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Homes Across America
This site profiles resource efficient homes throughout the country, highlighting techniques and tech...

Model Green Home Building Guidelines
These guidelines were created for mainstream home builders. They highlight the ways a home builder c...

The Whole Building Design Approach
Buildings are deceptively complex. This discussion of the 'Whole Building' design approach concept h...

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Alternative technologies (26) / Best management practices (26) / Compliance (5) / Conservation of natural resources (23) / Construction and demolition debris (12) / Economic incentives (19) / Electric apparatus and appliances (2) / Gray water (1) / House construction (26) / Indoor air pollution (6) / Insulation (Heat) (9) / Lighting (3) / Markets (15) / Radon (3) / Solar energy (9) / Stormwater (7) / Ventilation (4) / Waste disposal (1) / Windows (4) /

Keyword: House construction, 26 Links

Built Green of Colorado: Checklist
Abstract: Checklist of Built Green standards. Designed for Colorado, the list is a good example for other programs interested in Green Design.
Source: Home Builders Association of Metro Denver
URL: http://www.builtgreen.org/checklist/checklist.htm

The Whole Building Design Approach
Abstract: Buildings are deceptively complex. This discussion of the 'Whole Building' design approach concept helps to understand that complexity..
Source: Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG)
URL: http://wbdg.org/

Energy: Building Basics
Abstract: Discussion of interrelated components involved in energy-efficient design for building construction.
Source: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN)
URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/info/components/index.html

Houses That Work: House Design Recommendations By Climate
Abstract: Design recommendations are provided as a starting point for designing a specific house in a specific location and climate. Explanations for envelope assemblies and moisture-related risks are discussed for each climate. Includes case studies.
Source: Building Science Corporation
URL: http://www.buildingscience.com/designsthatwork/default.htm

Treated Wood Containing Arsenic : EPA Announces Transition from Consumer Use
Abstract: Industry has voluntarily agreed to phase out wood treated with chromated copper arsenate, also known as CCA, for all residential uses by December 31, 2003. This story relates the news, industry labeling requirements and methods of maintaining existing structures.
Source: BUILDER Magazine
URL: http://builderonline.com/industry-news.asp?channelID=59&ArticleType=1&ArticleID=1000021032

The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Abstract: The AIA represents the interest of architects before federal, state and local governments and comprises some 300 component organizations across the United States and around the world. Their mission is to: serve its members, advance their value, and improve the quality of the built environment.
Source: American Institute of Architects
URL: http://www.aia.org

The Green Roundtable
Abstract: The Green Roundtable, Inc. is an organization in New England that approaches issues of green development by bringing together all of the different stakeholders including building, land and planning professionals, universities, governments, facility managers, community and environmental groups.
Source: The Green Roundtable
URL: http://www.greenroundtable.org

National Association of Development Organizations
Abstract: The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) provides training, information and representation for regional development organizations in small metropolitan and rural America. The association, a public interest group founded in 1967, is the largest and leading advocate for a regional approach to community, economic and rural development and provides a network for its members to share ideas and innovations.
Source: National Association of Development Organizations
URL: http://www.nado.org/

National Center for Healthy Housing
Abstract: To develop and promote practical methods to protect children from residential environmental hazards while preserving the supply of affordable housing.
Source: National Center for Healthy Housing
URL: http://www.centerforhealthyhousing.org/

Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau
Abstract: A joint labor/management organization. TABB is striving to keep the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning industry certified contractors and technicians the most qualified and prepared in the industry by keeping them abreast of industry developments and cutting edge specifications.
Source: National Energy Management Institute
URL: http://www.tabbcertified.org/

National Fenestration Rating Council
Abstract: An organization created by the window, door and skylight industry. It is comprised of manufacturers, suppliers, builders, architects and designers, specifiers, code officials, utilities and government agencies. NFRC provides consistent ratings on window, door and skylight products. NFRC's primary goal is to provide accurate information to measure and compare the energy performance of window, door, or skylight products.
Source: National Fenestration Rating Council
URL: http://www.nfrc.org/

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Abstract: The mission of the Buildings Technology Center is to identify, develop, and deploy sustainable and energy-efficient building system technologies by forming partnerships between the public sector and private industry for technology development analysis, well-characterized laboratory and field experiments, and market outreach. The BTC facilities are available to manufacturers, universities, and other organizations for proprietary and nonproprietary research and development.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
URL: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/btc/apps/

Residential Energy Services Network
Abstract: The Residential Energy Services Network's (RESNET) mission is to improve the energy efficiency of the nation's housing stock and to qualify more families for home ownership by expanding the national availability of mortgage financing options and home energy ratings. RESNET's activities are guided by a mortgage industry steering committee composed of the leading national mortgage executives.
Source: National Association of State Energy Officials and Energy Rated Homes of America
URL: http://natresnet.org/

Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
Abstract: SBIC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to advance the design, affordability, energy performance, and environmental soundness of residential, institutional, and commercial buildings nationwide. SBIC offers professional training, consumer education, and energy analysis tools for sustainable design and product information. SBIC provides accurate, easy-to-use guidelines, software, and general information about energy conservation measures, energy efficient equipment and appliances, daylighting, and sustainable architecture.
Source: Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
URL: http://www.sbicouncil.org

Sustainable Products Purchasers Coalition
Abstract: The SPPC acts as a catalyst for the transformation of industry and the marketplace to develop, produce, and consume sustainable products - using the Coalition's aggregate purchasing power to accelerate industry's adoption of the use of LCA tools to address the current need for clear and concise product environmental performance data. The Coalition's goal is provide a standardized form in which manufacturers can provide Life Cycle data for their product compatible with the variety of accepted LCA tools currently in use in the industry.
Source: Sustainable Products Purchasers Coalition
URL: http://www.sppcoalition.org/

Lighting Design Lab
Abstract: The Lighting Design Lab works to transform the Northwest lighting market by promoting quality design and energy efficient technologies. The Lab accomplishes this mission through education & training, consultations, technical assistance, and demonstrations.
Source: Lighting Design Lab
URL: http://www.lightingdesignlab.com/index.html

Whole-House and Building Process Redesign
Abstract: This roadmap was developed to strategically overcome the slow adoption of new technologies into homebuilding, and the lack of systems science and engineering standards in the manufacturing of products and the construction of houses. The roadmap details five strategies to overcome chronic barriers and outlines the benefits of taking proactive steps. The recommendations of this roadmap have the potential to make home construction more affordable, higher quality, customizable, and receptive to new innovations.
Source: Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing
URL: http://www.pathnet.org/si.asp?id=979

The Green Built Home
Abstract: This site is one of the most comprehensive sites for information about issues related to business and the environment, land use, and green building. Oriented to Wisconsin, it provides a tremendous amount of guidance for any green home builder.
Source: Wisconsin Environmental Initiative
URL: http://www.greenbuilthome.org/

Homes Across America
Abstract: This site profiles resource efficient homes throughout the country, highlighting techniques and technologies appropriate for specific sites, climatic conditions, and affordability ranges.
Source: Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center
URL: http://www.homes-across-america.org

Guide to Foundation and Support Systems for Manufactured Homes
Abstract: The changes in the manufactured housing market, the evolution of the industry itself and the diversification of the potential customers for manufactured homes are ushering in a host of innovations and changes to the industry's core product. This guide describes new methods changes than the methods for supporting and fastening the home to the ground.
Source: PATH
URL: http://www.pathnet.org/sp.asp?id=1013

Manufactured Home Installation Training Manual
Abstract: Manufactured homes are built under a national code administered by HUD and are often referred to as "HUD-Code homes" to distinguish them from other types of factory-built housing, such as modular. Installers, retailers, and inspectors of HUD-Code homes will be interested in the Manufactured Home Installation Training Manual, released from HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research.
Source: Department of Housing and Urban Development
URL: http://www.pathnet.org/sp.asp?id=1003

Green Building Professionals
Abstract: A list of green builders and green building professionals throughout the country.
URL: http://directory.greenbuilder.com/search.gbpro

PATH Home of the Future
Abstract: The PATH Concept Home is a vibrant reflection of the people who live in it, whoever they may be. It recognizes our common need for a healthy and flexible living environment. It promises stronger communities, sustainable development, and a better quality of life for all homeowners.
Source: Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing
URL: http://www.pathnet.org/sp.asp?id=11984

Housing Assistance Providers
Abstract: This list features assistance providers throughout the country who can provide information on the state of high performance home building within their service area.
Source: Peaks to Prairies
URL: http://www.homes-across-america.org/search/searchForAssistance.cfm

High Performance Buildings
Abstract: The High Performance Buildings Database is research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy that seeks to improve building performance measuring methods by collecting data on various factors that affect a building's performance, such as energy, materials, and land use. The database collects information from buildings around the world, ranging from homes and commercial interiors to large buildings and even whole campuses and neighborhoods. These may be certified green projects, or simply projects that have one or more notable environmental features.
Source: US Department of Energy
URL: http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/highperformance/

Alternatives to PVC Building and Landscaping Products
Abstract: The Healthy Building Network is working to accelerate the transition away from PVC building materials in favor of safer, healthier alternatives that offer equal or superior performance at comparable prices. Their web site offers lists of alternative products.
Source: Healthy Building Network
URL: http://www.healthybuilding.net/pvc/alternatives.html

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Topic Hub™ Last Updated: 06/01/2007
This Topic Hub is a product of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2RX)™
The Residential Construction Topic Hub was developed by:
Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Center
Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Center
Contact (Peaks)
406-994-3451 or information@peakstoprairies.org
Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange™, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (Northeast), WRRC (Southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (Southwest), P2RIC (Plains), Peaks to Prairies (Mountain), WRPPN (Pacific Southwest), PPRC (Northwest).