of how dirt, bacteria and nutrients impact water quality.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
URL: http://www.epa.gov/owow/monitoring/nationswaters/bigpollutants.html

Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT:Describes the what, how and why of composting, including benefits and descriptions of various methods as well as linking to more info.
Source: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
URL: http://www.kansasdontspoilit.com/main_pg7.html

Abstract: AGRICULGURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Links to information on worms and composting with worms (i.e. vermicomposting).
Source: The Compost Resource Page
URL: http://www.oldgrowth.org/compost/vermi.html

Non-Point Source Pollution
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT/WATER QUALITY: Describes what nonpoint source pollution (NPS) is and why it is the nation's largest water quality problem.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/NPS/facts/point1.htm

Managing Non-Point Source Pollution from Agriculture
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WATER QUALITY: Describes water quality impacts from agricultural sources.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/NPS/facts/point6.htm

What You Can Do to Prevent Non-Point Source Pollution
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT/WATER QUALITY: Listing of proactive choices to prevent water pollution in urban and agricultural areas.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/NPS/whatudo.html

Pesticides Reduction [PDF]
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Common pesticides, their uses, and why reducing our usage of them is important, including alternatives.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/reg5rcra/wptdiv/p2pages/pestici.pdf

What is a Pesticide?
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Definition and description of pesticides with examples.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/about/

What is a Biopesticide?
Abstract: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Definition and advantages of pesticides derived from natural materials.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/oppbppd1/biopesticides/whatarebiopesticides.htm

IPM Super Sleuth
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower and Upper Elementary: AGRICULTURE: On-line activities related to and that teach about integrated pest management to reduce pests and pesticide usage, divided by age groups.
Source: IPM Institute
URL: http://www.ipminstitute.org/supersleuth.htm

Elementary Urban Integrated Pest Management Curriculum
Abstract: CURRICULA: Lower and Upper: AGRICULTURE/WASTE MANAGEMENT: Elementary: A curriculum on integrated pest management to reduce pests while also reducing pesticide use. PDF format that can be downloaded by section.
Source: MSU Extension
URL: http://www.pested.msu.edu/CommunitySchoolIpm/curriculum.htm

Bountiful Kid's Garden
Abstract: MATERIALS SOURCES: Video and curricula combination that includes recruiting volunteers, developing the garden site, starting seeds indoors, transplanting, controlling pests, and making curriculum connectionsin both urban and rural settings.
Source: National Gardening Association
URL: http://store.yahoo.com/nationalgardening/11-1010.html

Lesson Plans
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary & Middle School: AGRICULTURE/WATER: Learning experiences in earth system science related to water and agriculture.
Source: University of Wyoming Ed-Parc
URL: http://nasc.uwyo.edu/edParc/teachMod/lessons.html

Journey to Planet Earth
Abstract: ACTIVITY: The seven programs in the series Journey to Planet Earth explore the fragile relationship between people and the world they inhabit.
Source: PBS
URL: http://www.pbs.org/journeytoplanetearth/about/purchase.html

Kids Gardening
Abstract: AGRICULTURE: The National Gardening Association links to classroom stories, articles, web sites, and other resources to help students investigate garden ecosystems and sustainable growing practices. This includes exploring the living and nonliving parts of soil, decomposers' abilities to turn once-living materials into a rich nutrient source, and "benign" pest- and weed-control strategies.
Source: National Gardening Association
URL: http://www.kidsgardening.com/

Backyard Conservation
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary and Middle School Ages: AGRICULTURE/WATER/WASTE: Teaches citizens how to improve water quality and provide habitat for wildlife in their yards using conservation techniques developed for farms. Modules encourage students to explore and investigate and also to utilize nearby natural areas as outdoor classrooms.
Source: Wildlife Habitat Council
URL: http://www.wildlifehc.org/managementtools/backyard-lessonplans.cfm

Agricultural Experiments
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Upper Elementary/Middle School: AGRICULTURAL SERVICES: A few basic ideas of agricultural science projects you can do.
Source: USDA
URL: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/kids/fair/ideasframe.htm

What is Sustainable Development?
Abstract: AG/AIR/ENERGY/WASTE/WATER: Information describing components of sustainable development.
Source: The World Bank Group
URL: http://www.worldbank.org/depweb/english/sd.html

Abstract: CURRICULUM: Middle School: AGRICULTURE: A project that enables students, grades 7-12, to plant trees of more than 30 kinds and then choose the environmental factors that affect their growth, such as rainfall, temperature, and soil conditions. The software is intended for biology and ecology classes. Teacher and professional development materials are included.
Source: National Science Foundation
URL: http://ddc.hampshire.edu/simforest/curriculum/curriculum.html

Building Better Soil
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AGRICULTURE: Recipe for making an edible parfait that compares to the makeup of real soil (including gummy worms). Includes explanation of soil profile.
Source: Conservation Technology Information Center
URL: http://www.ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/BetterSoilRecipe.htm

Edible Soil Compaction Demonstration
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AGRICULTURE: Using cereal to illustrate particles/aggregates of soil and milk to imitate rainwater, the experiment shows how compaction affects the infiltration, storage and rate of water movement through soils.
Source: Conservation Technology Information Center
URL: http://www.ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/EdibleSoilCompactionDemo.htm

Soil is Alive
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AGRICULTURE: Build a Berlese Funnel to trap six types of organisms commonly found in soil.
Source: Conservation Technology Information Center
URL: http://www.ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/Berlese.html

Aggregate Stability Demonstration
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AGRICULTURE: Learn about the role that clumps of dirt play in healthy soil.
Source: Conservation Technology Information Center
URL: http://www.ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/AggregateStabilityDemonstration.htm

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Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (northeast), WRRC (southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (southwest), P2RIC (plains), Peaks to Prairies (mountain), WRPPN (Pacific southwest), PPRC (northwest).