P2Rx Topic Hubs - Guides to Community-Reviewed Resources on the Web
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Table of Contents
Background and Overview
Reasons for Change
P2 Opportunities
Corporate and Non-Profit Initiatives
Options for E-Waste
Where to go for Help
Complete List of Links

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Electronic Waste: Table of Contents

Welcome to the Electronic Waste Topic Hub™, a guide to basic information with links to additional on-line resources.

Background and Overview - This section gives a summary of what is covered on the Topic Hub for Electronic Waste. It touches on what e-waste is, the problem, and its four main categories including volume, toxicity, short life span, and the expense of recycling.

Operations - This section contains descriptions of typical material inputs and wastes produced in the electronics industry. Included in this section is information about computer manufacturing, microprocessor fabrication, and recycling and recovery operations.

Reasons for Change - This section contains resources to help answer regulatory questions about waste generated from electronics, and identify other reasons for change. Highlighted in this section are the four main reasons for change including financial, legislative/political, environmental, and public health.

P2 Opportunities - This section gives an overview of opportunities to use pollution prevention for electronic waste.

Legislation - This section discusses e-waste recycling legistlation at federal, regional, state and local, and international levels.

Corporate and Non-Profit Initiatives - This section discusses environmental responsibilities laid out by the US EPA including manufacturer, non-profit, and government initiatives.

Options for E-Waste - This section contains a list of what a consumer should do with used electronics before discarding.

Acknowledgements - This section contains acknowledgements and thanks for those who helped with the electronic waste topic hub.

Where to go for Help - This link will provide you with regional resources and contacts.

Complete List of Links - Lists all resources cataloged in this hub. If you know of resources relating to this topic, please let us know. We will review all suggestions and include them in the hub if they provide non-biased information not currently covered.

Topic Hub™ Last Updated: 08/28/2006
This Topic Hub is a product of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2RX)™
The Electronic Waste Topic Hub was developed by:
Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network
Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network
Contact email:webmaster@westp2net.org

Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange™, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (Northeast), WRRC (Southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (Southwest), P2RIC (Plains), Peaks to Prairies (Mountain), WRPPN (Pacific Southwest), PPRC (Northwest).