Links - Topic Hub Total Number of Links: 3
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Essential Links
Homes Across America
Abstract: This site profiles resource efficient homes throughout the country, highlighting techniques and technologies appropriate for specific sites, climatic conditions, and affordability ranges.
Source: Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center
Resource Type: Case study/success story
Model Green Home Building Guidelines
Abstract: These guidelines were created for mainstream home builders. They highlight the ways a home builder can effectively weave environmental solutions into a new home and provide a tool that local associations can use to create their own green home building program. Topics include: lot design, preparation, and development; resource efficiency;
energy efficiency; water efficiency; indoor environmental quality; operation, maintenance and homeowner education; global impact; site planning and land development. An email discussion forum is also offered.
Source: National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
Resource Type: Manual/handbook/curriculum
The Whole Building Design Approach
Abstract: Buildings are deceptively complex. This discussion of the 'Whole Building' design approach concept helps to understand that complexity..
Source: Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG)
Resource Type: Article/report
Best of the Rest Links
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