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Complete List of Links for the Residential Construction Topic Hub -Total Number of Links: 195
Sorted by Resource Type Sort Alphabetically by Title Instead NOTE: [PDF] links require the Acrobat Reader from Adobe.Article/report Abstract: This site contains ninety technologies and practices that improve the energy and resource efficiency of commercial and multi-unit residential buildings. Source: Advancedbuildings.org URL: http://www.advancedbuildings.org/index.htm Alternatives to Old Growth Abstract: This guide offers solutions to preserve old growth forests while ensuring a supply of lumber for building materials and paper. It includes links to suppliers. Source: Rainforest Action Network URL: http://www.ran.org/ran_campaigns/old_growth/alternatives.html Alternatives to PVC Building and Landscaping Products Abstract: The Healthy Building Network is working to accelerate the transition away from PVC building materials in favor of safer, healthier alternatives that offer equal or superior performance at comparable prices. Their web site offers lists of alternative products. Source: Healthy Building Network URL: http://www.healthybuilding.net/pvc/alternatives.html Beginner's Guide to Green Building: What the Forest Sector Needs to Know About USGBC & LEED Abstract: The leading program for evaluating and recognizing green buildings is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System of the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). By understanding the LEED system and the specific credits, suppliers can offer customers the materials they need and help them achieve LEED certification. This represents a significant value-added opportunity for the industry. Source: Dovetail Partners URL: http://www.dovetailinc.org/DovetailLEED0405.html Building on a Green Budget Abstract: Low-cost green design and construction practices for commercial and residential construction. Source: Environmental Building News prepared by Building Green, Inc. URL: http://www.buildinggreen.com/auth/article.cfm?fileName=080501a .xml Clearing the Air: seven do's and seven don't for improving indoor air quality Abstract: "Guidelines for building a healthy home provided by an internationally recognized healthy housing expert. " Source: By John Bower / In Context, Context Institute URL: http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC35/Bower.htm Continuous Improvement for Small Volume Builders Abstract: Good management sets the stage by creating an organized way to capture good ideas and make the right improvements in the right way, the first time. Here are some elements common to the continuous improvement systems of most National Housing Quality award winning builders. Source: NAHB Research Center Staff URL: http://www.toolbase.org/ToolbaseResources/level3.aspx?BucketID =5&CategoryID=24 Continuous Improvement on the Jobsite Abstract: Your response to suggestions from field personnel defines the success of continuous improvement on the jobsite. Field personnel experience problems every day that cost time and money, problems that they would love to solve. Act on their suggestions, watch costs go down, and more ideas emerge. Source: NAHB Research Center Staff URL: http://www.toolbase.org/ToolbaseResources/level3.aspx?BucketID =5&CategoryID=23 Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) Abstract: The Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and selected federal incentives that promote renewable energy. Overall, this is an outstanding resource. Source: Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) URL: http://www.dsireusa.org/ Design: Green Building Materials Abstract: Highlights of sustainable construction materials selected for historic structure re-design including carpet, tile, wood finishes, flooring, fiberboard and composite panels, insulation, paint and adhesives. Source: Thoreau Center for Sustainability URL: http://www.thoreau.org/Design/materials.html Ducts - Consumer Information Abstract: A discussion of methods of diagnosing duct leakage while being aware of changes in the pressure distribution in a home, combustion appliance drafting, radon migration, moisture, ventilation, and indoor air quality. Primarily focuses on tools for large duct sealing programs; Includes graphs, schematics and formulas. Source: Home Energy Magazine URL: http://www.homeenergy.org/article_preview.php?id=76&article_ti tle=An_Easier_Way_to_Measure_Duct_Leaks Energy: Building Basics Abstract: Discussion of interrelated components involved in energy-efficient design for building construction. Source: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/info/components/index.htm l Frost Protected Shallow Foundations [PDF] Abstract: Frost protected shallow foundations are energy efficient, resource efficient and are reported as saving up to 40% in foundation costs. Approved for slab-on-grade construction for heated buildings in the CABO/ICC their use is spreading. This 12-page guide explains how they work, the benefits involved, where they are approved, and more. Source: National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) URL: http://www.toolbase.org/pdf/techinv/fpsf_techspec.pdf Green Building Goes Mainstream Abstract: This article highlights several indicators that point to 2004 as a vanguard year for the green building movement. Source: Housingzone.com URL: http://www.housingzone.com/topics/pb/build/pb04ca011.asp Green Building Professionals Abstract: A list of green builders and green building professionals throughout the country. Source: URL: http://directory.greenbuilder.com/search.gbpro Green Roofs for Homes Abstract: Provides examples and things to consider for landscaping a living roof on your home. Links to other resources. Source: Northwest EcoBuilding Guild URL: http://www.hadj.net/green-roofs/index.html Guide to Foundation and Support Systems for Manufactured Homes Abstract: The changes in the manufactured housing market, the evolution of the industry itself and the diversification of the potential customers for manufactured homes are ushering in a host of innovations and changes to the industry's core product. This guide describes new methods changes than the methods for supporting and fastening the home to the ground. Source: PATH URL: http://www.pathnet.org/sp.asp?id=1013 Hot Water On Demand - And No Energy Penalty Abstract: Water and energy considerations when installing a hot water recirculation system; article highlights the Metlund hot water demand system from Advanced Conservation Technology (ACT); includes schematics. Source: Environmental Building News (EBN) URL: http://www.buildinggreen.com/auth/article.cfm?fileName=040208a .xml Houses That Work Hard Copy Publication - Climate-specific technical resource shows how to design and build homes that use 30% less energy for space conditioning and hot water than the 1995 Model Energy Code (MEC) based on results of more than 8000 homes built across the country. It includes an uupdated North American hygro-thermal regions map, climate-specific Best Practices with performance criteria, three building profiles per climate, and a building materials technical and performance specifications. Source: U. S. DOE Building America Program Manufactured Home Installation Training Manual Abstract: Manufactured homes are built under a national code administered by HUD and are often referred to as "HUD-Code homes" to distinguish them from other types of factory-built housing, such as modular. Installers, retailers, and inspectors of HUD-Code homes will be interested in the Manufactured Home Installation Training Manual, released from HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research. Source: Department of Housing and Urban Development URL: http://www.pathnet.org/sp.asp?id=1003 Material Exchanges On The Web Abstract: An extensive list of material exchanges for the nation. A "profile" is provided for each exchange including contact information for the operating organization, manager and a URL address. Sponsored by the West Virginia Solid Waste Mangement Board Source: West Virginia Solid Waste Mangement Board URL: http://www.wastexchange.org/Exchanges/default.cfm New Privately-Owned Housing Units Completed Abstract: Provides statistics on housing completions; total, regional, monthly. Source: National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) URL: http://www.nahb.org/reference_list.aspx?sectionID=131 Northwest Regional Sustainable Building Action Plan [PDF] Abstract: The action plan is intended to serve as