Waste Exchanges


Construction Waste Reduction

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November 8, 2001


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Material exchanges provide an opportunity to locate other builders, homeowners or businesses that can use waste materials, or that have waste materials that can be incorporated into a new project. Used materials are economical for the buyer, and help the seller avoid disposal fees.  With local, state, regional, and national focuses, Waste Material Exchanges share the common purpose of keeping construction waste out of landfills.

Exchanges cover a wide variety of materials. In terms of construction waste they include windows, dimensional lumber, shingles, aggregate, cabinets, flooring, tile, fill material, sinks, etc. On-line exchanges allow potential buyers and sellers of material to post what they have or find contact information for what they need. Generally, posting items and searching sites are free of charge, although some consultants also offer these services for a fee. Materials may be given away or may require purchase; transportation is generally arranged by the buyer. Other Waste Material Exchanges operate as a salvage yard where interested parties visit the yard to find what they need and purchase the materials as they would at any building supply store (although often for lower prices).

The following Internet locations provide on-line materials exchanges and information about other exchange programs for Region 8 and the nation.

Region 8 Material Exchanges
(Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)

On-line Exchanges

Colorado Materials Exchange - http://www.colorado.edu/cure/comex/ A statewide clearinghouse of non-hazardous surplus and durable goods; "Building and Landscaping Equipment/Materials" category quickens pace of search. University of Colorado Recycling Services

Montana Material Exchange: http://www.montana.edu/wwwated/mme.shtml An information clearinghouse for any available leftover materials, by-products, and unused products from individuals, local and international companies, that are potentially wanted by another. It includes a category for "Construction Materials". Montana State University Extension Service - Pollution Prevention Program

Other Region 8 Exchange Programs

ReSource2000 Salvage Yard- http://bcn.boulder.co.us/environment/rs2k/index.html salvages used building materials and resells them at low prices. This site provides general information about materials accepted and sold, including pricing, and directions to the yard. A program of the Boulder (Colorado) Energy Conservation Center.

Utah University System Hazardous Materials Reuse, Recycling and Disposal - http://www.ehs.utah.edu/enviro/dispose.htm The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) is charged with the responsibility of removing all hazardous materials, used and unused, from University facilities. Materials picked up by EHS are recycled, used by someone else, or disposed of at an EPA approved facility. This site provides procedures for participatio in the program.

National Material Exchanges and Exchange Listings

Used Building Materials Association - http://www.ubma.org/ (Click on Exchange). This association represents companies and organizations involved in the acquisition and/or redistribution of used building materials. The website offers publications and membership information, covers deconstruction events, and facilitates an exchange for used building materials. The Exchange is available to members and the general public . Used Building Materials Association (UMBA)

Used Building Materials Exchange - http://build.recycle.net/ (Select a material category to view or add listings). Locate used building materials and equipment or post materials for sale/trade. Mostly North American focus. RecycleNet Corporation

Soil Trader - http://www.cleanrivers-pdx.org/soiltrader/index.htm Online trading network for non-hazardous construction spoils (top soil, mixed soil, gravel, concrete, asphalt, clearing debris, fencing, boulders) that might otherwise be disposed in the Portland area. Environmental Services City of Portland

Wood Products Exchange - http://www.woodexchange.com/
(Click on Wood Exchange at bottom of page). This exchange specializes in wood by-products, wastes, residues, cut-offs, shorts, seconds, surplus, and salvaged materials. Searchable database requires a one-time free registration process. Virtual Trade Exchange Company, LLC.

Material Exchanges On The Web - http://www.wastexchange.org/Exchanges/default.cfm
An extensive list of material exchanges for the nation. A "profile" is provided for each exchange including contact information for the operating organization, manager and a URL address. Sponsored by the West Virginia Solid Waste Mangement Board

Seattle King County's Exchanges List - http://www.metrokc.gov/hazwaste/imex/others.html
A telephone, address and URL list of North American Waste Exchanges. Sponsored by King County, Washington

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