P2Rx Topic Hubs - Guides to Community-Reviewed Resources on the Web
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Table of Contents
Background and Overview
EMS P2 Design Tools
Case Studies
Reasons for Change
Where To Go for P2 Help
P2 Opportunities
Complete List of Links

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EMS in Government: Table of Contents

Welcome to the EMS in Government Topic Hub™, a guide to basic information with links to additional on-line resources.

Background and Overview - This section focuses on official definitions of an EMS, provides a table listing ten elements of a successful EMS, and describes who is best served by an EMS. Links to EMS frequently asked questions (FAQs) are provided, along with links to databases of companies that have adopted an EMS.

EMS P2 Design Tools - Several approaches to an EMS exist. This section opens with links to resources that help determine differences between various EMS certification protocols.

Case Studies - This page includes links to case studies of public agencies that have implemented an EMS and links to active, online public sector EMS's.

Reasons for Change - A decision to adopt an EMS represents an investment in change. This section provides access to resources that describe the benefits that a government entity might consider prior to moving to EMS adoption.

Where To Go for P2 Help - Resources on the worldwide web that can assist governmental organizations in the implementation of their environmental management systems.

P2 Opportunities - This section provides links to pollution prevention information that can give a facility ideas for pollution prevention projects and objectives that can be incorporated into an EMS.

Acknowledgements - Acknowledges the contribution of industry experts to this Topic Hub.

Complete List of Links - Lists all resources cataloged in this hub. If you know of resources relating to this topic, please let us know. We will review all suggestions and include them in the hub if they provide non-biased information not currently covered.

Topic Hub™ Last Updated: 07/25/2006
This Topic Hub is a product of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2RX)™
The EMS in Government Topic Hub was developed by:
Waste Reduction Resource Center
Waste Reduction Resource Center
Contact email:wrrc@p2pays.org

Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange™, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (Northeast), WRRC (Southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (Southwest), P2RIC (Plains), Peaks to Prairies (Mountain), WRPPN (Pacific Southwest), PPRC (Northwest).