a road map for the region - to identify the most critical and practical steps needed to make sustainable building the standard practice in the Pacific Northwest. Source: Seattle City Lights et al. URL: http://www.cityofseattle.net/light/conserve/sustainability/NWB AP.pdf Oikos: Green Building Source Abstract: Searchable directory for thousands of green building products. Source: Iris Communications, Inc.; Oikos: Green Building Source URL: http://www.oikos.com/products/ SmartWood Certified Product Finder. Abstract: Overview of certifications for new and reclaimed wood, and links to certified materials and furniture vendors and products. Source: Website URL: http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/programs/forestry/smartwood /operation_summaries.cfm Sustainability Objectives Abstract: Importance of reduced resource consumption to sustainability; methods for creating opportunities to encourage change. Source: Dr. R. Warren Flint / Five E's Unlimited URL: http://www.eeeee.net/sd_objectives.htm Sustainable Architecture Educational Modules Abstract: Overview of topic and educational resources for sustainable design, building materials, reuse and recycling. Source: National Pollution Prevention Center for Higher Education, University of Michigan URL: http://www.umich.edu/~nppcpub/resources/compendia/architecture .html The Center to Protect Workers' Rights Abstract: CPWR's main focus is to develop practical ways to improve safety and health for construction workers and their families. Source: Building & Construction Trades Department URL: http://www.cpwr.com/ The Whole Building Design Approach Abstract: Buildings are deceptively complex. This discussion of the 'Whole Building' design approach concept helps to understand that complexity.. Source: Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) URL: http://wbdg.org/ Top Five Bogus Reasons to Not Build Green Abstract: A discussion of reasons heard during the four years of the Built Green Program operation and why they are bogus. Source: Built Green Colorado URL: http://www.builtgreen.org/homebuilders/bogus.htm Treated Wood Containing Arsenic : EPA Announces Transition from Consumer Use Abstract: Industry has voluntarily agreed to phase out wood treated with chromated copper arsenate, also known as CCA, for all residential uses by December 31, 2003. This story relates the news, industry labeling requirements and methods of maintaining existing structures. Source: BUILDER Magazine URL: http://builderonline.com/industry-news.asp?channelID=59&Articl eType=1&ArticleID=1000021032 What Is Sustainable Development? Abstract: Overview and importance of sustainability. Source: Dr. R. Warren Flint / Five E's Unlimited URL: http://www.eeeee.net/what_is_sd.htm What Makes a Product Green Abstract: There are nearly a dozen directories of green building products available, some national in focus, some regional. In compiling any directory of green building products, the authors have to figure out what qualifies a product for inclusion. Source: Environmental Building News URL: http://www.buildinggreen.com/auth/article.cfm?fileName=090101a .xml Calendar Abstract: Learn about the leading edge of the building and construction industry, including the latest updates and expansions of the LEED Green Building Rating System. Sponsored by the U.S. Green Building Council, Greenbuild is the nations largest green-building conference. The conference is in Portland, Oregoon, November 10-12, 2004. Source: US Green Building Council URL: http://www.greenbuildexpo.org/ Case study/success story Abstract: An overview of strategies to build "green homes". Case studies and builder interviews touch on the concepts of 'Smart Growth', building community, site design, use of infill and brownfields, stormwater controls and design, and energy efficiency. Source: National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and NAHB Research Center URL: http://www.nahb.org/publication_details.aspx?publicationID=17 Designing for Sustainability Abstract: Sustainable re-design of historic structure; includes links to team partners and sustainable design criteria (principles, building materials, building system, ergonomics and recycling). Source: Thoreau Center for Sustainability URL: http://www.thoreau.org/design.html Homes Across America Abstract: This site profiles resource efficient homes throughout the country, highlighting techniques and technologies appropriate for specific sites, climatic conditions, and affordability ranges. Source: Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center URL: http://www.homes-across-america.org Houses To Save The Earth Abstract: Click on "Achievements" and scroll to PARADE. Feature article about builder Steve Loken's home in Montana, built entirely out of recycled materials to show that re-cycled building materials don't compromise the type of house most Americans want. Source: By Seth Shulman Parade Magazine/ Loken Builders URL: http://www.lokenbuilders.com/ PATH Home of the Future Abstract: The PATH Concept Home is a vibrant reflection of the people who live in it, whoever they may be. It recognizes our common need for a healthy and flexible living environment. It promises stronger communities, sustainable development, and a better quality of life for all homeowners. Source: Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing URL: http://www.pathnet.org/sp.asp?id=11984 Chapter Abstract: Considerations and guidelines for management of construction waste, including recycling and waste minimization. Source: Sustainable Building Sourcebook published by Sustainable Sources URL: http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/ConstructionWaste.html Design Considerations Abstract: Guide to identifying sustainable issues and best practices for addressing these issues during design phase. Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide /section4.cfm Earth Materials Abstract: Considerations, commercial status and guidelines for various earth construction materials. Source: Sustainable Building Sourcebook published by Sustainable Sources URL: http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/EarthMaterials.html Graywater Abstract: Considerations, commercial status and guidelines for developing a graywater irrigation system. Source: Sustainable Building Sourcebook published by Sustainable Sources URL: http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/greywater.html Harvested Rainwater Abstract: Considerations, commercial status and guidelines for harvesting rainwater. Source: Sustainable Building Sourcebook published by Sustainable Sources URL: http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/rainwater.html Hazardous Materials Abstract: Comprehensive discussion of hazardous waste determination, regulations and pollution prevention options. Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide /section8.cfm Indoor Water Conservation Abstract: Considerations, commercial status and guidelines for assessing indoor water conservation products. Source: Sustainable BSustainable Building Sourcebook published by Sustainable Sources uilding Sourcebook URL: http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/IndoorWater.html Pervious Paving Materials Abstract: Considerations and implementation guidelines. Source: Sustainable Building Sourcebook published by Sustainable Sources URL: http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/PerviousMaterials.html Solid Waste Abstract: Overview of regulations and best practices pertaining to solid waste; waste evalation worksheet. Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide /section7.cfm Special Waste Abstract: Comprehensive discussion of special waste concerns including asbestos, fluorescent and high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and lead. Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide /section9.cfm Water Quality Abstract: Identification of construction related water quality issues and best practices. Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide /section6.cfm Xeriscape Abstract: Design issues, commercial status and guidelines for implementation; extensive contacts. Source: Sustainable Building Sourcebook published by Sustainable Sources URL: http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/Xeriscape.html Fact sheet/checklist Abstract: Provides a brief overview of Advanced Framing, which incorporates Optimal Value Engineering (OVE), to make the optimum use of wood in terms of cost and building science. Text is highlighted by a series of schematic diagrams with key details. Source: Building Science Corporation URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/designsthatwork/advancedframing /default.htm Air Sealing/ Air Drywall Approach Details Abstract: A tight building envelope is necessary to control the movement of air in and out of building assemblies. This is important for energy conservation, thermal comfort and building durability. A "how-to" overview with schematics is provided. Source: Building Science Corporation URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/designsthatwork/airsealing/defa ult.htm Better Indoor Air Quality Through Filtration [PDF] Abstract: Filter efficiency, dilution, extraction, high efficiency air filters, electronic air cleaners. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/3airfiltr.pdf Building Info Central: EEBA Criteria Abstract: Goals, objectives and criteria for energy-efficient and resource-efficient buildings. Source: Energy and Environmental Building Association (EEBA) URL: http://www.eeba.org/resources/criteria.htm Built Green of Colorado: Checklist Abstract: Checklist of Built Green standards. Designed for Colorado, the list is a good example for other programs interested in Green Design. Source: Home Builders Association of Metro Denver URL: http://www.builtgreen.org/checklist/checklist.htm Ceiling and Attic Insulation and Ventilation Abstract: Discussion of design considerations to consider for energy efficient insulation and ventilation. Includes recommended R-values and diagrams. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/sf_factsheet-menu.htm Checklist for Environmentally Responsible Design & Construction Abstract: A checklist that covers the essentials of green building. Source: Environmental Building News URL: http://www.buildinggreen.com/ebn/checklist.cfm Compact Fluorescents: Save money and prevent pollution [PDF] Abstract: Comparison of different bulb types; typical bulb cost, rated life, efficacy, energy cost; focus on fluorescent. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/13e_lite.pdf Construction Waste: Types and Quantities Abstract: Generalizations about the type and quantity of residential construction waste generated per square foot. Source: Iris Communications, Inc.; Oikos: Green Building Source URL: http://www.oikos.com/library/waste/types.html Elements of An Energy Efficient House Abstract: A discussion of the pros and cons of basic elements (a well-constructed and tightly sealed thermal envelope; controlled ventilation; properly sized, high-efficiency heating and cooling systems; and energy-efficient doors, windows, and appliances). Source: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/consumer/ Energy Efficiency Makes Homes More Affordable [PDF] Abstract: Long-term savings raise the quality and affordability of a house (mortgage); Covers methods of achieving energy efficiency without great cost including HVAC, ventilation, air leakage, windows, water conservation, lighting, and appliances. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/sav_nrg$.pdf Energy Wise Appliances [PDF] Abstract: Learn to identify the true cost of appliances using the Energy Guide Label. Overview of cooking, dishwashing, laundry, food storage appliances. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/11appliances.pdf Federal Environmental Requirements for Construction [PDF] Abstract: This guide provides information on federal environmental requirements for construction projects. It is written primarily for owners of construction projects and for general contractors who supervise construction projects. Subcontractors also may find the information useful. Source: Environmental Protection Agency URL: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/publications/assistanc e/sectors/fedenvconstruction.pdf Focus on Residential Water Conservation Abstract: Discussion of water conservation techniques aimed at the homeowner, relevance to builders as well. Information about fixture modifications and low-flow designs. Source: North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service URL: http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/publicat/wqwm/he250 .html Green Building: Frequently Asked Questions Abstract: Provides explanations for some Green Building suggestions and discusses a variety of individual products. Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, Waste Management Bureau URL: http://dep.state.ct.us/wst/recycle/greenbuil.htm Green Building: Proper Use and Disposal of Treated Lumber Abstract: Information to prevent treated wood i.e. creosote, oilborne chemicals, and waterborne chemicals, from causing adverse health and environmental impacts. Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, Waste Management Bureau URL: http://dep.state.ct.us/wst/recycle/lumber.htm Green Building: What To Consider For Your Green Home Abstract: Intended for those engaged in home construction and remodeling projects, this factsheet provides an introduction to Green Building considerations. Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, Waste Management Bureau URL: http://dep.state.ct.us/wst/recycle/greenconst.htm Green Built Home Buyers Guide: Suggested Priorities for Incorporating Environmental Responsibility into Home Building Abstract: Green Built Home (Wisconsin) provides this "top 10" list of measures to reduce the environmental impact of home building. It focuses on where a homebuyer might get the best environmental result for the money. Sample strategies are provided. Source: Wisconsin Environmental Initiative URL: http://www.greenbuilthome.org/owner/guides_buyers.php Green Construction: Water and Energy Hard Copy Publication - Questions to consider and resources to help with energy and water design, including technical assistance and incentives. Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center Green Landscaping with Native Plants Abstract: Advice on getting started and choosing plants, environmental benefits, case studies, and further links for natural landscaping. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 5 URL: http://www.epa.gov/grtlakes/greenacres/ Green Seal Abstract: An environmental product certification organization. View product standards including windows, appliances, heat pumps, air conditioners, etc. Also explains how to have a product certified. Source: Green Seal / ENN Design Group URL: http://www.greenseal.org/ Habitat for Humanity Energy-efficient Construction Checklist for Homes Abstract: By completing the checklist, you can save up to 50% on annual utility bills for your new home. Includes recommendations for foundation, air sealing, insulation, sheathing, equipment closet and water heater. Source: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) URL: http://www.neo.ne.gov/home_const/factsheets/effic_design_and_c onst.htm Indoor Air Hazards Every Homeowner Should Know About Abstract: Click on "Indoor Air Hazards". Comprehensive list of common indoor air quality contaminants; signs of potential problems. Source: Montana State University Extension Service - Housing Program URL: http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/ Insulation Fact Sheet Abstract: Addresses R-values, insulation types and regional needs. Includes many tables. Source: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) URL: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/insulation/ Landscaping with Native Plants Abstract: Guidelines for selecting native plants and a general overview of the why and how of native landscaping. Links to specific information and state chapters. Source: Wild Ones non-profit organization URL: http://www.for-wild.org/land/ecotype.html PATH Technology Inventory Toolbase Abstract: PATHs Technology Inventory is a unique source of information on technological innovations in the housing industry. The inventory focuses on technologies currently considered to be "emerging" (i.e. with a market share of 5% or less) in a wide range of categories; from new materials, components and systems to complete houses. The comprehensive discussion of the technology includes overview, benefits/costs, limitations and field evaluations. Source: National Association of Home Builders Research Center (NAHBRC) URL: http://www.toolbase.org/ PVC Construction Products and Alternatives Explained Abstract: An overview of available alternatives for a variety of construction applications. Source: Greenpeace International URL: http://archive.greenpeace.org/toxics/pvcdatabase/productalt.ht ml Radiant Barriers [PDF] Abstract: Benefits and cautions of using a radiant barrier to create more efficient heating and cooling; includes cost and savings estimates. