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Using Environment-Based Education to Advance Learn...
Describes the efficacy of environment-based education in helping young people become lifelong learne...

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Find Youth Education Topic Hub Links related to these keywords:

Agricultural services (33) / Air quality (12) / Consumer education (37) / Education (1) / Energy consumption (35) / Grants in aid (4) / Materials (9) / Pollution control industry (3) / Transportation (10) / Waste management (3) / Water quality (38) /

Keyword: Air quality, 12 Links

Greenhouse Effect
Abstract: AIR QUALITY: Definition of greenhouse effect including information on planet warming and greenhouse gases and great visuals.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming/kids/greenhouse.html

Indoor Air Hazards
Abstract: AIR QUALITY: Listing of common indoor air pollutants including lead, radon, asbestos, particulates, CO2, smoke, formaldehyde, remodeling hazards, moisture and biologicals, with links to more information on each one.
Source: Healthy Indoor Air America's Homes
URL: http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/hazards.htm

Taking Action for Climate Change [PDF]
Abstract: AIR QUALITY/CONSUMER EDUCATION: A listing of 31 actions and choices to prevent pollution and related climate changes.
Source: World Wildlife Federation
URL: http://www.biodiversity911.org/climate_change/pdfs/climate_actions.pdf

Ten Simple Steps to Improving Air Quality
Abstract: AIR QUALITY/TRANSPORTATION: Ten things a person can do to prevent air pollution and/or help air quality.
Source: It All Adds Up
URL: http://www.italladdsup.gov/drivers/10steps.asp

Pollutants and Programs
Abstract: AIR QUALITY/TRANSPORTATION: Provides links to information on air pollutants and greenhouse gases from transportation and other mobile sources.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/otaq/transport.htm

Tox Town
Abstract: WASTE MANAGEMENT: An interactive guide to commonly encountered toxic substances.
Source: National Library of Medicine
URL: http://toxtown.nlm.nih.gov/

Travel Matters
Abstract: TRANSPORTATION/AIR QUALITY: Describes how travel habits and transportation choices affect global climate change. Offers a trio of resources - interactive emissions calculators, on-line emissions maps, and a wealth of educational content - to emphasize the close relationship between more efficient transit systems and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology
URL: http://www.travelmatters.org/

A-Way With Waste
Abstract: CURRICULUM: Upper Elementary & Middle School Age: AIR QUALITY, WASTE MANAGEMENT: Presents integrated waste management concepts affecting land, air and water in the ecosystem. Designed to promote awareness, attitude, and actions to solve waste management problems at home, in school and in the community.
Source: Department of Ecology: Air Quality Program
URL: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/air/aawwaste/awwwhome.html

High School Environmental Center
Abstract: AIR QUALITY/WASTE MANAGEMENT/WATER QUALITY: Connects to resources on Air, Waste/Recycling, and Water issues.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/highschool/

Air Quality Lesson Plans and Data
Abstract: ACTIVITY: All Ages: AIR QUALITY: The information contained on these pages is designed to provide educators who teach kindergarten through 12th grade with the background, activities and resources to teach the subject of air quality in the classroom. The information is presented in three levels: lesson plans, information and activities, and data files.
Source: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
URL: http://www.tnrcc.state.tx.us/air/monops/lessons/lesson_plans.html

What is Sustainable Development?
Abstract: AG/AIR/ENERGY/WASTE/WATER: Information describing components of sustainable development.
Source: The World Bank Group
URL: http://www.worldbank.org/depweb/english/sd.html

Happy Earth Day Coloring and Activities Book
Abstract: ACTIVITY: Lower Elementary: Printable booklet for Earth Day activities.
Source: U.S. EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/region5/publications/happy/happy.htm

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Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (northeast), WRRC (southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (southwest), P2RIC (plains), Peaks to Prairies (mountain), WRPPN (Pacific southwest), PPRC (northwest).