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Keyword: Sustainable development, 7 Links
About Smart Growth
Abstract: Definition and explanation of smart growth including references to principles and issues. Also links to news on the topic.
Source: Smart Growth Network
URL: http://www.smartgrowth.org/about/
Conservation Law Foundation Case Studies
Abstract: A resource for people working to create more livable communities through sustainable measures.
Source: Conservation Law Foundation
URL: http://www.clf.org/advocacy/Cases.htm
Back to Prosperity: A Competitive Agenda for Renewing Pennsylvania
Abstract: This report contends that the economic future of a major rust belt state depends on revitalizing its demographic mix and curbing some of the nation's most radical patterns of sprawl and abandonment. Above all, the study reveals that Pennsylvania's highly decentralized growth patterns are weakening the state's established communities, undercutting the very places whose assets the state needs to compete in the knowledge economy.
Source: The Brookings Institution
URL: http://www.brook.edu/es/urban/publications/pa.htm
Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment
Abstract: UNDPs Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment (PPPUE) facility supports the development of innovative partnerships between public and private actors at the local level. Focusing on assisting small and medium-sized cities, PPPUE works with all potential stakeholders, including investors, providers, regulators, users, and experts to meet the challenge of providing basic urban environmental services.
Source: United Nations Development Program
URL: http://www.undp.org/ppp/
Linking Sustainable Community Activities to Pollution Prevention:
Abstract: This highly respected source book documents how communities across the United States are taking a new approach to developing long-term healthy communities based on the concepts of sustainability. This report discusses the growing sustainable community "movement." Its purpose is to shed some light on this movement, to describe a range of efforts currently under way in U.S. communities, to explain the relationship of such efforts to pollution prevention (P2) activities, and to act as a reference source about sustainable communities for P2 practitioners and other individuals interested in these topics.
Source: Rand Corporation
URL: http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR855/
What is the Triple Bottom Line?
Abstract: The triple bottom line (TBL) focuses corporations not just on the economic value they add, but also on the environmental and social value they add – and destroy. The three lines represent society, the economy and the environment.
Source: SustainAbility
URL: http://www.sustainability.com/philosophy/triple-bottom/tbl-intro.asp
Building Alternatives for Public Projects: A Smart Growth Approach [PDF]
Abstract: In depth review of how communities can develop a process for green building, why traditional buildings and communities consume so much, and case studies showing alternatives to sprawl and environmental degradation.
Source: University of Wisconsin Extension Service
URL: http://www.uwex.edu/shwec/Pubs/pdf/ba0002print.pdf
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