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/14radiantbarriers.pdf Radon-Resistant Construction for Builders [PDF] Abstract: General overview of radon and design recommendations to add value to homes. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/30_radonresistantconst.pdf Residential Construction Waste: From Disposal to Management [PDF] Abstract: Manage this stream of materials just as with other aspects of business; here's why and how; includes typical waste generation profile and ideas for particular waste streams. Source: National Association of Home Builders Research Center (NAHBRC) URL: http://www.toolbase.org/PDF/CaseStudies/resi_constr_waste_mana ge_demo_eval.pdf Residential Construction Waste: From Disposal to Management Abstract: Hints to reducing wastes on site compiled from examples of those who have done it. Includes case studies. Source: Smartgrowth.org URL: http://www.smartgrowth.org/library/resident_const_waste.html Residential Job-site Disposal of New Construction Waste Gypsum Board Abstract: Recommended disposal procedures on residential building lots. Source: Gypsum Association URL: http://www.gypsum.org/topical.html#residential Sector Strategies for Construction Abstract: This site is part of a new partnership between the EPA and the construction industry to promote resource efficient construction. At the bottom of the page are a number of relevant construction links. Source: Environmental Protection Agency URL: http://www.epa.gov/sectors/construction/index.html Smart Material and Product Choices Hard Copy Publication - Questions to consider and resources for standards, ratings, product analyses and databases. Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center Solar Energy: An Overview Abstract: Technical information to get started with solar design; discussion of various solar systems. Source: U.S. Department of Energy URL: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/ Some Basics About Disposal Costs Abstract: General information regarding structure of waste disposal costs; national averages for builder's disposal costs; weight to volume conversions. Source: Iris Communications, Inc.; Oikos: Green Building Source URL: http://www.oikos.com/library/waste/costs.html Steel Framing [PDF] Abstract: Pros and cons; thermal/resource efficiency, indoor air quality, construction techniques. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/7steelframe.pdf Storm Water Phase II Compliance Assistance Guide [PDF] Abstract: Comprehensive (97 pages) step-by-step procedures to determine regulatory status and compliance measures for Phase II (small construction activity) and MS4s (municipal separate storm sewer systems) . Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/comguide.pdf What is Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste? Abstract: Overview of construction & demolition waste characteristics and management opportunities. Source: Peaks to Prairies / Confluence Associates URL: http://peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/c&dwaste/index .cfm Whole House Energy Checklist--Energy Efficient Construction [PDF] Abstract: Consider the house as a system; air barriers, foundation, sheathing, HVAC, Water and Air heating efficiencies. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/t echnical_bulletins/WH-Energy%20Checklist%20GO-10099-766.pdf Window Primer [PDF] Abstract: Benefits and considerations for appropriate placement, high performance windows and window treatments. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/15windows.pdf Wood/Construction/Carpentry Laboratory Self-Audit Abstract: Designed to help educators and managers of teaching laboratories examine how they currently prevent pollution and manage waste. This checklist provides suggestions to improve that deal with common materials in new construction and renovation. Source: Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/voed/AuditWCC.cfm Xeriscape Plant Selections and Ideas Abstract: Explanation of xeriscape concepts, including examples of high prairie plants appropriate for use in natural, low input landscaping. Source: North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service URL: http://ndsuext.nodak.edu/extpubs/plantsci/landscap/h957w.htm List Abstract: Provides links to federal and state agencies regarding building codes and links to "Green Building" ratings programs for several states. Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center URL: http://www.pprc.org/pubs/greencon/code_std.cfm Building Energy Software: Tools Directory Abstract: Described here are 220 energy-related software tools for buildings, with an emphasis on using renewable energy and achieving energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings. Source: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/tools_directory/ Conservation/Water-Related Links Abstract: Click on "Reuse/Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting". Access topics such as ---greywater, cisterns, recycling, etc. Source: American Water Works Association, WaterWiser URL: http://www.awwa.org/community/links.cfm?FuseAction=Links&LinkC ategoryID=5 Database on Environmental Information For Products and Services Abstract: Environmental data on attributes of products, cost considerations, model specifications, standards and guidelines for over 600 products and services provided in a searchable format. Browse the 'Hardware Store' for a variety of building products. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: http://yosemite1.epa.gov/oppt/eppstand2.nsf Demolition and Construction Management Abstract: Provides resources for inquiry into opportunities, methods and services for demolition and construction management. Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center URL: http://www.pprc.org/pubs/greencon/demo.cfm Energy Crossroads Abstract: A set of links to web sites related to energy efficiency and environmental technologies for buildings. Source: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) URL: http://eetd.lbl.gov/CBS/eXroads/EnergyXroads.html Energy Star Labeled Products Abstract: Find guidelines and manufacturers for energy-efficient products for the home or business. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=find_a_product. Energy Technology and Issues For Buildings Abstract: An overview of building technologies and issues regarding energy efficiency; building envelope, water heating, audits, commisioning, codes, whole house design, etc. Solar energy and geothermal heat pumps are also highlighted. Source: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/ Environmental Yellow Pages Abstract: The environmental industry's worldwide directory. Source: Environmental Yellow Pages URL: http://www.enviroyellowpages.com/ Fannie Mae Supports Affordable Building Abstract: A state by state list of Fannie Mae mortgage offices throughout the country. Source: FannieMae URL: http://search.fanniemae.com/query.html?col=&ht=0&qp=&qs=&qc=&p w=100%25&ws=0&la=en&charset=utf-8&qm=1&si=0&ct=42 Global Energy Marketplace (GEM) Database Abstract: Searchable database of energy efficiency and related topics. Source: Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST) URL: http://www.acca21.org.cn/cres.html Green Building Resource Directory Abstract: An easy-to-use tool to help people in the home building trade locate useful green building resources; mostly on-line resources. Source: National Association of Home Builders Research Center (NAHBRC) URL: http://www.toolbase.org/ToolbaseResources/level3.aspx?BucketID =2&CategoryID=17 Green Construction: Specific Project Resources Abstract: Links to articles, software, and funding organizations. Includes discussions about budgeting, commissioning, incentives, etc. Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center URL: http://pprc.org/hubs/toc.cfm?hub=31&subsec=7&nav=7&CFID=660075 &CFTOKEN=90697120 Home Energy Rating System and Energy Efficient Mortgage Abstract: Links to home energy ratings and energy mortgages. Source: Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) URL: http://natresnet.org/ratings/default.htm Housing Assistance Providers Abstract: This list features assistance providers throughout the country who can provide information on the state of high performance home building within their service area. Source: Peaks to Prairies URL: http://www.homes-across-america.org/search/searchForAssistance .cfm Incentives, Programs and Policies Search Form Abstract: Click on the renewable energy (RE) directory icon for a state list. Source: Home Power URL: http://homepower.com International Code Development Abstract: Find press releases, schedules, policies and draft codes to help you participate in the code development process. Link to International Code publications through any of three partner sites. Source: International Code Council (ICC) URL: http://www.iccsafe.org/ Lighting Programs and Manufacturers Abstract: Links to education programs, energy efficiency programs, lighting guides, and manufacturers. Source: Seattle City Light and Puget Sound Energy URL: http://www.elflist.com/links.html Montana Guide for Buying Recycled Products [PDF] Abstract: Recycled products directory for Montana. Source: Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Pollution Prevention Bureau (DEQ-PPB) URL: http://deq.mt.gov/ppa/p2/recycle/recyclingguide.pdf National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Economic and Housing Data Abstract: List of statistics and information for various aspects of the home building industry. Source: National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) URL: http://www.nahb.org/page.aspx/category/sectionID=113 Net Metering [PDF] Abstract: Questions and Answers (Q&A) that cover basics in net metering and information about individual state laws. Source: Department of Energy URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower/pdfs/metering_0604.pdf Priority List for Top 20 Hazardous Substances Abstract: Choosing "green" products often involves considerations of "life-cycle" impacts. Link to factsheets on each substance listed to evaluate health and environment impacts from production through use. Source: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) URL: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/cxcx3.html Recycled Content Product Database - California Abstract: Searchable database for a growing list of over 10,000 materials, products, and businesses. Source: California Integrated Waste Management Board URL: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/RCP/ Recycled Products Produced In and Purchased By the Great Lakes States Abstract: Recycled products directory. Source: Council of Great Lakes Governors URL: http://www.cglg.org/projects/recycle/showcase.asp Recycled-Content Product Database - EPA Abstract: List of products designated by EPA to be available with recycled-content. Recommended content ranges, model specifications, and vendor information for each product. Includes product categories for construction, landscaping, etc. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: http://www.epa.gov/cpg/products.htm Recycling and Reuse Database (for King County, WA) Abstract: Find recyclers and reuse options for construction and non-construction related items. Source: King County Washington, Department of Natural Resources, Solid Waste Division URL: http://www.metrokc.gov/dnrp/swd/wdidw/index.asp Solar Radiation Data for Buildings Abstract: For use by architects and engineers, this provides solar resources information for common window orientations for the United States and its territories. Scroll down for link to 30-year normals and solar radiation maps. Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Analytic Studies Division / Home Power Magazine URL: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb/bluebook/state.html Solar Radiation Data Manual for Flat-Plate and Concentrating Collectors Abstract: Solar radiation and illuminance values for a horizontal window and four vertical windows (facing north, east, south, and west) for 239 stations in the United States and its territories. Scroll down for 30-year normals and resource maps. Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Analytic Studies Division / Home Power Magazine URL: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/pubs/redbook/ State and Federal Government Environmental Agencies Abstract: Links to government environmental agencies across the U.S. Source: John N. Clay, Clay.net URL: http://www.clay.net/statag.html State Recycling Tax Incentives Abstract: Descriptions of tax credits, deductions, and exemptions for recycling related activities, ie. equipment purchases, product purchases, etc. by state. Tax incentives apply to a variety of businesses and individuals as shown. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: http://www.epa.gov/jtr/bizasst/rec-tax.htm Storm Water Fact Sheet Series: Phase II Final Rule Abstract: Types of stormwater discharges addressed under Federal Phase II Final Rule; permitting options and requirements for operators of large and small construction activities. Select the link to small construction activities or other applicable links. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/swfinal.cfm?program_id=6 Sustainable Building Resources [PDF] Abstract: Contact information for resources covering a variety of sustainability topics, e.g. general, HVAC, publications, alternative construction, compact flourescents, catalogs/suppliers. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/f actsheets/6resourc.pdf Manual/handbook/curriculum Abstract: Introduces builders and consumers to products - wood, insulation, concrete, flooring, carpet, paint, decking and used building materials - that are good for both the environment and the pocketbook. Source: Center for Resourceful Building Technology (CRBT) URL: http://www.ncat.org/ncatimages/pdf/buildgreentoday.pdf Building Radon Out: A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Build Radon-Resistant Homes [PDF] Abstract: Understand the importance of building readon resistant homes and obtain detailed instructions for applying construction techniques. This guide covers it all. It even includes a chapter on marketing these valuable aspects of a new home. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: http://www.epa.gov/radon/pdfs/buildradonout.pdf Built Smart Program Binder Abstract: Guidelines and standards for participation in the program. The program mission is to bring resource efficiency to all new construction multifamily buildings in Seattle to sustain the environment for future generations. Source: Seattle City Lights URL: http://www.ci.seattle.wa.us/light/conserve/resident/bsbinder/c v5_bsb.html Construction Waste Management Guide for Architects, Designers, Developers, Facility Managers, Owners, Property Managers & Specification Writers [PDF] Abstract: The Construction Waste Management Guide was written for professionals who do not deal directly with construction waste, yet have an impact on what happens to it. The purpose of the Guide is to educate these professionals about their role in reducing, reusing and recycling waste generated from remodeling, construction and demolition. The Guide includes step-by-step methods for salvaging and reusing building materials, an overview of deconstruction, information about construction and demolition waste processing facilities and guidance on using a specification, plan and report. Source: Resourceventure.org URL: http://www.resourceventure.org/rv/publications/building/CWM-No nConstProfs.pdf Contractor's Guide to Preventing Waste and Recycling [PDF] Abstract: Guide to provide recycling and waste prevention how-to's for all builders, from handyman/remodelers to large commercial contractors, who want to save money; worksheets and case studies included. Source: King County Solid Waste Division URL: http://www.metrokc.gov/dnrp/swd/construction-recycling/documen ts/ConGuide.pdf EarthCraft House Guidelines and Program Worksheet Abstract: Twelve sections which assist a builder through the EarthCraft House application worksheet. Each section provides guidance for areas of focus such as site planning, energy efficient building envelope and systems, waste management, etc. Source: Southface.org URL: http://www.southface.org/web/earthcraft_house/ech_main/ech_gui delines.htm Earthcraft House Project Abstract: The EarthCraft House is a blueprint for healthy, comfortable, affordable homes that cut energy and water bills and protect the environment. Through training, EarthCraft Houses provide builders a sign of quality and a sustainable commitment to home buyers and their surrounding community. Source: Southface URL: http://www.southface.org/web/southface_community/professional/ residential/residential_pros.htm Healthy and Affordable Housing: Read This Before You Design, Build or Renovate [PDF] Abstract: Practical recommendations for building and renovating a home. This manual discusses the seven steps to a healthy home with step by step recommendations. Source: by Joseph Lstiburek and Terry Brennan/Dept. of Energy / Building Science Corporation URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/resources/mold/Read_This_Before _You_Design_Build_or_Renovate.pdf Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon Abstract: Practical information about residential radon; health effects, testing, and resistant construction methods. Extensive information is provided on proper testing procedures. For: Buyers, sellers and builders. Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) et al. URL: http://www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/hmbyguid.html Houses That Work: House Design Recommendations By Climate Abstract: Design recommendations are provided as a starting point for designing a specific house in a specific location and climate. Explanations for envelope assemblies and moisture-related risks are discussed for each climate. Includes case studies. Source: Building Science Corporation URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/designsthatwork/default.htm Insulating Foundations and Floors [PDF] Abstract: Insulating slabs, crawl spaces/walls, methods, under-floor insulation, advantages, disadvantages; includes diagrams. Source: Southface Energy Institute URL: http://www.southface.org/web/resources&services/publications/t echnical_bulletins/CI-Crawlspace%2000-774.pdf Managing Your Environmental Responsibilities (MYER) [PDF] Abstract: Designed to help contractor's meet federal environmental requirements applying to construction issues like stormwater, wetlands, spills, hazardous and non-hazardous waste, air quality, asbestos and various federal environmental acts. It includes questions to help identify and allocate environmental repsonsibility, case studies, and checklists for self-inspection. Source: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency URL: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/publications/assistanc e/sectors/constructmyer/myerguide.pdf Model Green Home Building Guidelines Abstract: These guidelines were created for mainstream home builders. They highlight the ways a home builder can effectively weave environmental solutions into a new home and provide a tool that local associations can use to create their own green home building program. Topics include: lot design, preparation, and development; resource efficiency; energy efficiency; water efficiency; indoor environmental quality; operation, maintenance and homeowner education; global impact; site planning and land development. An email discussion forum is also offered. Source: National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) URL: http://www.nahbrc.org/greenguidelines/ Pollution Prevention for Residential Construction: A Guide for Residential Construction Contractors and Designers Abstract: Practical ideas on how to reduce or eliminate waste; range of "Best Pollution Prevention Practices" from free or low-cost operational changes to complex technologies, structural modifications or product substitutions; includes "quick list". Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide /index.cfm Recycling Plus Program Manual Abstract: A field-tested model for reducing construction waste on job sites. Designed for construction companies, this manual includes individual guides to assist management and field personnel, case studies and sample subcontractor kits, plus more. Source: Clean Washington Center (CWC) URL: http://cwc.org/wood/wd_htm/CDL96-1rpt.htm Specification of Energy-Efficient Installation and Maintenance Practices for Residential HVAC Systems Abstract: A tool for proper sizing, installation and maintenance that will help in achieveing the greatest energy savings. Best practices and test procedures for HVAC contractors and technicians as well as builders, designers, and general contractors. Source: By Rick Karg, John Krigger / Consortium for Energy Efficiency URL: http://www.cee1.org/resid/rs-ac/hvac.php3 Sustainable Building Technical Manual [PDF] Abstract: Comprehensive manual, 300 pages. Covers a large area of green building considerations, practices and recommendations. (Public Technology, Inc. DOE, EPA, USGBC). Source: Public Technology Incorporated/U.S. Green Building Council/U.S. Department of Energy URL: http://www.smartcommunities.ncat.org/pdf/sbt.pdf The GreenSpec Directory - 4th Edition Abstract: The 4th edition of GreenSpec Directory includes information on more than 1,750 green building products carefully screened by the editors of Environmental Building News, organized according to the 16-division CSI MasterFormat system. Directory listings cover more than 250 categories--from access flooring to zero-VOC paints. Source: Environmental Building News (EBN) URL: http://www.buildinggreen.com/menus/index.cfm The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality Abstract: Comprehensive guide on indoor air quality; types, causes, solutions, improvements. Source: Environmental Protection Agency, Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse URL: http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/insidest.html#IAQHome1 Whole Building Design Guide Abstract: The guide provides an Internet resource to a wide range of building-related design guidance, criteria, and technology, including sustainable energy design. The guide is a public/private-sector collaboration and is maintained by the National Institute of Building Sciences with support from GSA, DOE, the Navy and other public and private agencies. Source: National Institute of Building Sciences URL: http://www.wbdg.org/ Whole-House and Building Process Redesign Abstract: This roadmap was developed to strategically overcome the slow adoption of new technologies into homebuilding, and the lack of systems science and engineering standards in the manufacturing of products and the construction of houses. The roadmap details five strategies to overcome chronic barriers and outlines the benefits of taking proactive steps. The recommendations of this roadmap have the potential to make home construction more affordable, higher quality, customizable, and receptive to new innovations. Source: Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing URL: http://www.pathnet.org/si.asp?id=979 Other resources Abstract: This database provides buyers with the information necessary to find suppliers, comparison shop and make informed purchasing decisions regarding recycled products. Source: Environmental Protection Agency URL: http://www.erg.com/cvehicles/envs.htm Green Purchasing Topic Hub Abstract: This primer is intended to provide the non-purchasing professional with a quick introduction to basic P2 information on Green Purchasing, as well as provide the purchasing professional with a thorough compilation of pertinent on-line resources. Source: P2ric.org URL: http://www.p2ric.org/TopicHubs/toc.cfm?hub=13&subsec=7&nav=7 Renewable energy businesses by business name Abstract: A search database with renewable energy businesses in the United States listed by business name. Source: Energy.sourceguides.com URL: http://energy.sourceguides.com/businesses/byGeo/US/byN/byNameN .shtml Periodical Abstract: Provides a summary of the current issue of Green Building News; Subscribe to periodical on environmentally sustainable design and construction; articles, reviews, and news stories. Source: Environmental Building News (EBN) URL: http://www.buildinggreen.com/ Environmental Design and Construction Magazine Archives Abstract: This bi-monthly magazine reports on the innovative products, strategies and technologies that are driving the green building industry's success, covering such topics as resource and energy efficiency, alternative and renewable energy sources, indoor air quality, and life cycle assessment. Select the "Article Archives" and search by keyword or Table of Contents. Source: Environmental Design and Construction URL: http://www.edcmag.com/ Home Energy Magazine Abstract: Home performance information tailored to two distinct building and energy-efficiency groups: professionals and consumers. Includes searchable archives. Source: Home Energy Magazine URL: http://homeenergy.org/ Housing Zone.com's Green Building headlines, news, and current events. Abstract: Hot news for the Green Building industry on the home page. Topics include materials, design, land, economics, management, and more Source: Housing Zone.Com URL: http://www.housingzone.com Software/electronic tool Abstract: BEES