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New Community Design to the Rescue
A four part report explaining how states and communities can encourage New Community Design, i.e. mi...

Ten Steps to Sustainability
Lists important criteria for launching successful sustainability programs, with links.

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Air quality (5) / Building (13) / Business (9) / Climatic changes (2) / Conservation of natural resources (10) / Economics (23) / Education (14) / Energy conservation (3) / Health (4) / Laws and legislation (16) / Measurement (15) / Planning (30) / Rural development (19) / Sustainable development (7) / Transportation (21) / Water quality (12) /

Keyword: Business, 9 Links

Livable Tucson Goals: Highlighted Projects
Abstract: Listing of highlighted projects toward attaining managed growth.
Source: City of Tucson
URL: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/lv-toc-goals.html

Green Communities
Abstract: A step-by-step guide for planning and implementing sustainable actions.
Source: U.S. EPA Region III
URL: http://www.epa.gov/greenkit/index.html

Dalton Quality Growth Resource Team Report (Georgia)
Abstract: Report organized into sections on: downtown and surroundings, infill development, transportation, housing, economic development and tourism, gateways and corridors, arts and culture, historic preservation, greenways and open space, and development regulations.
Source: Georgia Quality Growth Partnership
URL: http://www.dca.state.ga.us/publications/dalton.html

Sustainability and the Bottom Line
Abstract: A company’s ability to effectively manage, measure, and communicate its energy and environmental performance will be a major factor in its future success.
Source: GreenBiz.com
URL: http://www.greenbiz.com/news/reviews_third.cfm?NewsID=19993

Can Business be Sustained?
Abstract: Reviews past and current business practices in regards to sustainability. Offers case studies for sustainable aspects.
Source: Department of Energy
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/business/buintro.shtml

Industrial Ecology and the Guest-service Sector
Abstract: Industrial ecology (IE) has historically focused on manufacturing but could be applied more broadly, particularly to sectors of the economy not typically considered "dirty." The guest-service sector, for example, has a significant ecological footprint, often in environmentally sensitive areas, and would benefit from an IE perspective. This report summarizes some of those findings.
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
URL: http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?sid=91306627-D627-447A-AFA7-ADB1A44B57B1&ttype=6&tid=10713

Sustainable Technologies Industrial Park
Abstract: This abstract describes the sustainable development action strategy of Northampton County, Virginia. Northhampton is home to a nationally recognized rural development model. It converted years of poverty into a winning combination of twenty-first-century industry and environmental stewardship
Source: Department of Energy
URL: http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/success/northam.shtml

Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution
Abstract: This website leads the reader into the book titled Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. This is the first book to explore the lucrative opportunities for businesses in an era of approaching environmental limits.
Source: Rocky Mountain Institute
URL: http://www.natcap.org/

What is the Triple Bottom Line?
Abstract: The triple bottom line (TBL) focuses corporations not just on the economic value they add, but also on the environmental and social value they add – and destroy. The three lines represent society, the economy and the environment.
Source: SustainAbility
URL: http://www.sustainability.com/philosophy/triple-bottom/tbl-intro.asp

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Peaks to Prairies is a member of the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange, a national network of regional information centers: NEWMOA (northeast), WRRC (southeast), GLRPPR (Great Lakes), ZeroWasteNet (southwest), P2RIC (plains), Peaks to Prairies (mountain), WRPPN (Pacific southwest), PPRC (northwest).