Wyoming Case Studies

Aviat Aircraft
Equipment Maintenance Systems
Holiday Plaza Cleaners
Mullinix and Company
Schroll Cabinets
West Park County Hospital

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Last updated:
May 03, 2001 

 EnviroMentors: Case Studies Featuring Environmentally Responsible Businesses  

Pollution prevention makes good small business sense in Wyoming.  Historically, businesses have thought of pollution prevention as government requirements rather than good business practices.  The unique program described in the following case studies was sponsored by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality and The Wyoming Small Business Development Centers to demonstrate there are many incentives to Wyoming small businesses for implementing pollution prevention practices. 

The program incorporates the belief that the most enduring environmental success stories are based on partnerships, with each participant contributing from his or her own expertise and resources to achieve greater environmental results.  The seven Wyoming small businesses involved in this initial program understand that by working together, we will all be more likely to achieve the goals Wyoming has set for our unique and special environment.  Laws and regulations don't improve environmental quality – people do. 

The case studies in this series were completed in a non-regulatory approach to solving environmental problems through the cooperation of the small businesses, the Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC), the Wyoming Small Business Development Centers and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality.  Since the inception of the project in January 1997, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality has formed a new Office of Outreach and Environmental Assistance, not within a regular division in the agency.  This office will continue working with small businesses in this non-regulatory, non-threatening capacity. 

If you would like information on this division or how to become a participant in a partnership project like this one, please feel free to contact Judith Semple at the SBDC Environmental Specialty Center at (888) 956-6060 or Pat Jordan at the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality at (307) 777-6105. 

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  • Enhances your business's image as a community leader while protecting Wyoming's unique environmental qualities.
  • Helps consumers identify environmentally sound businesses.
  • Provides information to show businesses around Wyoming that they too can be environmentally friendly without excessive cost or regulatory hassles.


  • Your business' public relations program will benefit from the good news you're able to disseminate about your concern for the environment.
  • Free non-regulatory, nonthreatening assistance minimizes environmental liabilities.
  • A wide range of environmental information is available to participating businesses.
  • Nominations for regional awards establish your position as a responsible business.
  • Help is available through either personal site visits or telephone consultation.
  • All one-on-one services are confidential.
  • The Office of Outreach and the WSBDC Environmental Assistance are staffed with experts who are ready to help you.

EnviroMentor Contacts 

DEQ Division Contacts 

Abandoned Mine Lands (307) 777-6145
Solid & Hazardous Waste (307) 777-7752
Air Quality (307) 777-7391
Industrial Siting (307) 777-7369
Land Quality (307) 777-7756
Water Quality (307) 777-7781

Office of Outreach & Environmental Assistance 

Public Participation Specialist
Dan Clark 
(307) 777-7388
Small Business Assistance Program Coordinator
Chuck Raffelson
(307) 777-7347
Pollution Prevention (P2) Program Coordinator
Pat Jordan
(307) 777-6105
Emergency Response Coordinator
(For emergencies, use. ext. 7781)
(307) 777-7938
Wyoming Recycling (307) 332-6924 
Wyoming's Wetlands Bank (307) 777-7081

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Other Contacts 

WSBDC Environmental Specialist 
Judith Semple, Environmental Specialist 
(307) 682-5232 or (888) 956-6060 
FAX: (307) 686-7268 
e-mail: sbdc@vcn.com 

WSBDC State Office 
Diane Wolverton, State Director 
P.O. Box 3922, Laramie, WY 82071-3922 
(307) 766-3505 (800) 348-5194 
FAX: (307) 766-3406 
e-mail: DDW@uwyo.edu 

Region 1: Marketing Speciality Center 
(Uinta, Sweetwater, Lincoln, Sublette, and Teton Counties) 
Bill Ellis, Regional Director 
P.O. Box 1168 (731 C Street) 
Rock Springs, WY 82902 
(307) 352-6894   (800) 348-5205 
FAX: (307) 352-6876 
e-mail: wsbdc1@fascination.com 

Region 2: Internet Research 
(Big Horn, Fremont, Hot Springs, Park, and Washakie Counties) 
Dwane Heintz, Regional Director 
146 South Bent Street 
Powell, WY 82435 
(307) 754-2139    (800) 383-0371 
FAX: (307) 754-0368 
e-mail: nwwsbdc@wave.park.wy.us 

Region 3: Manufacturing Specialty Center 
Serving Converse, Natrona and Niobrara Counties 
Leonard Holler, Regional Director 
111 West Second Street, Suite 502 
Casper, WY 82601 
(307) 234-6683    (800) 348-5207 
FAX: (307) 577-7014 
e-mail: sbdc@trib.com 

Region 4: International Trade 
Serving Albany, Goshen, Laramie, Carbon and Platte Counties 
Arlene Soto, Regional Director 
Laramie County Community College 
1400 East College Drive 
Cheyenne, WY 82007-3298 
(307) 632-6141    (800) 348-5208 
FAX: (307) 632-6061 
e-mail: SEWSBDC@wyoming.com 

Larry R. Stewart, P.E. 
P.O. Box 3362 University Station 
Laramie, WY 82071-3362 
(307) 766-4811    (800) 343-1423 
FAX: (307) 766-4818 
e-mail: lstewart@uwyo.edu 

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The Small Business Development Center is Wyoming's Premier provider of counseling, training, and assistance to  the small business community. The Wyoming Small Business Development Center is made possible through the partnership of the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Wyoming Department of Commerce, Division of Community and Economic Development and the University of Wyoming. The Small Business Development Center operates in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration, agreement #6-7770-0057. The support given by the U.S. Small Business Administration through such funding does not constitute an express or implied endorsement of the cosponsor(s) or participants' opinions, products or services.