P2Rx Topic Hubs - Guides to Community-Reviewed Resources on the Web
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Homes Across America
This site profiles resource efficient homes throughout the country, highlighting techniques and tech...

Model Green Home Building Guidelines
These guidelines were created for mainstream home builders. They highlight the ways a home builder c...

The Whole Building Design Approach
Buildings are deceptively complex. This discussion of the 'Whole Building' design approach concept h...

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Alternative technologies (26) / Best management practices (26) / Compliance (5) / Conservation of natural resources (23) / Construction and demolition debris (12) / Economic incentives (19) / Electric apparatus and appliances (2) / Gray water (1) / House construction (26) / Indoor air pollution (6) / Insulation (Heat) (9) / Lighting (3) / Markets (15) / Radon (3) / Solar energy (9) / Stormwater (7) / Ventilation (4) / Waste disposal (1) / Windows (4) /

Keyword: Construction and demolition debris, 12 Links

Demolition and Construction Management
Abstract: Provides resources for inquiry into opportunities, methods and services for demolition and construction management.
Source: Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center
URL: http://www.pprc.org/pubs/greencon/demo.cfm

Construction Waste: Types and Quantities
Abstract: Generalizations about the type and quantity of residential construction waste generated per square foot.
Source: Iris Communications, Inc.; Oikos: Green Building Source
URL: http://www.oikos.com/library/waste/types.html

Pollution Prevention for Residential Construction: A Guide for Residential Construction Contractors and Designers
Abstract: Practical ideas on how to reduce or eliminate waste; range of "Best Pollution Prevention Practices" from free or low-cost operational changes to complex technologies, structural modifications or product substitutions; includes "quick list".
Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program
URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide/index.cfm

Solid Waste
Abstract: Overview of regulations and best practices pertaining to solid waste; waste evalation worksheet.
Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program
URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide/section7.cfm

Special Waste
Abstract: Comprehensive discussion of special waste concerns including asbestos, fluorescent and high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and lead.
Source: Montana State University Extension Service, Pollution Prevention Program
URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/contrguide/section9.cfm

Used Building Materials Exchange
Abstract: List of used building materials for sale/trade; international, mostly North America.
Source: RecycleNet Corporation
URL: http://build.recycle.net/exchange/index.html

What is Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste?
Abstract: Overview of construction & demolition waste characteristics and management opportunities.
Source: Peaks to Prairies / Confluence Associates
URL: http://peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/construction/c&dwaste/index.cfm

Green Building: Proper Use and Disposal of Treated Lumber
Abstract: Information to prevent treated wood i.e. creosote, oilborne chemicals, and waterborne chemicals, from causing adverse health and environmental impacts.
Source: State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection, Waste Management Bureau
URL: http://dep.state.ct.us/wst/recycle/lumber.htm

Used Building Materials Association
Abstract: The website offers companies and organizations involved in the acquisition and/or redistribution of used building materials news, resources and the Used Building Material Exchange (also available to the general public (Click on Exchange).
Source: Used Building Materials Association (UMBA)
URL: http://building-reuse.org/

Wood/Construction/Carpentry Laboratory Self-Audit
Abstract: Designed to help educators and managers of teaching laboratories examine how they currently prevent pollution and manage waste. This checklist provides suggestions to improve that deal with common materials in new construction and renovation.
Source: Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Information Center
URL: http://www.peakstoprairies.org/p2bande/voed/AuditWCC.cfm

Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning
Abstract: The Alliance is a national public interest organization formed by leaders in public health, environmental protection, affordable housing, and civil rights. The Alliance seeks to protect children from lead and other environmental health hazards in and around their homes by advocating for policy solutions and building capacity for primary prevention in communities throughout the US and around the world.
Source: Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning (AECLP)
URL: http://www.aeclp.org/

Construction Waste Management Guide for Architects, Designers, Developers, Facility Managers, Owners, Property Managers & Specification Writers [PDF]
Abstract: The Construction Waste Management Guide was written for professionals who do not deal directly with construction waste, yet have an impact on what happens to it. The purpose of the Guide is to educate these professionals about their role in reducing, reusing and recycling waste generated from remodeling, construction and demolition. The Guide includes step-by-step methods for salvaging and reusing building materials, an overview of deconstruction, information about construction and demolition waste processing facilities and guidance on using a specification, plan and report.
Source: Resourceventure.org
URL: http://www.resourceventure.org/rv/publications/building/CWM-NonConstProfs.pdf

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Topic Hub™ Last Updated: 06/01/2007
This Topic Hub is a product of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2RX)™
The Residential Construction Topic Hub was developed by:
Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Center
Peaks to Prairies Pollution Prevention Center
Contact (Peaks)
406-994-3451 or information@peakstoprairies.org
Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange™, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (Northeast), WRRC (Southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (Southwest), P2RIC (Plains), Peaks to Prairies (Mountain), WRPPN (Pacific Southwest), PPRC (Northwest).