measures the environmental performance of building products by using the environmental life-cycle assessment approach specified in ISO 14000 standards; includes performance data for 65 building products. Source: National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH) URL: http://www.bfrl.nist.gov/oae/software/bees.html High Performance Buildings Abstract: The High Performance Buildings Database is research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy that seeks to improve building performance measuring methods by collecting data on various factors that affect a building's performance, such as energy, materials, and land use. The database collects information from buildings around the world, ranging from homes and commercial interiors to large buildings and even whole campuses and neighborhoods. These may be certified green projects, or simply projects that have one or more notable environmental features. Source: US Department of Energy URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/highperformance/ Overhang Design Abstract: Select 'Overhang' in the Tools box. This tool shows to what extent a window is shaded and aids in the proper sizing and positioning of windows and shading devices. Instructions and user interface provide for a friendly experience. Source: by Christopher Gronbeck, Sustainable By Design URL: http://www.susdesign.com/ State Energy Alternatives Abstract: Renewable energy potential and background on electricity sector in each state. Describes technologies of wind, photovoltaics biomass, solar thermal, concentrating solar power, and geothermal. Includes cost information, case studies and policy options. Source: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/states/alternatives/resources_by_st ate.cfm Targeted Residential Energy Analysis Tools (TREAT) Abstract: This energy software computes home energy consumption and identifies the most cost effective energy efficiency upgrades for both single-family and multifamily dwellings. The tool helps building performance contractors and energy auditors accurately assess energy use and recommend the best options for improving energy effiency. Source: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) URL: http://www.treatsoftware.com Used Building Materials Exchange Abstract: List of used building materials for sale/trade; international, mostly North America. Source: RecycleNet Corporation URL: http://build.recycle.net/exchange/index.html Whole-Wall Thermal Performance Calculator Abstract: This whole-wall thermal performance calculator helps design teams evaluate the effect that different types and levels of insulation can have on a building's energy performance. In addition, the designers can predict how different structural assemblies will affect thermal performance. Calculators show how advanced framing techniques, for exmaple, reduce wood use, but also improve whole-wall R-values. Source: Oak Ridge National Labs URL: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/whole_wall/wallsys.html Web site Abstract: This website guides users to incorporate sustainable design into affordable housing. The site has application to all building projects with sustainable or resource-efficient design and construction goals. Source: National Center For Appropriate Technology (NCAT) URL: http://www.ncat.org/ncatimages/pdf/lowcostnocostweb.pdf Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning Abstract: The Alliance is a national public interest organization formed by leaders in public health, environmental protection, affordable housing, and civil rights. The Alliance seeks to protect children from lead and other environmental health hazards in and around their homes by advocating for policy solutions and building capacity for primary prevention in communities throughout the US and around the world. Source: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning (AECLP) URL: http://www.aeclp.org/ Alliance to Save Energy Abstract: A coalition of prominent business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit the environment, the economy, and national security. Source: Alliance to Save Energy URL: http://www.ase.org Appliances and Commercial Equipment Standards Abstract: The U.S. Department of Energy's Appliances and Commercial Equipment Standards Program develops test procedures and minimum efficiency standards for residential appliances and commercial equipment. On this site, you can find out more about DOE's program, find the general rules and regulations that manufacturers need to comply with, and find the latest information on rule making, standards, and test procedures for specific products. The site also welcomes efficiency/environmental advocates, states, utilities, retailers and consumers to use this site as a way to participate in all stages of the rulemaking process. Source: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/appliance_standards/ Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies Abstract: The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) is a nonprofit public-benefit organization founded in 1990 in Sacramento to bring together concerned scientists, environmentalists, public interest advocates and innovative energy technology companies all of whom share a vision to benefit the environment with sustainable solutions to Californias growing appetite for energy. Source: The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies URL: http://www.ceert.org/ Construction Industry Compliance Assistance (CICA) Center Abstract: The Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center - CICA Center - has a new website which explains environmental rules for the construction industry. Also provided are links to state regulations and other resources, including links to state and local green building programs. The site is virtually indispensible for any construction project. Source: The National Center for Manufacturing Sciences and the EPA. URL: http://www.cicacenter.org/ Development Center for Appropriate Technology Abstract: The Development Center for Appropriate Technology works to enhance the health of the planet and our communities by promoting a shift to sustainable construction and development through leadership, strategic relationships, and education. Source: Development Center for Appropriate Technology URL: http://www.dcat.net/ ENERGY STAR® Program and Products Abstract: Information on ENERGY STAR® approved and labeled appliances, heating and cooling equipment, windows, etc. Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) URL: http://www.energystar.gov/ Forest/Wood Certification and Sustainability Abstract: Overview of sustainable versus certified forest products; also link to certified wood marketplace (a subscription based exchange). Source: ForestWorld.com, Inc. URL: http://www.forestworld.com/ GoodCents Homes - Energy Efficient and Environmental Homes Abstract: Energy efficient certification program for builders; training, certification, marketing and mortgage information for builders and consumers. Source: GoodCents URL: http://www.goodcents.com/# Choose Green Building Initiative Abstract: The Green Building Initiative is a not-for-profit organization supported by a broad cross section of groups and individuals interested in promoting energy efficient and environmentally sustainable practices in residential and commercial construction. The site includes many resources for residential and commerical builders to help them build green profitably. Source: The Green Building Initiative URL: http://www.thegbi.org/gbi/ Greenerbuildings.com Abstract: A resource center for environmentally responsible building development. Source: GreenBiz.com and U.S. Green Building Council URL: http://www.greenerbuildings.com/ Health House Abstract: Navigation to explore different aspects of optimum indoor air quality practices. Source: American Lung Association of Minnesota URL: http://www.healthhouse.org/index.asp Healthy Indoor Air for America's Homes Abstract: Indoor air quality issues, includes sections pertinent to construction, remodeling, and building furnishing. Includes fact sheets and catalog for instructional modules. Source: Montana State University Extension Service - Housing Program URL: http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/ LEED Rating System for Homes Abstract: The LEED for Homes program is being developed by the USGBC with input from local and national stakeholder groups. It is a voluntary initiative promoting the transformation of the mainstream home building industry towards