P2Rx Topic Hubs - Guides to Community-Reviewed Resources on the Web
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Table of Contents
Background and Overview
Management Options
Where To Go for P2 Help
Consumer Education
Best Practice
Complete List of Links

Household Waste Management
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Household Hazardous Materials: Table of Contents

Welcome to the Household Hazardous Materials Topic Hub™, a guide to basic information with links to additional on-line resources.

Background and Overview - This section contains basic information about what HHW is, and the scope of the issue in the US. This information should prove useful to those seeking general understanding of HHW, including policymakers, grantwriters, trade groups, researchers, journalists, and those newly assigned to the issue.

Management Options - Here is where you'll find information about disposal and treatment options and the importance of a dedicated HHW program. It contains references to some "how-to" documents on operating programs. With user assistance, we will build a collection of sample ordinances, regulations, and contracts used by programs across the country.

Where To Go for P2 Help - Several organizations and resources that provide services to HHW programs, or who offer expertise to the HHW community can be found here.

Consumer Education - Disposal of HHW is only the beginning. A successful program reduces the amount of HHW by educating household members. This section describes necessary components of a successful education campaign. It includes references to general HHW fact sheets for use in an outreach and education campaign.

Best Practice - Strategies for reducing the environmental impact of HHW include redesigning the goods purchased and placing responsibility with the manufacturer. This section also contains suggested alternatives for common HHW waste streams such as paint and cleaners.

Complete List of Links - Lists all resources cataloged in this hub. If you know of resources relating to this topic, please let us know. We will review all suggestions and include them in the hub if they provide non-biased information not currently covered.

Topic Hub™ Last Updated: 07/31/2007
This Topic Hub is a product of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2RX)™
The Household Hazardous Materials Topic Hub was developed by:
Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center
Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center
Contact email:ryoder@unomaha.edu

Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange™, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (Northeast), WRRC (Southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (Southwest), P2RIC (Plains), Peaks to Prairies (Mountain), WRPPN (Pacific Southwest), PPRC (Northwest).

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