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Keyword: Planning, 30 Links
Smart Growth Resource Library
Abstract: A searchable catalogue of reports, websites, tools and case studies dating from 1997 until today; on Smart Growth.
Source: Smart Growth Network
URL: http://smartgrowth.org/library/Default.asp?res=800
About Smart Growth
Abstract: Definition and explanation of smart growth including references to principles and issues. Also links to news on the topic.
Source: Smart Growth Network
URL: http://www.smartgrowth.org/about/
Smart Growth for Tennessee Towns and Counties: A Process Guide
Abstract: Report on methods, tools and procedures of smart growth efforts in TN. Includes 6 models/case studies.
Source: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
URL: http://eerc.ra.utk.edu/smart/title.htm
Albuquerque 2000 Progress Report
Abstract: Information on preliminary sustainable growth measures as well as goals for a city, including future indicators.
Source: The City of Albuquerque
URL: http://www.cabq.gov/progress/index.html
Livable Tucson Goals: Highlighted Projects
Abstract: Listing of highlighted projects toward attaining managed growth.
Source: City of Tucson
URL: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/lv-toc-goals.html
New Community Design to the Rescue
Abstract: A four part report explaining how states and communities can encourage New Community Design, i.e. mixed-use, mixed-income, walkable development by eliminating institutional barriers in the marketplace.
Source: National Governor's Association
URL: http://www.nga.org/center/divisions/1,1188,T-ENVIRONMENT_EMERGENCY%5EC_ISSUE_BRIEF%5ED_2344,00.htm
Colorado Heritage Reports
Abstract: Offers links to three best practices with case studies related to land use planning and growth management, intergovernmental agreements and open space preservation.
Source: Smart Growth Colorado's Future
URL: http://www.state.co.us/smartgrowth/download.html
The Treasure Valley Partnership Agreement - 2000
Abstract: Formal document outlining community partnership goals in Idaho.
Source: U.S. Conference of Mayors
URL: http://www.usmayors.org/uscm/sustainable/tvpagreement2000.htm
The Historical Roots of Sprawl
Abstract: Excerpted from "Sustainable Cities: Concepts and Strategies for Eco-City Development" and outlining history of current development trends.
Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/articles/amerdrem.shtml
Paying the Costs of Sprawl
Abstract: Using fair-share costing to control sprawl.
Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/articles/sprawl.shtml
Ten Steps to Sustainability
Abstract: Lists important criteria for launching successful sustainability programs, with links.
Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/management/tensteps.shtml
Suburban Sprawl and Community Design
Abstract: Why community design is a good option.
Source: Great Lakes Bulletin
URL: http://www.mlui.org/pubs/glb/glbwi97/GLBwi9702.html
Our Built and Natural Environments [PDF]
Abstract: A technical review of the interactions between land use, transportation, and environmental quality.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/pdf/built.pdf
Discovering Common Ground [PDF]
Abstract: Summarizes steps that state and local governmental agencies can implement to decelerate sprawl and damaging development in western states.
Source: Tellus Instutite
URL: http://peakstoprairies.org/pdf_Files/ManagedGrowth.pdf
Ahwahnee Principles
Abstract: How to make communities more livable and environmentally sensitive. Links to an article reprinted from Western Cities Magazine describing implementation of these principles.
Source: Local Government Commission
URL: http://www.lgc.org/ahwahnee/principles.html
Getting to Smart Growth: 100 Policies for Implementation [PDF]
Abstract: To address the gap between recognizing the benefits of Smart Growth and developing and implementing policies to achieve it.
Source: Smart Growth Network
URL: http://www.smartgrowth.org/pdf/gettosg.pdf
Multi-jurisdictional cooperation [PDF]
Abstract: Promoting smart growth, infill development and sustainable transportation systems through greater multi-jurisdictional cooperation are the cross-cutting and overarching goals of the Joint Center for Sustainable Communities. This report tells how this is accomplished.
Source: Joint Center for Sustainable Communities
URL: http://www.usmayors.org/uscm/sustainable/progress_report_0699_0500.pdf
Building a Framework for a New Century
Abstract: From a report by the President's Council on Sustainable Development. It makes a case that future social progress requires that the United States broaden its commitment to environmental protection to embrace the essential components of sustainable development: environmental health, economic prosperity, and social equity and well-being. Includes how sustainable development can have market incentives.
Source: President's Council on Sustainable Development
URL: http://clinton2.nara.gov/PCSD/Publications/TF_Reports/amer-chap2.html
New Tools For Community Design and Decision Making: An Overview
Abstract: A presentation about the planning tools of the next century: Unlike other aspects of daily life and work, the act of planning our communities requires an understanding of complex and sometimes counterintuitive processes that unfold over long periods of time. This may be one reason why, in our fast-paced world, the discipline of planning as it is widely practiced has not kept pace with progress in other areas, most notably, science and technology.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.i4sd.org/TCDDM/HOME2.htm
Planning for Smart Growth: 2002 State of the States
Abstract: Smart growth measures are most successful in states where planning statutes have been modernized. APA's new report, Planning for Smart Growth: 2002 State of the States, tracks each state's level of success.
