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Automobile industry and trade (16)
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Keyword: Automobiles -- Brakes, 8 Links
Convenience Lighting and ABS Mercury Switch Removal for Ford, Chrysler, GM
Abstract: This webpage has links to a question and answer sheet concerning mercury removal, a mercury press release, a 'Getting Mercury out of Cars' brochure, and mercury switch removal and replacement instructions for Chrysler, Ford and GM automobiles.
Source: Clean Car Campaign
URL: http://www.cleancarcampaign.org/switchremoval.shtml
Mercury Hidden in Your Car Could Spark Health Problems
Abstract: This brief article helps to identify where mercury can be located within your vehicle and also explains possible health effects resulting from exposure to this mercury.
Source: Channel 13: Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto
URL: http://www.kovr13.com/02feb02/022102f.htm
Master List of Automobiles with Mercury-Added Component Parts [PDF]
Abstract: Collected by ME DEP, a master list of all automobiles that contain mercury-added component parts. Divides the list into make of the vehicle, model, what component mercury is used in, years that that component is used in, and a year for a phase-out, where applicable.
Source: Maine Department of Environmental Protection
URL: http://www.maine.gov/dep/rwm/mercury/pdf/Appendix-E.pdf
Clean Car Campaign
Abstract: Website documenting work of the Clean Car Campaign, whose partners are American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Ecology Center, Environmental Defense, Great Lakes United, Michigan Environmental Council, and the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Source: Clean Car Campaign
URL: http://www.cleancarcampaign.org
Driving Forward: News from the Clean Car Campaign (pdf) [PDF]
Abstract: Article describing progress on the “switch the switch” program.
Source: Clean Car Campaign
URL: http://www.cleancarcampaign.org/pdfs/drivingforward3.pdf
Model Legislation - Mercury-Free Vehicle Act [PDF]
Abstract: A bill to achieve reductions in environmental mercury through the collection and removal of vehicle mercury switches, mercury sensors, and other mercury-added components from vehicles in commerce by vehicle manufacturers, and by implementing a Design For Recycling program for future vehicles to prohibit the use of mercury of mercury-added components, and for other purposes.
Source: Clean Car Campaign
URL: http://www.cleancarcampaign.org/pdfs/Hg_legis.pdf
Toxic By Design - The Automobile Industry's Continued Use of Mercury [PDF]
Abstract: Describes progress toward automaker’s pledge to phase out the use of mercury in new cars and trucks as early as 1998.
Source: Environmental Defense
URL: http://www.cleancarcampaign.org/pdfs/ToxicbyDesign.PDF
Get the Mercury Out of Maine - Video
Hard Copy Publication - How-to video detailing the removal of mercury switches from automobiles. Video is available for loan from NEWMOA. Submit request to inforequest@newmoa.org
Source: Maine Department of Environmental Protection
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