more sustainable practices. Source: U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) URL: http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=147& Lighting Design Lab Abstract: The Lighting Design Lab works to transform the Northwest lighting market by promoting quality design and energy efficient technologies. The Lab accomplishes this mission through education & training, consultations, technical assistance, and demonstrations. Source: Lighting Design Lab URL: http://www.lightingdesignlab.com/index.html Longmont, Colorado's Department of Water and Wastewater Abstract: The City of Longmont's Pollution Prevention Program is a free nonregulatory service to the residents and businesses of Longmont. The goal is to reduce waste and help preserve and protect our environment. Source: City of Longmont, Colorado URL: http://www.ci.longmont.co.us/water_waste/index.htm Montana Green Power Abstract: Offers solid facts on how, where, and why to use solar power in Montana - or any place with abundant sunshine. Shines light on solar projects throughout Montana homes, businesses, and schools. Reviews national green power legislation. Source: National Center for Appropriate Technology URL: http://www.montanagreenpower.com/solar/index.html National Association of Development Organizations Abstract: The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) provides training, information and representation for regional development organizations in small metropolitan and rural America. The association, a public interest group founded in 1967, is the largest and leading advocate for a regional approach to community, economic and rural development and provides a network for its members to share ideas and innovations. Source: National Association of Development Organizations URL: http://www.nado.org/ National Center for Healthy Housing Abstract: To develop and promote practical methods to protect children from residential environmental hazards while preserving the supply of affordable housing. Source: National Center for Healthy Housing URL: http://www.centerforhealthyhousing.org/ National Fenestration Rating Council Abstract: An organization created by the window, door and skylight industry. It is comprised of manufacturers, suppliers, builders, architects and designers, specifiers, code officials, utilities and government agencies. NFRC provides consistent ratings on window, door and skylight products. NFRC's primary goal is to provide accurate information to measure and compare the energy performance of window, door, or skylight products. Source: National Fenestration Rating Council URL: http://www.nfrc.org/ National Institute of Building Sciences Abstract: Although there is a strong orientation toward commercial building issues on this website, it provides abundant information to those in home construction about products, committees, hazards, and other issues. Source: National Institute of Building Sciences URL: http://www.nibs.org/ National Renewable Energy Laboratory Abstract: The U.S. Department of Energy's premier laboratory for renewable energy research & development and a lead lab for energy efficiency R&D. Source: U.S. Department of Energy URL: http://www.nrel.gov/ Oak Ridge National Laboratory Abstract: The mission of the Buildings Technology Center is to identify, develop, and deploy sustainable and energy-efficient building system technologies by forming partnerships between the public sector and private industry for technology development analysis, well-characterized laboratory and field experiments, and market outreach. The BTC facilities are available to manufacturers, universities, and other organizations for proprietary and nonproprietary research and development. Source: U.S. Department of Energy URL: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/btc/apps/ Renewable Energy Policy Project Abstract: The Renewable Energy Policy Project's (REPP) goal is to accelerate the use of renewable energy by providing credible information, insightful analysis, and innovative strategies amid changing energy markets and mounting environmental needs. Source: Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology URL: http://www.crest.org/ Residential Energy Services Network Abstract: The Residential Energy Services Network's (RESNET) mission is to improve the energy efficiency of the nation's housing stock and to qualify more families for home ownership by expanding the national availability of mortgage financing options and home energy ratings. RESNET's activities are guided by a mortgage industry steering committee composed of the leading national mortgage executives. Source: National Association of State Energy Officials and Energy Rated Homes of America URL: http://natresnet.org/ Stormwater Center Abstract: The Stormwater Manager's Resource Center is designed specifically for stormwater practitioners, local government officials and others that need technical assistance on stormwater management issues. Created and maintained by the Center for Watershed Protection, the SMRC has everything you need to know about stormwater in a single site Source: Center for Watershed Protection URL: http://www.stormwatercenter.net Sustainable Buildings Industry Council Abstract: SBIC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to advance the design, affordability, energy performance, and environmental soundness of residential, institutional, and commercial buildings nationwide. SBIC offers professional training, consumer education, and energy analysis tools for sustainable design and product information. SBIC provides accurate, easy-to-use guidelines, software, and general information about energy conservation measures, energy efficient equipment and appliances, daylighting, and sustainable architecture. Source: Sustainable Buildings Industry Council URL: http://www.sbicouncil.org Sustainable Products Purchasers Coalition Abstract: The SPPC acts as a catalyst for the transformation of industry and the marketplace to develop, produce, and consume sustainable products - using the Coalition's aggregate purchasing power to accelerate industry's adoption of the use of LCA tools to address the current need for clear and concise product environmental performance data. The Coalition's goal is provide a standardized form in which manufacturers can provide Life Cycle data for their product compatible with the variety of accepted LCA tools currently in use in the industry. Source: Sustainable Products Purchasers Coalition URL: http://www.sppcoalition.org/ Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau Abstract: A joint labor/management organization. TABB is striving to keep the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning industry certified contractors and technicians the most qualified and prepared in the industry by keeping them abreast of industry developments and cutting edge specifications. Source: National Energy Management Institute URL: http://www.tabbcertified.org/ The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Abstract: The AIA represents the interest of architects before federal, state and local governments and comprises some 300 component organizations across the United States and around the world. Their mission is to: serve its members, advance their value, and improve the quality of the built environment. Source: American Institute of Architects URL: http://www.aia.org The Green Built Home Abstract: This site is one of the most comprehensive sites for information about issues related to business and the environment, land use, and green building. Oriented to Wisconsin, it provides a tremendous amount of guidance for any green home builder. Source: Wisconsin Environmental Initiative URL: http://www.greenbuilthome.org/ The Green Roundtable Abstract: The Green Roundtable, Inc. is an organization in New England that approaches issues of green development by bringing together all of the different stakeholders including building, land and planning professionals, universities, governments, facility managers, community and environmental groups. Source: The Green Roundtable URL: http://www.greenroundtable.org Used Building Materials Association Abstract: The website offers companies and organizations involved in the acquisition and/or redistribution of used building materials news, resources and the Used Building Material Exchange (also available to the general public (Click on Exchange). Source: Used Building Materials Association (UMBA) URL: http://building-reuse.org/
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