Source: APA
URL: http://www.planning.org/growingsmart/states2002.htm
Policy Guide on Smart Growth
Abstract: A step by step guide to help readers understand and implement smart growth policies.
Source: American Planning Association
URL: http://www.planning.org/policyguides/smartgrowth.htm
Orienting Urban Planning to Sustainability in Curitiba, Brazil
Abstract: Curitiba, perhaps the best planned city in Brazil and an international model for sustainable development, is more than simply the result of a few successful projects. The city's achievements are the result of strategic, integrated urban planning. This overarching strategy informs all aspects of urban planning, including social, economic and environmental programs.
Source: The International Council for Local Environmental Issues
URL: http://www3.iclei.org/localstrategies/summary/curitiba2.html
The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan - Boulder, Colorado [PDF]
Abstract: Since 1970, the city of Boulder and Boulder County have jointly adopted a comprehensive plan that guides
land use decisions in the Boulder Valley. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan is a tool designed to protect
the natural environment of the Boulder Valley while fostering a livable, vibrant and sustainable community.
Source: City and County of Boulder, Colorado
URL: http://www.ci.boulder.co.us/planning/bvcp/bvcp2002.pdf
Creating Great Neighborhoods
Abstract: Building great neighborhoods through planned density is a practical approach to growth that is being used in diverse places across the country. There is an increasing recognition nationwide that density is an integral component to creating neighborhoods that offer convenience, value and a high quality of life.
Source: Environmental Protection Agency
URL: http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/density.htm
Ten Principles for Reinventing America's Suburban Strips [PDF]
Abstract: During three days of intensive study of three strips in the Washington, D.C.,
metropolitan area, teams of planning and development experts from around the
country toured and studied three very different suburban strips. The teams were
made up of leading commercial developers, public planners, architects, economic consultants, transportation specialists, and property advisers.
ULI teams were assigned to each strip and given the following tasks: identify
the critical issues and challenges that strips face; determine the most effective ways to reinvent strips to ensure their long-term competitive position; and set strategic principles to guide suburban planners and developers in this effort. These principles were consolidated and refined by the three teams so they could be applied universally to all types of suburban strip development.
Source: Urban Land Institute
URL: http://research.uli.org/Content/Reports/PolicyPapers/PUB_R35.pdf
Ten Principles for Reinventing America's Suburban Business Districts [PDF]
Abstract: Social and market trends offer the potential to transform America’s
more than 200 suburban business districts into more vibrant, pedestrian friendly live-work-shop
places, making them the emerging focus of smart growth. Currently, such
reinvented places are in short supply. This report suggests ways to increase suburband livability.
Source: Urban Land Institute
URL: http://research.uli.org/Content/Reports/PolicyPapers/PUB_R37.pdf
New Urban Form, New Urban Challenges
Abstract: The evolution of America’s cities into urban regions with multiple economic and social hubs has created new challenges for the private and public sector that can best be addressed through more compact development that uses less land and is more closely linked to surrounding areas, according to participants in the recent ULI Larson Forum on Land Use Policy. This report details those views.
Source: Urban Land Institute
URL: http://planet.uli.org/Content/Forums/Forums_Larson_03.htm
Back to Prosperity: A Competitive Agenda for Renewing Pennsylvania
Abstract: This report contends that the economic future of a major rust belt state depends on revitalizing its demographic mix and curbing some of the nation's most radical patterns of sprawl and abandonment. Above all, the study reveals that Pennsylvania's highly decentralized growth patterns are weakening the state's established communities, undercutting the very places whose assets the state needs to compete in the knowledge economy.
Source: The Brookings Institution
URL: http://www.brook.edu/es/urban/publications/pa.htm
Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment
Abstract: UNDPs Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment (PPPUE) facility supports the development of innovative partnerships between public and private actors at the local level. Focusing on assisting small and medium-sized cities, PPPUE works with all potential stakeholders, including investors, providers, regulators, users, and experts to meet the challenge of providing basic urban environmental services.
Source: United Nations Development Program
URL: http://www.undp.org/ppp/
Building Alternatives for Public Projects: A Smart Growth Approach [PDF]
Abstract: In depth review of how communities can develop a process for green building, why traditional buildings and communities consume so much, and case studies showing alternatives to sprawl and environmental degradation.
Source: University of Wisconsin Extension Service
URL: http://www.uwex.edu/shwec/Pubs/pdf/ba0002print.pdf
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