Construction Waste Links


Construction Waste Reduction

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WB01158_.GIF (961 bytes) C&D Recycling
WB01158_.GIF (961 bytes) Wood Recycling
WB01158_.GIF (961 bytes) Gypsum Recycling
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Last Modified
February 16, 2001


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Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center

Learning about construction waste is a matter of 
diving in and sorting through the loads of information available

There is a lot of information available electronically regarding construction waste and construction waste recycling. The following categorized list provides links to sites that can help you develop, improve or advertise your program:

Sustainable The Center for Environmental Business on the Web 
"Sustainable is a focal point on the Web for the full range of environmental business sectors. from recycling to green building, from renewable energy to organic products, from social investing to certified forestry. We supply information and connection to accelerate momentum toward a green economy. We seek to inspire you and fill you with a can do attitude."


Global Recycling Network 
"GRN is a free-access public site dedicated to recycling related information. We offer all companies involved in the Recycling Industry a wide exposure through: Web Publishing Services, Online Sales and Catalogs, and Advertising."

Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management HOME PAGE 
"The Center's mission is to coordinate and engage in research, training and service activities relating to solid and hazardous waste management issues."

Environmental Building News - Your Guide to Green Building 
"Environmental Building News - Our articles, reviews, and news stories are a prime resource on energy efficient, resource-efficient, and healthy building practices. We address material selection, siting, indoor air quality, daylighting, and other subjects related to green building products."

NAHB Research Center: Advancing Technology in Housing 
National Association of Homebuilders Research Center with information on Construction Waste Recycling programs.

Sustainable Building Sourcebook Contents 
"The Austin Green Building Program was recognized at the 1992 Earth Summit by the United Nations Local Government Honours Programme as one of 12 exemplary local government initiatives from around the world, and was the only program recognized from the United States. Their Sustainable Building Sourcebook has become a popular resource for alternative builders around the world. In early 1994 the Green Building Program and Sustainable Sources agreed to make the Sourcebook available in electronic format through our Sustainable Sources BBS, an Austin based bulletin board service. The Program was looking for a way to get this information out to a wider audience in Austin and to make it available to people outside of the Austin area without spending their time and energy marketing it. Shortly thereafter, we also converted the Sourcebook to the Web. This has been a win-win setup: The Green Building Program wins, as their info is disseminated with little extra effort and no extra expense, and builders and homeowners like you win by getting web access to detailed guidelines and resources on topics that can otherwise be hard to find." 

"The US Green Building Council is the building industry's only balanced nonprofit consensus coalition promoting the understanding, development and accelerated implementation of "Green Building" policies, programs, technologies, standards and design practices."

Green Building Resource Guide 
"The Green Building Resource Guide is a database of over 600 green building materials and

products selected specifically for their usefulness to the design and building professions, rather than merely their green material content. A feature unique to this guide is the Price Index Number. You can order the Green Building Resource Guide in two forms: a reference manual or a CD-ROM database. The CD-ROM interface is easy to use and reflects the way an architect typically works. The Green Building Resource Guide is designed around four user interfaces familiar to architects: Site Plan, Elevation, Floor Plan, and Section."

Info Resources for Environmental Building -- Green Prints '99 
"Information Resources for Environmental Building Presented at Greenprints, 1999"

"GreenClips, a summary of news on sustainable building design and related government and business issues published every two weeks by email."

Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development: Green Buildings Introduction 

"Green building practices offer an opportunity to create environmentally-sound and resource-efficient buildings by using an integrated approach to design. The entire life-cycle of the building and its components is considered, as well as the economic and environmental impact and performance."

