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Keyword: Economics, 23 Links
Paying the Costs of Sprawl
Abstract: Using fair-share costing to control sprawl.
Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/articles/sprawl.shtml
Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benefits of Green Development
Abstract: Information on and profiles of well-executed and profitable green development projects.
Source: Rocky Mountain Institute
URL: http://www.rmi.org/sitepages/pid221.php
Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development: Case Studies
Abstract: Sustainable development success stories from communities across the United States
Source: Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/management/sstoc.shtml
Building Quality Communities: Making Local Land Use Decisions by Choice and Not by Chance [PDF]
Abstract: Identifies key issues for municipal officials to consider when making land use and infrastructure investment decisions. Explores how to clarify local context and causes, apply a communities vision and values, and use tools and targets in strategic ways.
Source: The National League of Cities
URL: http://www.nlc.org/nlc_org/site/files/reports/futrpt01.pdf
Environmental Tax Shifting in Massachussetts [PDF]
Abstract: Describes how to shift taxation to things we wish to discourage, like pollution.
Source: Tellus Instutite
URL: http://www.environmentalleague.org/primer.pdf
Smart Growth Funding Sources
Abstract: Guide of funding resources to assist local and state governments, communities, and non-governmental organizations who are addressing the varied aspects of growth.
Source: EPA
URL: http://www.epa.gov/livability/funding.htm
Measuring Change in Rural Communities: A Workbook for Determining Demographic, Economic and Fiscal Trends
Abstract: Rural communities are in constant flux—people move in and out of town, industries rise and fall, and job markets shift.This workbook helps rural residents make sense of these changes and plan for the future. Exercises in the workbook are designed to help communities gather and interpret social, demographic, and economic data.
Scroll down this publications list to this book.
Source: Sonoran Institute
URL: http://www.sonoran.org/pdfs/si_publications_list.pdf
Sustainability and the Bottom Line
Abstract: A company’s ability to effectively manage, measure, and communicate its energy and environmental performance will be a major factor in its future success.
Source: GreenBiz.com
URL: http://www.greenbiz.com/news/reviews_third.cfm?NewsID=19993
Beyond Sprawl - Growth Planning for California
Abstract: This widely acclaimed report suggests new ideas about how California can continue to grow while still fostering the economic vitality and quality of life that makes it such a vibrant place to live and work. It is sponsored by a diverse coalition-the California Resources Agency, a government conservation agency; Bank of America, California's largest bank; Greenbelt Alliance, the Bay Area's citizen conservation and planning organization; and the Low Income Housing Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to low-income housing.
Source: Bank of America, et al
URL: http://www.rut.com/misc/beyondSprawl.html
Environmental and Economic Costs of Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits
Abstract: Soil erosion is a major environmental threat to the sustainability and productive capacity of agriculture. During the last 40 years, nearly one-third of the worlds arable land has been lost by erosion and continues to be lost at a rate of more than 10 million hectares per year.
Source: Science Magazine
URL: http://www.pmac.net/science2.htm
Building a Framework for a New Century
Abstract: From a report by the President's Council on Sustainable Development. It makes a case that future social progress requires that the United States broaden its commitment to environmental protection to embrace the essential components of sustainable development: environmental health, economic prosperity, and social equity and well-being. Includes how sustainable development can have market incentives.
Source: President's Council on Sustainable Development
URL: http://clinton2.nara.gov/PCSD/Publications/TF_Reports/amer-chap2.html
The Cost of Sprawl [PDF]
Abstract: Discusses monetary and environmental costs related to sprawl development outside of centralized metropolitan areas in Maine.
Source: Maine State Planning Office
URL: http://www.state.me.us/spo/landuse/docs/CostofSprawl.pdf
International Experiences on Sustainability
Abstract: Volume 12 of the Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability series is a compendium of international experiences on sustainability. The papers in this volume provide concrete examples of successful or promising governmental, inter governmental, and non-governmental sustainability implementation efforts and initiatives, showing that sustainability as both a process and a goal may be pursued in multiple ways.
Source: Projetcke.org
URL: http://www.projekte.org/international.experiences/
Economic Benefits of Parks and Open Space
Abstract: How land conservation helps communities grow smart and protect the bottom line as an investment that produces important economic benefits.
Source: The Trust for Public Land
URL: http://www.tpl.org/tier3_cdl.cfm?content_item_id=1145&folder_id=727
Competition for the Land Project
Abstract: Public policies - from property taxation to development fees to zoning - skew the
economics of land development in favor of sprawl and against smart growth. This example talks about California's Central Valley. The full report is available from this link.
Source: American Farmland Trust
URL: http://www.farmland.org/cfl/centvalleyexec.htm
Resource Guide for Sustainable Development in an Urban Environment [PDF]
Abstract: Case study from South Lake Union in Seattle, Washington, highlights expected economic and environmental paybacks if a Sustainable Growth Plan is adopted.
Source: Urban Environmental Institute
URL: http://www.usgbc.org/Docs/Resources/SLU_Final_10-22-02.pdf
Cabrini Green
Abstract: Over the years, as violence, gang activity, drugs and physical deterioration plagued Cabrini-Green, this site has become a national symbol for the problems associated with public housing.
Today, Cabrini-Green is a high-density combination of high-rise buildings and row houses.
Source: Chicago Housing Authority
URL: http://thecha.org/housingdev/cabrini_green_homes.html
Preserving New York City's watersheds
Abstract: In terms of human benefits, one would be hard-pressed to name a more critical natural habitat anywhere in the world. The catastrophic consequences of not protecting this prize-winning unfiltered water supply, is both economic and environmental. This report tells what is being done.
Source: New York Public Interest Research Group
URL: http://www.nypirg.org/enviro/water/watershed_agreement.html
Putting the Pieces Together [PDF]
Abstract: Using growth situations in California, this report analyzes barriers to achieving objectives most people express as desirable. These include the need to preserve open space, quality of life, a clean environment, and a dynamic economy that works for people.
Source: Urban Land Institute
URL: http://research.uli.org/Content/Reports/PolicyPapers/PFR_672.pdf
Paying for Prosperity: Impact Fees and Job Growth
Abstract: This report addresses the controversy around impact fees by reviewing the academic literature concerning the effect of impact fees on employment and the economy generally. In addition, the report presents a new analysis of the relationship between impact fees and job creation by assessing impact fee and economic data.
Source: The Brookings Institution
URL: http://www.brook.edu/es/urban/publications/nelsonimpactfees.htm
Back to Prosperity: A Competitive Agenda for Renewing Pennsylvania
Abstract: This report contends that the economic future of a major rust belt state depends on revitalizing its demographic mix and curbing some of the nation's most radical patterns of sprawl and abandonment. Above all, the study reveals that Pennsylvania's highly decentralized growth patterns are weakening the state's established communities, undercutting the very places whose assets the state needs to compete in the knowledge economy.
Source: The Brookings Institution
URL: http://www.brook.edu/es/urban/publications/pa.htm
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution
Abstract: This website leads the reader into the book titled Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. This is the first book to explore the lucrative opportunities for businesses in an era of approaching environmental limits.
Source: Rocky Mountain Institute
URL: http://www.natcap.org/
What is the Triple Bottom Line?
Abstract: The triple bottom line (TBL) focuses corporations not just on the economic value they add, but also on the environmental and social value they add – and destroy. The three lines represent society, the economy and the environment.
Source: SustainAbility
URL: http://www.sustainability.com/philosophy/triple-bottom/tbl-intro.asp
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