Electric Utilities: Table of Contents
Welcome to the Electric Utilities Topic Hub™, a guide to basic information with
links to additional on-line resources.
Background and Overview - contains pollution prevention and energy efficiency information useful to environmental managers, policymakers, assistance providers and professional organizations associated with coal-fired and gas-fired electric generation plants.
Reasons for Change - contains information on best management practices, environmental compliance, electric utility deregulation, and public relations.
Operations - contains a general description of typical material inputs, processes used, and wastes produced from typical coal and gas fired electric generation stations. Checklists are provided to help assess best management practices for typical operations.
P2 Opportunities - contains information about alternatives to improve operational efficiency and waste reduction. This section covers both, coal and gas fired electric power generation stations. This section also provides information on renewable energy and other emerging power generation technologies. The information includes case studies, success stories, and other useful information.
List of Links - Lists all resources cataloged in this
hub. If you know of resources relating to this topic, please let
us know. We will review all suggestions and include them in the hub
if they provide non-biased information not currently covered.
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