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New Community Design to the Rescue
A four part report explaining how states and communities can encourage New Community Design, i.e. mi...

Ten Steps to Sustainability
Lists important criteria for launching successful sustainability programs, with links.

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Air quality (5) / Building (13) / Business (9) / Climatic changes (2) / Conservation of natural resources (10) / Economics (23) / Education (14) / Energy conservation (3) / Health (4) / Laws and legislation (16) / Measurement (15) / Planning (30) / Rural development (19) / Sustainable development (7) / Transportation (21) / Water quality (12) /

Keyword: Laws and legislation, 16 Links

New Community Design to the Rescue
Abstract: A four part report explaining how states and communities can encourage New Community Design, i.e. mixed-use, mixed-income, walkable development by eliminating institutional barriers in the marketplace.
Source: National Governor's Association
URL: http://www.nga.org/center/divisions/1,1188,T-ENVIRONMENT_EMERGENCY%5EC_ISSUE_BRIEF%5ED_2344,00.htm

Colorado Heritage Reports
Abstract: Offers links to three best practices with case studies related to land use planning and growth management, intergovernmental agreements and open space preservation.
Source: Smart Growth Colorado's Future
URL: http://www.state.co.us/smartgrowth/download.html

Abstract: A set of principles for protecting air, land and water. The Governors believe adoption and use of the principles by state and federal agencies, local governments, businesses, and individuals can help the West successfully deal with increasingly complex environmental problems.
Source: Western Governor's Association
URL: http://www.westgov.org/wga/initiatives/enlibra/default.htm

Federal Barriers to Smart Growth
Abstract: Smart growth development trends and federal barrier to smart growth.
Source: Northeast Midwest Institute
URL: http://www.nemw.org/present.htm

Dalton Quality Growth Resource Team Report (Georgia)
Abstract: Report organized into sections on: downtown and surroundings, infill development, transportation, housing, economic development and tourism, gateways and corridors, arts and culture, historic preservation, greenways and open space, and development regulations.
Source: Georgia Quality Growth Partnership
URL: http://www.dca.state.ga.us/publications/dalton.html

Sample Codes and Ordinances
Abstract: Model codes and ordinances other communities have used to implement sustainable development.
Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/management/codtoc.shtml

Development at the Urban Fringe and Beyond: Impacts on Agricultural and Rural Land
Abstract: Federal information on building capacity to plan and control growth, providing financial incentives for channeling growth in desirable directions, or coordinating local, regional, and State efforts.
Source: USDA: Economic Research Service
URL: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aer803/

Environmental Tax Shifting in Massachussetts [PDF]
Abstract: Describes how to shift taxation to things we wish to discourage, like pollution.
Source: Tellus Instutite
URL: http://www.environmentalleague.org/primer.pdf

Getting to Smart Growth: 100 Policies for Implementation [PDF]
Abstract: To address the gap between recognizing the benefits of Smart Growth and developing and implementing policies to achieve it.
Source: Smart Growth Network
URL: http://www.smartgrowth.org/pdf/gettosg.pdf

Smart Growth Policy Database
Abstract: This database highlights numerous policies and programs that states and localities nationwide have implemented to further smart growth. The policies in this database represent a variety of approaches ranging from formal legislative or regulatory efforts to informal approaches, plans, and programs.
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
URL: http://cfpub.epa.gov/sgpdb/sgdb.cfm

Protecting Water Resources [PDF]
Abstract: Smart growth and "mixed-use" strategies relating to protecting water resources for local governments.
Source: National Association of Counties (NACo)
URL: http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/pdf/waterresources_with_sg.pdf

We Believe statement
Abstract: 16 points the Council members share that underlie all of their agreements in creating their Sustainable Development report to the President.
Source: President's Council on Sustainable Development
URL: http://clinton2.nara.gov/PCSD/Publications/TF_Reports/amer-believe.html

Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Abstract: Dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems. Provides a variety of free resources to help improve transportation planning and policy analysis.
Source: Victoria Transport Policy Institute
URL: http://www.vtpi.org/

Conservation Law Foundation Case Studies
Abstract: A resource for people working to create more livable communities through sustainable measures.
Source: Conservation Law Foundation
URL: http://www.clf.org/advocacy/Cases.htm

Bicycle and pedestrian friendly land use codes
Abstract: This site gives examples for livability and sustainability, and how to use bicycle and pedestrian friendly codes to help get there.
Source: ibike.org
URL: http://www.ibike.org/engineering/landuse.htm

Desired Development Zone Incentives in Austin, Texas
Abstract: Smart Growth in Austin includes many different programs and policies. This report explains how one of the most effective programs to date is the Smart Growth Incentives. These incentives are designed to promote the three major goals of the Smart Growth Initiative.
Source: City of Austin, Texas
URL: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/news/sg_incentives.htm

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Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (northeast), WRRC (southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (southwest), P2RIC (plains), Peaks to Prairies (mountain), WRPPN (Pacific southwest), PPRC (northwest).