5.3 Construction Waste Management 
Information on Construction Waste Management from the United States Department of Energy. "The amount of waste from construction projects can be as high as 15% of all materials used in the project. The percentage of construction and demolition (C&D) waste volume in a typical municipal landfill in the United States is estimated to exceed 25%. Increasing tipping fees and diminishing landfill space are direct consequences of C&D waste production. Wastes that contain nondegradable substances create long-term hazards to both human health and the health of the ecosystem. Reducing waste lowers disposal costs and lowers the amount of new materials required by 10% to 15%. It offers opportunities for recovering costs from the sale of recyclable and salvaged materials. Waste reduction occurs through design and planning of construction operations, including building renovation."

National Solid Waste Management Association 
"A sub-group of Environmental Industry Associations that represents for-profit companies in North America providing solid, hazardous and medical waste collection, recycling and disposal services, remedial and oil spill clean-ups, and companies providing professional and consulting services to the industry."

Solid Waste Association of North  America. SWANA's Mission: "Advancing the practice of economically and environmentally sound solid waste management in North America."

The California Integrated Waste Management Board. 
"The California Integrated Waste Management Board is responsible for managing California's solid waste stream. The Board is helping California divert 50 percent of its waste from landfills by 2000 by: 1) Developing waste reduction programs, 2) Providing public education and outreach, 3) Assisting local governments and businesses, 4) Fostering market development for recyclable materials."

Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling 
"Disposal of construction and demolition (C&D) debris wastes resources and shortens the life of landfills. In 1990, 46 of California's 530 jurisdictions reported C&D tonnage as a separate category in the solid waste stream. Their reported figures ranged from 0 to 55 percent, and averaged to 28 percent. The Board identified C&D debris waste as a priority program in its market development plan Meeting the 50 Percent Challenge: Market Development Strategies Through the Year 2000. Reduction of  C&D materials to landfill disposal will help meet California's mandated diversion goal of 50 percent by 2000."

Solstice: Sustainable Energy and Development Online 
"Solstice is the Internet information service of the Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST), and is your site for Sustainable Energy and Development Information."

Oikos: Green Building Source Energy Efficient Construction Environmentally Responsible Building Green Building Materials 
"Books, videos and software that will help your construction projects harmonize with the environment. You can't build without materials and equipment. Search the database of 1,800 companies for green building products."

Welcome to the Forest Products Laboratory 
"The Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in Madison, Wisconsin, serves the public as the nation's leading wood research institute. Research concentrates on pulp and paper products, housing and structural uses of wood, wood preservation, wood and fungi identification, and finishing and restoration of wood products. In addition to traditional lines of research, FPL is responding to environmental pressures on the forest resource by using cutting-edge techniques to study recycling, develop environmentally friendly technology, and understand ecosystem-based forest management."

Green Building Primer© B.E.S.T. 
"Green Buildings are really resource efficient buildings and are very energy efficient, utilize construction materials wisely -- including recycled, renewable, and reused resources to the maximum extent practical -- are designed, constructed and commissioned to ensure they are healthy for their occupants, are typically more comfortable and easier to live with due to lower operating and owning costs, and are good for the planet. The overall environmental impact of new building and community development and the choices made when we either reuse or demolish existing structures is very important. Hundreds of professional home builders have learned how to make their products better for the environment over the last 20 years, and consumers are now able to find better environmental value when they shop for a new home, or conduct a remodeling project. This information should help you learn more about what to look for in a home that is more environmentally sensitive. If you are a builder unfamiliar with the simple approach to green building, this material should give you a starting point for further exploration of the topic, and a better ability to ask the right questions."

Sustainable Architecture, Sustainable Buildings, Reuse and Recycling of Building Materials
"This page describes current and future documents in our Sustainable Architecture Compendium. As finished documents are published for each of the five modules, we will make them available here. Currently, final editions of the entire Introductory, Sustainable Design, Sustainable Building Materials, and Recycling and Reuse modules are available online."

Construction and Demolition Debris Salvage Program with Depots
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality "Factsheet: Construction and Demolition Debris Salvage Program with Depots."

ReDO - Reuse Development Organization, Inc. - Making More Reuse Happen Faster! 
"ReDO was created to fill an informational void identified at a February 1995 conference on reuse, where participants voiced a desire to "avoid reinventing the wheel" and share what they have learned. ReDO's Board of Directors includes national leaders who have operated model reuse efforts that recover thousands of tons of building materials, equipment, furniture, food, and industrial materials. Board members represents both urban and rural program expertise."

The Clean Washington Centers Construction Waste Briefs.

Garbology Related Sites.

Recycling World 
"The main articles from Recycling World magazine are published regularly on the internet, with a paper edition printed every two weeks. Each issue includes the following sections:  Comment - this month's view of what's going on in recycling; Newsdesk - the latest news from the recycling industry; Features - more detailed articles on current topics affecting UK recycling; Prices - Latest prices for recyclable materials"

Solid Waste Online: Virtual community for the waste processing industry 

Recycling Today Magazine 

C&D Recycler Magazine 

" serves private contracting firms, governmental entities, consulting engineers, industrial plants, retailing firms and hospitals, as well as equipment dealers, distributors, manufacturers and other allied to the waste industry."

"The following list of publications covers books, reports, handbooks, manuals, magazines, journals and newsletters containing information related to waste avoidance and resource recovery in the construction and demolition sectors. Whilst some of the documents specifically cover C&D, others contain regular columns, features and announcements about relevant industry and government initiatives. Some of the following publications can be accessed or ordered directly via the Web. In most other cases, the publisher's contact details are provided in the Organizations section of onSITE."

Yahoo! Society and Culture : Environment and Nature : Waste Management 

Welcome to Recycle City! 
Recycling Information for kids.

Earth's 911 
"The uniqueness of Earth’s 911 is the Partnership. Never before has an environmental program been created where non-profit organizations, public sector agencies and private sector corporations join resources to effect change for our planet. Through this public service, resources on universally accepted, non-partisan environmental issues, are made available to the  general public at no cost to the user. This Partnership through the consolidation of community specific information, saves taxpayers millions of dollars annually and saves billions of dollars in pollution prevention. Earth's 911 is empowering citizens with the resources to improve their quality of life and to preserve our natural resources for future generations. Together, we are Making Everyday Earth Day!"

P2West | Western Region Pollution Prevention Network 

Construction Waste Management Handbook
"The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research Center, with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is investigating residential construction waste management. At three sites across the country, the Research Center is working with builders, waste management firms, local and state solid waste officials, and building product manufacturers on waste reduction, reuse, and recycling of common construction waste materials. The Homestead Habitat for Humanity (HHFH) Jordan Commons development is an ideal housing project for the demonstration of alternatives to conventional construction waste disposal for two primary reasons. First, the emphasis on resource-efficiency in the design, construction, and operation of the homes of Jordan Commons makes the construction waste management program an important and integral element of the overall project. Second, the overall size of the project-187 homes plus community common holdings-provides the opportunity for significant economies of scale in the collection, separation, and marketing of recovered materials. The objectives of the Jordan Commons construction waste management program are to maximize material recovery, minimize waste, and reduce total waste management costs on a per-house basis."

Directory of Recycled Content Building and Construction Products 

Search or browse construction and green building resources.

For additional resources, search or browse the Peaks to Prairies database of documents, links, associations and contacts.

Other Contacts:

Buy Recycled Business Alliance 
National Recycling Coalition 
1101 30th Street N.W. Suite 305 
Washington D.C.  20007 

Resource Guide to Recycled Construction Products 
Los Angeles Integrated Solid Waste Management Office 
433 South Spring Street, Fifth Floor, 
Los Angeles, CA 

Guide to Recycled Products 
600 NE. Grand Avenue, 
Portland, OR  97232

Buy Recycled Campaign 
United States Conference of Mayors 
1620 Eye Street N.W. 
Washington D.C.   20006 

The Official Recycled Products Guide 
The American Recycling Markets, Inc. 
P.O. Box 577 
Ogdensburg, NY 13669 